CHAPTER 29 - Dinner Plans

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Posted: April 4, 2023

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The next day I was stilling very sick from all the trying I did and on top of that I had a hangover, which was not surprising at all to be honest, so I decided to take the day off. I said I was sick, it wasn't a complete lie.

Sofia was a huge help, she made me tea and watched 'Mama Mia' with me.

I knew that I was making it a way better deal than it was. I was only in the same elevator as him only for a few minutes.

But Sofia was Sofia and she stayed with me the whole time, asking if I need anything every few minutes just for the sake of it.

The next day I pulled myself together and went to work.

Today was actually a very interesting day. I got to interview Iceland's participants. It was really fun, they were interesting to talk to and said some interesting stuff. For the rest of the day I had a lot of paperwork and editing to do. It wasn't as exciting, but I was still enjoying it dearly. I wanted to appreciate every minute I got to while working on Eurovision itself.

I would have never it to anyone else, but secretly I've been trying to hide in my office the the most part of the day.

In the evening I went to a restaurant with Kim and Sofia to have dinner.

Next day was not so calm.

While in the bathrooms I ran in to Vic.

I was washing my hands when she walked.

"EHI. (Hey.)" She said.

Did she know about my freak-out in the elevator few days ago?

"Ciao. (Hi.)" I answered back and turned to leave already. I wasn't angry with her as I was with Damiano, but it still... didn't feel so right.

"Aspettare! (Wait!)" She suddenly gasped.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around to look at her. I fought the urge to cross my arms over my chest.

"Sto aspettando. (I'm waiting.)" I don't know where the snappiness came from.

She looked at me for a few seconds, opened her mouth to talk the closed and opened again, "we missed you," she said.

I softened at that, it was the last thing I was expecting to hear, I wanted to say I missed them too, but it wasn't that simple. I also couldn't leave her hanging at that. "Good to know." I replied and walked out.

Good to know. What a stupid thing to say. Especially to Victoria. Victoria who didn't even do anything. It was all Damiano' fault.

When I stood outside the door I paused. I didn't want to leave it at that.

So I walked back in.

She was already in a stall by then so I had to wait until she got out.

"Oh," she gasped.

"Scusa, non volevo spaventarti. (Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you)" I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Va bene. (It's okay)," she waved a hand.

"Uhm... ti- ti- forse ti piacerebbe- incontrarmi per cenare? (Uhm... do you- do- maybe you'd like to- to meet up with me to have dinner?) " I stammered nervously.

She didn't say anything for a while, then she nodded, "sicura (sure)."

"Allora ti mando un messaggio. (I'll text you then.)" I said.

"Va bene. Allora ci vediamo dopo. (Okay. See you later then.)"

"Sì, ci vediamo. (Yeah, see ya.)"

I haven't had a conversation in Italian for a really long time.

I don't speak Italian so I don't know if this is correct. If someone here speaks Italian, can you please correct me in the places I made mistakes. Thanks.

As always don't forget to vote.

word count: 0,6k

next post: April 11, 2023 - May 4, 2023

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