CHAPTER 4 - the accident

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The sun woke me up this morning very early at 07:30. I had forgotten to close the curtains last night. Even thought I had slept for only 4 hours today I felt fully rested. Victoria was still asleep so I quietly left the bedroom.

The living room was a mess, but I didn't want to make any noise and wake the others up, so decided to got a walk along the beach.

I had went to sleep in my sweats so I didn't really need to change, I just took the keys Damiano had given me and my phone and left the flat.

Near the building there was a wooden pathway leading to the beach. It was a very nice walk, there were a lot of bushes growing around. They weren't very lively, but there's nothing surprising about it because it's the start of January.

Omg the start of January. I had forgotten how soon Damiano's birthday is. It's this Wednesday, in two days. I have to think of a present for him. But in the end I decided to think about it a bit later.

Now I had reached the beach. It was so beautiful, I hadn't seen the sea in a few months. The wind was strong making the waves even more powerful, I didn't even feel myself when I started walking towards it. My legs were dragging me into the water. I only woke up from my thoughts when my sweatpants got wet.

"Shit" I cursed.

I got out of the water and looked around. No one is here. I took of my pants and slowly walked along the shore. I was fully hypnotized by my thoughts again. I sank into them and forgot everything around me, I only heard the waves breaking. I enjoyed the peaceful moment.

I checked my phone it was already half past 8, so I decided that's it's time to head back.

When I was already on the lift and was about to go up, the doors opened. An elderly woman got in and we started going up. She started starring at me. At first I didn't know why is she looking at me, but then remembered that I was only in my underwear besides my jumper. It was very awkward. Luckily she got off on the third floor, and I continued going up.

I entered the apartment and saw that Damiano was awake.

"Good morning" I announced my presents.

"Good morning" he greeted me. "Where were you?"

"Just took a walk by the beach" I answered wiping the sand off my feet. "What are you cooking?" I asked him seeing him by the stove.

"Nothing special just making all of us an oatmeal. Too lazy for anything else." Then he lifted his brown eyes and looked at me, I was walking to the balcony. "New trend huh?" He asked making fun of me.

"Ha, ha very funny" I fake laughed "thank you for your notice, actually my pants got wet from the water." I said while hanging my pants on the chair in the balcony to dry.

Damiano had taken the pot of the stove on the counter. I entered the kitchen, I tried sitting on the counter to chat with him, but I was unsuccessful and placed my ass on the hot stove.

"Fuck!" I screamed while jumping off. "I burned myself!"

I saw that Damiano was trying not to laugh. "Not funny" I got mad.

"Fine, fine. Let me take a look." He said and lifted my jumper, so he could see the burn.

"Y/n..., it's all red" he said after looking. "Lay down."

"Okay" I agreed because I didn't know what to do. Damiano wetted a towel with cold water, squatted and placed it on the burn.

"Better?" He asked.

"Not yet to be honest." I said trying to look at him.

He was patiently holding it on my burn before saying "it's getting warm." He got up and took a packet of frozen vegetables out of the freezer. He placed it on the towel that was still on my butt.

From the Beggining - Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now