CHAPTER 6 - fear

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We left the building and was immediately bombarded by paparazzi. I wasn't expecting it at all, never before in my life I have ever been attacked by cameras. Hundreds of lights were flashing in front blinding us. We were trying to walk away, but couldn't, the crowd was too big. Then they did probably the worst thing imaginable. They started trying to get pictures under my dress. I was terrified and disgusted, all the happiness I felt before disappeared and fear replaced it.

"GET THE FUCH AWAY FROM US!" Damiano yelled quickly pulling me closer to him and holding down my dress so they couldn't take pictures.

I haven't seen Damiano so angry ever in my life. I suddenly felt warm tears rolling down my face. I tried to stop crying not to show paparazzi how they affected me.

 Even though Damiano was holding my dress they were still trying to take the pictures. We were fully surrounded by cameras. We finally escaped them and started running to the car. The camera gear was too heavy for them so couldn't catch up to us.

We got to the car, Damiano opened the door for me and made sure I got in safely, only after helping me he got in himself. 

My whole body was shaking and covered in goosebumps, I started having trouble catching air. I started having a full on panic attack. 

"Breath in deeply y/n" Damiano instructed me nervously, but still firmly.

"I... ca... can't." Somehow I squeezed out the words.

Neither of us really knew what to do in a panic attack, so Damiano decided to call Victoria. I have had panic attacks in the past, but they weren't that strong.

Damiano looked stressed. "Hello." Victoria answered a bit confused.

"Victoria I don't know what to do, y/n is having a full on panic attack, help." Damiano said worried while taking my hand and starting rubbing it.

"Put me on speaker." She instructed. Damiano did exactly that.

"Y/n, can you hear me?" Vic asked.

I nodded then realised she can't see me. "Yes"

"Okay, count with me to ten, one, two..." I started counting with her while squeezing Damiano's hand. We repeated that several times and I felt a lot better.

"Thanks Vic." I thanked her and we said goodbye.

Damiano leaned over to me and kissed my cheek.

"I can't believe those paparazzis, let's go home." Damiano complained while starting to drive.

I opened the block from the sun from the ceiling and looked in the mirror. "I look horrible." I said through the tears laughing. Damiano took a glance at me and just smiled.

We got back to the apartment building, parked the car and walked to the elevator holding hands. In the lift I took of my loafers, I got tired from wearing them all day.

When we got back I was too exhausted to do anything, I just took of my makeup, brushed my teeth and changed into a pijama. I walked to the living where Damiano was to say goodnight.

"Goodnight Dami." I said and turned around.

"Where are you going?" Damiano asked lifting his brown eyes at me.

"I'm going to sleep." I said confused.

"You shouldn't sleep alone this night knowing what happened."

"I'm alright now, so there's no need to." I explained

Damiano looked at me very serious, I knew his mind couldn't be changed. He came to me picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"What are you doing." I asked giggling. "Wow, he really cares." I thought.

"Taking you to bed because you weren't going to yourself." I couldn't see his face, but I knew he was smiling.

Now we were standing at the bed, Damiano carefully put me on the surface and covered me with a duvet.

"Here. And don't move." Damiano instructed while moving his finger.

He got in the bed turned of the light and turned to me.

"Goodnight night y/n." He said while caressing my cheek.

"Goodnight Damiano." I grinned.And we both fell asleep.

A few days later I was walking in the city with Vic looking for a place to spend our afternoon. We were having a great time and enjoying this calm afternoon. We wanted to find a caffè where you can sit outside with your dog because Victoria has taken Chili with us.

Chili was a young, very energetic puppy, she probably walked double the distance we walked because she was wandering to all directions.

After a while we found a very nice outdoors dog friendly caffè. Victoria tied Chili around a pole so she didn't go anywhere. We made our selves comfortable and ordered coffee with deserts. I got a cheesecake, Vic got a brownie.

We chatted about the latest celebrity dramas, not really noticing how the time went by. We sat in that caffè for more than and hour when we decided it's time to leave. We paid and left the caffè.

We didn't want to say goodbye to each other yet so we went to a park which was stunning and very alive. 

Everything was great until a bunch of people surrounded us and started taking pictures of. The only thing we could see was the flashes of the cameras. I was terrified again.

When suddenly I woke up. "It's just a dream, it's just a dream." I repeated to myself out loud. I was shaking and drenched in sweat.

Through the blind darkness I tried to find my phone and turn on the flashlight. My shaky hands couldn't grope anything.

Then I felt someone's hand clutching mine. It was Damiano, he turned on the light on the bed stand beside him. He sat up and pulled me closer to him with both of his hands, now my head laid on his chest.

"Let's go get some fresh air." Damiano whispered softly looking down at me.

"Okay" I agreed. He picked me up, grabbed a blanket and brought us to the balcony. Damiano sat on the chair and laid me down in his arms. After that he tucked me in with the blanket that he had brought.

"I'm sorry I woke you up Damiano." I apologised not looking at him. I felt so comfortable in his arms.

"There's nothing to apologise for, it's not your fault." He said comforting me.

After a while he then asked. "Are you cold?"

"No." I answered. "Are you?" I asked finally lifting my head to him.

"No" he said as he was pulling me closer to him.

I am so lucky to have Damiano by my side. I didn't deserve all of this care I was receiving. Damiano is probably the best thing to ever happen to me.

Damiano cuddled me like that until I fell asleep again.


Hey guys this chapter was a bit more sensitive, but I had so much fun writing it. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

As always if you liked it please vote and share you feedback. Your votes always make my day better :)

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