CHAPTER 34 - The start of the night

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Posted: June 4, 2023

Only about an hour later Sofia returned.

"I'm so sorry for bringing up mum," I jumped from my seat to apologize.

"It's okay. I shouldn't have stormed out like that. I think - I think it's time we start... to talk about her."

"I agree," I said. "But not now."

"Yes, of course not now, because I brought us dinner."

I only now noticed that she was holding a not so small paper bag.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Chinese. I walked past this place and it smelled very good, so I decided to grab us something."

"Well, let's go sit and decide if it tastes as good as it smells," I too the bag from her and walked to the living room. "Let's eat here and watch a movie."

"Ok by me," Sofia walked in after me.

We settled down on the ground by the coffee table, where our food was placed. I grabbed the tv remote and asked, "what'd you wanna watch?"

"Ehh... whatever."

"Cars? We can have a marathon."

"Sure," Sofia said as she opened a box of spicy noodles.

"Ok," I turned on the movie and we started watching.

Halfway into the movie I noticed Sofia watching me, "what?"


"You're sitting there with a guilty face. What is it?"

"Remember Martina from my primary school?"

"Martina P?"

"Yes, that one."


"She's here in Rotterdam for the night."

"And you wanna go out with her?"

"Yes," Sofia replied slowly.

"Then go if you want to."

"What about you. You'll have to stay here all alone for the night.

"Don't worry about me. If you're so worried I can find someone to hangout with."


"Come on, Sof. Go out, you haven't done it in a while."

"Yes I have."

"Don't argue with me, just go."

Sofia got ready in 20 minutes and I walked her out the door.

"You're concerned about me being alone, aren't you?"

"A bit," she confessed.

"Hey. I can make friends, watch me," I looked around to see if I can spot anyone. "See that man?" I motioned with my head to the direction of the person. "He can keep me company," Sofia raised an eyebrow as if saying are you seriously going to do that? "Hey, you! Want to come over, eat Chinese food and watch cars?" I shouted then turned to my sister. "See, I'm good. Now go," I physically pushed her to the elevator. "Bye."

"Bye," she said back and the lift door closed.

I turned to the direction of the man, to see what he thought of my very loud invitation. The man was looking at me with a very intense look. Of course he was. Because he was Damiano fucking David. I swallowed. I think we were obliged to talk now. I walked over to see. I stuffed my hands into my jumper pockets to hide the fact that they were shaking like crazy.

"Ciao (Hi)," I said trying to sound nonchalant.

"Ciao (Hi)," he said back.

"Scusa, non sapevo fossi tu. Ho chiamato solo per sbarazzarmi di Sofia. Non voleva lasciarmi solo. (I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you. I called just to get rid of Sofia. She didn't want to leave me alone)," I explained.

"Tu e Sofia state litigando? (Are you and Sofia fighting?)" he asked.

"Oh, no, no. Non è così. Voleva uscire con un'amica, ma non voleva lasciarmi sola. (Oh, no, no. It's not like that. She wanted to go out with a friend, but she didn't want to leave me alone)," I explained again.

"È carino da parte sua. E tu. (That's nice of her. And you)," he added after a pause.

"Suppongo. (I guess)," I said as I finally broke our eye contact.

"L'offerta su cinese e film è ancora valida? (Does the offer about chinese and movie still stand?)" Damiano inquired.

"Ehm... certo. (Uh... sure)," I shrugged after thinking for a second.

"Se ti mette a disagio — (If it makes you uncomfortable — )" he began as we started towards the door.

"No! (No)," I said too quickly for him to believe it. "Non è così. Non mi rende — a disagio. (It doesn't. It doesn't make me — uncomfortale)," I said again to reassure him.

"Bene. (Good)," he said as we walked past the door and he closed it.

It was the longest conversation we have shared in two years.

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Next post: June 11, 2023 - July 4, 2023

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