Award Ceremony

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Arthur POV:

'What a match,' I thought with my mouth agape. I wasn't the only one as well. Pretty much everyone in the audience was shocked by power shown by the two of them. 

Alistair looked at me and said, "Gary won the fight." I could tell he was also shocked during this match.

'Grandpa was right, this is a good wake up call for me.'

The smoke and dust cleared and revealed a completely destroyed stadium. I saw Gary standing alone, balancing himself on a piece of the stadium while feeling exhausted.

I turned to the other side to see Lancelot out of the destroyed stadium and unconscious. 

Cynthia looked at the two before announcing, "The winner of the finals, and thus the Three Races tournament, is Gary Whiteborn!"

Thunderous applause rained down on the contestants while both were escorted by the medical staff. 

After 45 minutes, all of the participants were escorted back to the arena.

"Let us begin the award ceremony!" Cynthia announced excitedly.

"Darror and Rachel both had the right to third place as they both reached the semi-finals," she continued, "however, the royal family and other judges decided that Rachel had shown a superior performance to him and thus deserves third place. Rachel Glidesburn placed third in the Three Races Tournament!"

I saw Rachel go up to Cynthia with an elated expression on her face as she accepted the bronze medal. 'It was obvious that she would be chosen over Darror,' I thought as I looked on.

"In second place, we have Lancelot Orbel!" I saw Lancelot receive a silver medal from Cynthia next.

"And now, we have the winner of the Three Races Tournament, Gary Whiteborn!" Applause grew even wilder and louder when his name was announced. Gary received a gold medal and stood on the podium.

After all the excitement was down, she announced the end of the Three Races Tournament.

'This was truly worth it,' I thought as I started to leave with my family.

(A/N: I'll start focusing on Alistair when he goes adventuring with Arthur. He is still quite young right now since he isn't reincarnated so I wanted to wait before writing from his point of view.)

Gary POV:

Getting first place and gold medal felt better than I thought. 'The exhilarating feeling I got before and now this, is Monarch's Indifference falling off? It would be a good thing if it did, it's hard to not have emotions as a child.'

I then went and greeted both Rachel and Lancelot. "Congratulations on your victory," both of said to me.

"You two were really strong as well," I replied. 

"Of course, it won't be long before I surpass you," Lancelot said smugly.

'I was just trying to be courteous but he has to act arrogant!'

"It had been proved that I am number 1 now, hasn't it," I said in a slightly mocking tone.

However, I regretted it when I saw how eager Lancelot was as he said, "We should meet more often and train together!"

I nodded my head while Rachel had a surprised expression on her face.

'Looks like Lancelot wants a rival to help him grow. He reminds me of Jin.'

"Actually, Rachel and I have been working on some mana theory, could you help us with that?" he asked me.

'Mana theory? How interesting,' I thought as I replied with a nod.

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