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(A/N: Adding this to the epilogue chapter seemed too much, so here is early release of Arthur's fall. I think this new direction will be interesting and took forward to hearing what you guys thinks! See you guys later!)

Gary POV:

Power left my body and I could feel the mana pulsing through my veins steadily decreasing before I reached my initial level of strength. It almost reached my initial strength.

The sudden rush of mana from using Limit Breaker as well as the high levels of ambient mana allowed me to break through to the mid silver stage, boosting my strength to a new level.

The Lances who had imprisoned the traitor and the enemy were gawking at me. They didn't seem to be inquiring about an explanation however I simply told them a white lie, "My strength was a temporary boost and I was not necessarily hiding my strength."

The two of them didn't seem to completely believe me, after all, even the power boost given by spirits and beast wills pales in comparison to Limit Breaker.

"What is the next course of action?" I asked in a cold voice, using Monarch's Indifference to shut off my emotions and think logically. 

"We will begin the interrogation of these two. However, we will need statements from people here it that isn't too hard, Gary." Bairon hesitantly spoke, afraid to offend me even when I told him my power was only temporary.

I ignored the tone of his voice and replied, "Take the statements from the survivors. I have healed most of them except for a few that died."

I turned towards Claire and Arthur who was kneeling next to her. A dangerous aura surrounded his body, causing my brows to furrow.

'I didn't think they had such a relationship,' I decided that it was better for me to let his loved ones console him rather than me. With that thought, I saw the onslaught of parents and adventurers who rushed into the Xyrus Academy by taking advantage of the fact that I broke the barrier.

Arthur POV:

Her cold, limp body draped over my body. She felt light, weak. No strength pulsed through her body, no chest heaving could be observed nor could any heart beat be felt.

She died.

She died.

She died.

I had thought that I was used to killing and death. The death of my best friend Cecily by my own hands, as well as the deaths of many others should have numbed my feeling completely. 

But if that was the case, why was my heart threatening to burst out of chest? Why was my mind being flooded with memories of the time we spent together, refusing to move forward into a future without her?

'Is this grief?' I wondered internally, unable to think properly as if I was under the influence of alcohol.

'It was all because you were weak Arthur,' a familiar voice whispered into my ears. The voice that continuously tried to get my attention by saying that I had gotten weak and too emotional seemed enticing now.

The offer was life changing. It offered me power to protect my loved ones, a mask to hide my emotions while having a positive outlook on the front and ensuring that no deaths ever bothered me.

Perhaps if I hadn't been pushed into the state I had been, I wouldn't have taken this offer.

'If I take your offer,' I replied to my inner self, 'Is it really possible?'

I could feel my inner self grinning maniacally before laughing and replying, "Of course it is! With both of us combined, you would be able to achieve everything you ever wanted."

"Trust me, Arthur Leywin. Give yourself to me and let go."

Grey raised his hand in front of himself, beckoning me to take it.

I took a step forward. Quite whispers began to resound around me but I ignored them as I took another step.

The whispers grew louder and louder. The voices of my mother, my sister, my father, Alistair, Tessia, Grandpa Virion, Elijah and Twin Horns.

All of them told me the same thing.

'Don't go Arthur!'

'Don't trust that monster, son!'

'You better not trust that man brat!'

'Please, brother, stay with me!'

Their pleasing voices almost worked. My steps paused as I turned around, seeing a colourful world with everyone smiling and playing around.

'Yes, this is the life I want,' I thought, 'A live with colour, with everyone happy. I should n—'


Suddenly, the colourful pictures were replaced by grey ones full of red blood. My eyes widened in horror I stared at the sight in front of me.

Mutilated limbs. Chopped off bodies. Despair.

All these sights lay in front of me.

"W-what happened?" I asked in shock as I almost fell to the ground.

"This is what will happen in the future if you don't follow me Arthur!" Grey said as his voice boomed around.

"All your loved ones would die one by one in front of you, with your emotions and lack of training stopping you from doing anything to help them."

"N-no. Please not that!" I cried out. "Anything but that!"

"Good to know we have the same opinion," Grey smirked, "Come, hold my hand and I'll free you from this future!"

I nodded my head before making my way towards him. The loud whispers began to fade away. I turned around to see the colourful scenery again, but I wasn't bewitched again.

'I am sorry,' I thought, 'But I'll do anything to protect that happiness of yours.'

I ignored the pleas and took Grey's hand.

"Good!" Grey said as the world around me turned black.

Rise of Legends - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now