Chapter 20: Middle Name

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Alaiya's POV:

"What's going on?" I ask as I shut the door to our bedroom because Eldon said we needed privacy.

"Did something happen?" Ivy asks.

"The person knows that we're in hiding and that I've been contacting them through Roman's phone, but that's not the issue. It's this." He turns his laptop around in his hands and shows us a message.

Unknown: Since this is one of Roman's little friends, let me ask you this. Has Roman told you about how Alaiya isn't the only one with a "traumatic past"? His mom was a great example.

My heartbeat speeds up instantly, but probably not as fast as Roman's who seems to be hiding it better than I am.

"I asked both of you to tell me if anything or anyone from your past could be doing this. I cannot protect you if I don't know everything," Eldon argues.

"It had nothing to do with this." Roman shrugs, obviously trying to keep his cool.

"Roman, whoever this is could be someone related to your mother's past," Eldon tries to reason with him.

"Don't push on this, Eldon," I speak up because this is something no one should have to say out loud if they're not ready.

"Alaiya, this person is stalking all of us right now and is going to announce whatever this is to the public."

My heart stops.

They're going to what?!

"How do you know that?" I ask.

"Read the rest." Eldon turns the laptop back around after scrolling a little.

Unknown: Well, even if he doesn't tell you, it doesn't matter. But I will give you a deal. Either tell that bitch Alaiya to meet me at the address I'm going to send, or every magazine will know what Roman's been hiding. You have 72 hours.

Who the actual hell would do something like this? Who would hate me so much to say things like this about Roman to the entire world!? It isn't their place to announce this. Roman should have the right to choose when he tells people. Even if he decides not to, it should be his decision.

Everything stays quiet as I look up at Roman and see his jaw as sharp as it's ever been. I can practically hear his teeth grinding. My anger is growing to an extent I didn't know it could grow up to.

I'm pissed. I am genuinely furious for him. I don't care if this person has some stupid vendetta against me, but for them to not only put Roman in the hospital but also threaten him about his mother?!

"Can you give us a few minutes to talk?" I request because I don't want to talk about this in front of Ivy or Eldon.

Eldon gives a tight nod and Ivy follows behind him, looking very confused about what's going on.

"You have until tomorrow. We have to make a plan before these seventy-two hours end," Eldon warns before shutting the door and I immediately begin, my rage unable to be kept in.

"Who the hell is doing this!" I shout.

Roman looks down at the floor as if he's contemplating what to do.

"I mean, who is this batshit crazy? And who would know about what happened?" There are so many questions running through my head that I can't seem to keep up with.

He stays quiet.

"Maybe I should meet them at the address," I finally say the solution that we're both avoiding, Roman's eyes definitely looking back at me now.

For Worse or For Better- Book #6 in the WF SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now