II | CHAPTER 13: Morality will burn and wither | II

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Fanart made by: Hanny!


The deceitful beauty of the red vines that are crawling up the walls like the parasites they are, is a little too intimidating to both Sam and Quackity, who are following Bad deeper into the tunnels that would, according to him, lead toward someone who would only be grateful to help. Quackity, however, feels not at all safe around here, and neither does Sam. They glance at each other nervously. When they catch the eye of one another, they realize how they're both a lot more anxious that they try to let out.

After Quackity and Sam returned to Las Nevadas, having gone to the graveyard where Quackity just lost his shit when he saw you, Bad already was waiting there for them. Somehow, he knew what had happened, and told the two he could help them. Sam refused to go at first, and so did Quackity. After all, the both of them knew the problem. Well, not knew but they were aware it's something that Quackity himself had to solve. Only if they knew what Bad truly meant by helping them.

"Quackity! Sam! How amazing it is to see you again!" the unexpected voice of a well-known criminal almost gives the both of them a heart attack and Sam, who was the one to lock him up in the limbo cells, already puts his hand towards his gun. Bad stops him.

"Now, now, we don't do that here, Sam. No weapons, especially not directed at another."

"He's a criminal, Bad. A murderer. A kidnapper! Are you realizing who you're protecting right now?"

"Everyone deserves to be forgiven, Sam. Don't you agree? You're just as bad as him, whether you believe it or not."

"I never locked Y/N up."

"No, but you've thought about it."

"That's not the same."

"Stop, you two," Quackity snarls at them, incoherent words filling up his mind, spoken by a being that he can't understand. "We are not in the position to forgive Wilbur nor ourselves, Y/N is." As much as Quackity has forced himself to be so incredibly furious at you, he still dares to speak words he believes to be true, including these. "But lawfully, he should still be locked up in prison. And personally, I think he should be dead."

"It must feel bad, Y/N's betrayal towards you," Bad then turns to Quackity with a smile. "But the Egg can help you, Quackity." It's already pointed at the big red ball in the middle of the room, the very source of Quackity's unease.

"I don't care about Y/N," Quackity responds, spitting your name out as if it's venom.

"Where is the anger coming from, then?" Quackity remains silent. "It's okay, you know. I understand. A person as powerful as them, I completely understand where your feelings come from."

"I don't care about power, Bad. I don't care about their political position, I've known them ever since we were young. You don't understand."

"I didn't mean their political position, Quackity." Now, he gets both confused and furious.

"What do you mean then?"

"It's quite difficult to explain, but they certainly have something about them that would attract anyone. I don't know what it is: their appearance, their personality, their dominance..." When he mentions that last part, he very unsubtly glances over at Wilbur, who is already hugging himself and looking at something Quackity cannot see. "In any case, they have a charm that nobody can ignore. It makes them both powerful and irresistible. Almost like the Egg itself, except that's even more powerful than they could ever imagine to be." Then Bad glances over at Quackity. "At least the Egg wouldn't use you, Quackity. It wouldn't use you like they did."

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