III | CHAPTER 25: Not suicidal, but still not alive at all | III

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When you return to the Feast again, everybody's whispering when they look at you. It was to be expected. After all, you're just standing there with a bit of your dress ripped off and tied around your head, covering the bleeding hole where your eye used to be. George is standing on the podium when you enter, his eyes widening at your sight and self-inflicted wound, but you simply gesture to him to continue doing what he's doing. And although he tries to, he barely gets to when almost everybody starts tasking you what happened.

Despite the immediate lie you tell them, about having fallen just wrongly and damaging your eye, you're certain that at least Aimsey and Tommy know the truth right away. However, as much as you hate to admit it and you know that you will regret your action when you finally realized what exactly you've done, you do find it easier to pretend again.

Judging by George's face, he too realizes what you did, but you don't say anything about it. Sam already approaches you, but when you tell him what happened – even if it didn't actually happen that way, he immediately starts insisting you tell the truth, although he seems to be thinking more of an assassination attempt. Which, in a way, isn't even that incorrect.

Niki, meanwhile, asks if she can see the wound, while Fundy is just awkwardly standing next to her. Sapnap and Karl also appear out of nowhere, Karl staying positive with Sapnap seeming to be a bit more realistic, advising you to visit a doctor. Ponk already approaches, but he's quickly stopped by the disguised Philza and the anxious-looking Ghostbur staring at you. So, eventually, it's Bad to take you away, Tommy following as well. Although Bad tries to get Tommy to leave, possibly already realizing that he's there for a reason, you insist on the kiddo going with you.

"What harm can he cause, Bad?" you ask, feeling a little bit light-headed and feeling as if your breathing is started getting more and more shallow. "Tommy's not going to explode your house or some shit."

"I know," he smiles, his face being just as fake as yours, "but I'm not sure if I trust him with coming with us, since what we'll see may be too dark for the youngsters eyes."

"He can handle it," you assure Bad, knowing that that's not what he actually cares about. "Can't you, Tommy?"

"Of course, I can. I'm a big man!" He seems to be confused. He probably believed that Bad was going to bring you to some doctor or something, only to now realize that you're going to finally meet the Egg.

Your arch nemesis. The Crystal, needed for your project to be fulfilled. Your plan to be with your loved one again, dependent on this cult.

Or maybe, not on this cult. Maybe Bad is the only one you need.

Although you try to look at him through the corner of your eye, it's now heart, with him on your left side and your right eye being the only functional. You can still do it, of course, but your nose is in the way from getting an actual nice scene.

It's always the noses, huh?

Bad's bringing you away from the garden. Tommy starts feeling visibly nervous, which you honestly can't blame him for. After all, neither of you have any idea where to go to. You're fully depending on Bad for this. But at some point, the two of you come across a small building. It reminds you of a mere yard house, and there is no way the three of you fit in there, especially with Bad being longer than is logical, but when he opens the door, you quickly are faced with an elevator. The elevator looks old and abandoned, although you think that this is done on purpose to keep curious outsiders away. Besides, it looks quite modern nonetheless. In the Deserts, more specifically at the Site, the buildings are made to be more old-fashioned. The reason for this is so that the actual more advanced technology can be used to contain the creatures and anomalies that are unknown to humans. That, and you personally like the way the smaller villages are looking without too modern additions. They have what they need, but there's no reason in your eyes to make life more luxurious. And thankfully, the people in the Deserts are perfectly content with the way it is now.

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