"Did You Fall for Someone Sweetheart?"

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<Chapter Two>

"Good morning, Kyle! Hey there Stassie! To the gym everyone! Please Everyone to the gym!" a teacher cheered swinging her arms around in the direction of the gym.

I sighed and made my way inside. Being pushed and shoved along the way by those who were eager to get inside to find a seat. I eyed the crowd once inside. My eyes stopped and landed on no other than Dustin Henderson waving his arms erratically above his head in my direction, then pointed to the empty space beside him.

A small grin grew on my face. You can always count on Henderson. Besides Steve and Robin, he was the first person to get to know me after the move here to Hawkins. He introduced me to his group of friends, and even though they were younger, I enjoyed being around them. In his words, "us nerds have to stick together." They're jokes and ways of teasing each other helped make the transition here easier. There was a lightness that surrounded them that made it easier to cope with the events that led up to the move. While Robin and Steve worked, I hung out with them. Dustin, Mike, and Lucas would let me listen in on their DnD campaigns. This school year they joined Hellfire so hanging out with them hasn't been as regular as it used to.

I gave him and small nod and headed his way. I got to my saved spot just about the same time as Max got to the one beside Mike.

"Wrennie! Steve told me to save you a seat! So, I did. I had to nearly swat away a mathelete with my bag" he exclaimed grinning widely.

"I appreciate it Dusty-Bun" I said gently tapping the rim of his hat.

'Hey! We've talked about this. That name is reserved for my Suzie Poo, and my Suzie Poo only" he griped wagging his finger around.

I laughed and turned my attention to Mike and Max.

"Hey Mikey, Hey Max" I said giving them a wave.

"Sup loser" Mike smirked. I flipped him off per usual.

"Hey Wren." Max said laughing at Mike's "hurt" expression from me flipping him off.

I sat my bag down at my feet. Dustin and my Mike began bickering over whose girlfriend was cooler and Max pulled her headphones from around her neck and began putting them on.

I quirked an eyebrow at her amused.

"Billy's going to do some dumb speech about how important this game is to the town, and he rehearsed it so much, I can quote it word for word." She grumbled adjusting the headphones on her head and plugging them into her Walkman.

My attention moved from her to the principal who was making his way to the center of the gym floor.

"Everyone give a loud and proud welcome to you Hawkins High Tigers" the principal cheered into the mic.

The cheerleaders ran out with a Hawkins High Banner and Robin and her band geeks began playing annoyingly cheerful music. The cheerleaders began doing some cheesy dance routine. The ran in a circle around the gym until the banner was in front of the boys locker room with the school logo facing the crowd. From there the boys basketball team ran out and broke through the paper banner. They were slapping their chest and jumping up and down and yelling.

God it's too early for this much noise I groaned internally. The principal then handed the mic over to Billy. He walked to the center of the gym proudly with a huge smirk on his face. I looked over at Max to see her bobbing her head to whatever song was playing from her Walkman. I snorted at her amused catching the attention of Mike and Dusitn who laughed at Max's obliviousness.

Billy went on to speak of their latest victory in their last game and he was the one to lead them to it. I then decided at that moment to let myself zone out. I stared around the gym at all the faces entranced in whatever words Billy was spewing. My eyes found Robin and she looked just as annoyed as I did. She caught my gaze and stuck her finger in her mouth like she was gagging. I chuckled and shook my head a her then smirked seeing her attention turn to Vickie who I guess was saying something to her.

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