"Whatcha gonna do Billy boy?"

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Eddie's POV

Today was the day Billy would return from his 3-day suspension. And to say it was stressing Wren out would be an understatement.

The cheerleaders took the lead in Billy's game during lunch on Wednesday.


Being it was Pizza day; Wren had decided to buy her lunch. I was in line behind her. She was paying while I was getting handed my tray. She stepped to the side to wait for me, but I shooed her on to go sit down.

I was handing the lunch lady my crumpled-up bills when a loud smack echoed the lunchroom. I twisted around to see her on the ground. Her lunch tray smashed to her chest. Sitting up the greasy pizza clung to her light blue sweater. All eyes were on her. Before she could stand Carol "slipped' and dumped her carton of milk on her. The cafeteria immediately erupted into laughter.

Abandoning my lunch, I shuffled over to her. Helping her up, she looked up at me. She had curtained her hair around her face to try and hide her watering eyes, and trembling lips.

"Don't let them see." She whispered.

"I got you Fluffy Sheep" I whispered back.

I tucked her into my side and guided her out of the cafeteria. Her hands clutched onto my waist as I did. Once out of the lunchroom, I could hear her small sniffles. Continuing on I guided her outside to my van, since Wayne didn't work today, I drove it to school today. Opening up the back I rummaged around it until I found an old, Corroded Coffin sweatshirt.

"Hop in and change." I said softly.

With a weak smile, she climbed in and I shut the door behind her. While she changed, I lit a cig and leaned against the van. When she came back out she had wiped her face clean of the running, milky mascara. Her hair was now in a bun. The sweatshirt swallowed her in the most adorable way.

'This is mine now, I hope you're aware." She sniffled with a small smile.

"Looks better on you anyway." I chuckled.

She came over and swiped the cigarette from my fingers and took a long hit. Passing it back to me she tucked herself back into my side. I wrapped an arm around her holding her in place.

"That pizza looked damn good. Shame my sweater got to eat it." She sighed.

<Flashback over>

I ended up skipping gym that afternoon, and she skipped free period. We went back to the trailer and she cooked dinner for Wayne and me. She fixed a huge pot of chili with grilled cheese sandwiches. She barely touched her food. Around 8 she asked for a ride home. I offered to let her stay but she refused saying I needed to spend sometime with Wayne. We sat in her driveway making out for about 10 minutes.

"Okay, okay." She giggled pulling away. "You need to go spend some time with Wayne.  I'll see you in the morning pretty boy." She said softly giving me her first genuine smile since lunch.

"One more for the road? I asked pouting.

"One more for the road." She cooed.

One more, turned into three. And eventually I did leave. Not before making absolutely sure, she didn't want me to stay. I only left when she was safely tucked inside.

And now sitting in Gareth's truck seeing her coming out of the looking absolutely exhausted, I regretted it.

Opening the door for her and patting my lap, she got in and sunk into me. Her face buried into my neck.

The Pretty Boy and His Sheep || Eddie Munson ||Where stories live. Discover now