"Little Brat." 🐑

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This lil spicy chapter is dedicated to my wifey @Lithium80 since it's her birthday and I love her so<3  

Go show her some love!!


"No Ed's don't cancel. I want to go watch." I mumbled my eyes still feeling heavy.

"Wren baby, you can barely hold your eyes open. Besides, we could get in trouble if they see us sneaking in the school after Wayne called and told them we were sick." He cooed softly brushing my hair back behind my ear.

He was trying to cancel Hellfire tonight. And I wasn't having it.

I had woken up around 2 in the afternoon. My body felt like it weighed a million pounds. It was my first time in a very long time waking up without Eddie with me. Funny enough it was short lived, because the second I stood from the bed and under estimated the strength of the drugs in my system and immediately clambered to the floor knocking over his nightstand, and everything around it tumbled down. Ed came thundering down the hall and barreled into the room with Wayne hot on his heels. They thought I was having an adverse reaction to the drugs.

After Eddie yanked me up from the floor and him and Wayne checked me over for bumps and bruises, he started laughing. Said I looked so confused staring up at him from the floor like I had no idea how I wound up there.

He helped me to the bathroom and let me fix myself up before hauling me into the living room where him and Wayne were sat watching TV. He sat me in his lap with my blanket wrapped around my shoulders.

Wayne practically all but shoved an old pink hospital cup full of water in my face and demanded I drink it while he watched. Which was an easy task, my mouth felt like cotton. Then I had to ask why he held onto a pink hospital cup.

 Then I had to ask why he held onto a pink hospital cup

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"Well Eddie had to get his tonsils removed at 15. After the surgery he was badgering the hell out of his nurse for some water. They wanted him to wait to drink something just in case the anesthesia upset his stomach, because if it did, it would only further irritate his throat. They offered him ice to suck on, but he demanded water. Evidently the nurse thought if she brought it to him in a pink cup he would refuse it. Instead the little shit lit up like a Christmas tree and thanked her for bringing it to him in his favorite color and sucked the damn cup dry." He chuckled. "And now whenever he's sick he demands to drink out of this cup. So I've held onto it Anything to get his dehydrated ass to drink water." He smirked.

"Water tastes better in it. Sue me." Eddie grumbled burying his face into my shoulder.

After guzzling down the water, Wayne filled it up again demanding I keep drinking. I knew he wanted to flush the drugs out of my system quicker but didn't want to flat out say it. So instead I kept sipping away at the water, letting him fill it up for me when I finished.

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