"I Can't Handle Him Being Mad at Me"

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I wish I could say that after taking my power back, everything magically turned perfect. But that just wasn't the case. While I managed to get Billy off my back, I in turn put him on someone else's. Eddie's back in fact.

Like most people at school, Billy knows Eddie deals. He tried to get Eddie in trouble by getting his lunchbox taken away. Max came to the arcade Saturday and warned us of Billy blabbing about Eddie dealing. So, Eddie had begun to leave his drugs and things at home. Billy thankfully has been put on a tight leash due to Hawkins actually making it to the championship. Since Higgins desperately wants that title, he has at least two of his teammates around Billy constantly keeping him in line. So, for now all he can do is glare and runs his mouth.

But because of Billy's mouth, Eddie hasn't been able to make any deals at school the past week, ergo he hasn't brought home any money to help Wayne. And because of that Wayne has asked Eddie to get a job. A real job.

And it has been hard on him. This town treats him like such an outsider, meaning no one has been willing to hire him. He's applied everywhere, and but never hears back. On top of him trying to find a job, he's also been putting in extra time to study and complete his homework. Since spring break is next week, the teachers have really piled on the work this week to ensure everyone is ready for review and exams when we return.

So, between Billy, School, Wayne, Job hunting, he's beyond wore out. And if there's one thing I have learned about a worn-out Eddie, is he is the equivalent of a 3 year-old who had a sugar rush and missed his naptime.

I've tried to allow him the space he needs to work his way through it, but even then he still snaps at me. Like last night for example:

>Flashback to Last Night<

We were on his bedroom floor with our books spread out in front of us. I was eating apple slices with peanut butter to keep me full until dinner. I had already finished my homework and was helping him to complete his.

"Dammit Wren can you please just give the apple slices a damn break. I'm trying to concentrate and your smacking is making it really fucking difficult." he snapped.

A blush bloomed on my cheeks and I set my apple slice down.

"Sorry." I mumbled avoiding his gaze.

He huffed out a breath and dropped his pencil aside.

I glanced over at him to see him rubbing his face with both hands. Not wanting to poke the bear I grabbed my plate and stood and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" he grumbled.

"I'm just gonna put my apple slices back in the fridge and put the dish in the sink. And I figured I could start on dinner so you can have some quiet." I mumbled giving him a weak smile.

"Way to make me feel bad." He grumbled.

"I'm not trying to make you feel bad Ed's. I get it, I was chewing loud and you need to focus. I'm just removing myself from the room so you can do that." I sighed.

"But now I don't' have your help. If I need help I have to go into the kitchen to get you and I'll lose my focus." He exclaimed.

"Just call for me and I'll come help I can multitask." I said softly.

"Are you saying I can't multi-task?" he snapped

"What? No, I was just-" I started but he interrupted

"And because I need your help, I'm stupid right?" he growled standing from his spot on the floor.

"You're not stupid! I was just saying I can cook dinner and come help with whatever you need help with." I snapped back.

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