"Please Dungeon Master?"🐑

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TW: SMUT. I have it labeled where it begins and ends!


So, I may have skipped third period to have an absolute meltdown in the girls bathroom. And I may have puked up my muffin from this morning due to said meltdown. But I'm fine. I mean it's not everyday you get a warning that life as you know it is headed for the shitter. At least Billy had the decency to give me a heads up. What a guy.

Finally working up the courage to leave my stall, I went over to the sink and splashed some water on my face to help reduce the red and puffy skin on my face. The lunch bell was about to ring and I knew Eddie would probably chew his nails to the bone if I was late.

"Everything's fine right now Wrennie girl. No need to panic now. Let's go to lunch with our super-hot, totally sweet, metal boyfriend. He'll give you a hug, and all will be right with the world for a bit." I muttered to my reflection in the lipstick-stained mirror.

Taking one last deep breath, I grabbed my bag and left the bathroom and rushed off to the lunchroom. Before I could make it, my arm was grabbed and I was spun around.

With a yelp I slammed into a chest. I froze and squeezed my eyes shut.

"Whoa, whoa Fluffy Sheep. It's just me." Eddie's voice cooed gently gripping my upper arms, steadying me.

And all over again the waterworks started. I dropped my bag and buried my face into his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist. He froze for a half a second before wrapping his arms securely around me.

"Hey, hey what's going on. Did something happen?" he murmured softly into my hair.

I nodded with a whimper squeezing onto him tighter.

"But I can't tell you." I cried.

He pulled away from me. He bent down and grabbed my bag and slung it on his back. I looked at him confused. Before I could ask what he was doing he grabbed the backs of my thighs and lifted me up and began walking the opposite way of the lunchroom.

"We can't skip." I whined wrapping my arms around his shoulder.

"We're not. I'm taking you somewhere safe." He said softly gently patting my butt.

He walked us down the electives hall, and into the hellfire room. He locked the door behind him and walked over to his throne. He sat down on it and sat me on the table in front of him. I unwrapped my arms from his shoulders and let them fall in my lap. Fiddling with my rings to avoid his concerned gaze.

"Wren, you can tell me anything. You know that right?' he said softly.

I nodded keeping my gaze on my lap.

His hand came under my chin and tilted it up so I was looking up at him.

"Then tell me what happened." He said softly.

I nibbled on my lip staring at his worry filled eyes. Do I tell him? They said not to tell him. Fuck it. This isn't some cliché teen romance novel. I want him on my side. Hell, I need him on my side. So, wiping my eyes and taking in a deep breath I began explaining everything.

"Billy's pissed. In fact, the whole basketball team is pissed. He got a three-day suspension. And since Higgins really wants a championship, he's not going to bench him this Friday. But he's on probation. Any other incidents and he'll be benched." I mumbled.

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