"Why Lady Fluffy Sheep, Are You Calling Me Pretty?''

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<Chapter Four>

The weekend passed quickly. Like always I had the house to myself the majority of the weekend. And since I didn't have to work, I stayed tucked away  in my room either completing my homework assignments or smoking on the roof during breaks.

Now it was Monday, and I was at my normal lunch table. Being that I already completed my homework and I had forgotten to pack my lunch this morning I decided to just rest my head on my bag and wait for the bell to ring. I was snuggled into my sweater and just dozing off when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I groaned and sat up and turned to see who it was, only to see no one. I frowned and turned back to lay my head back down, only to see a grinning Eddie sitting in the seat in front of me.

"Holy fuck knuckles! Munson" I hissed grabbing my chest.

"Didn't I say you were welcome at Hellfire anytime?" he quirked raised a brow.

"Yeah?" I mumbled confused cuddling my bag into my arms and laying my head down.

"Then why are you sitting here by yourself hmm?" he asked laying his head down the opposite way so we were facing each other.

"I thought you meant only for campaign nights." I mumbled yawning.

"Why so tired Fluffy Sheep" he asked chuckling.

'It stormed." I mumbled closing my eyes.

"Aww is the little sheep scared of storms?" he asked booping my nose with his pinky.

I opened my eyes to see him resting his chin on his arms staring at me with a smile and amused eyes.

"Terrified" I said honestly.

The humor left his eyes.

"Storms can't hurt you" he said softly.

"I know. It's the noise. I don't like loud noises." I said sighed sitting up and rubbed my face.

"Is that why you froze up at confetti cannons during the pep rally?" he asked titling his head confused.

"Were you staring at me Munson?" I asked giving him and smirk.

"Yes. I like looking at pretty things." He said smirking back.

I looked down and chuckled then bit my lip and looked back at him. His puppy brown eyes sparkled in amusement. And his smile made his dimples appear.

"You must look in the mirror an awful lot then Munson" I yawned giving him a sleepy smile.

"Why Lady Fluffy Sheep, are you calling me pretty?'' he gasped fanning himself.

"You're a very pretty boy Eddie and you know it." I said softly biting my lip to hide my smile and failing.

He looked down and pulled his hair so it covered his face.

"Is Eddie Munson blushing?!?" I gasped.

He groaned and his face more in his hair.

"Lemme see." I giggled reaching over and pushing back his hair to reveal his slightly flushed cheeks, and shy smile. "there's the pretty blushing boy" I said softly taking my hand back from his hair.

"Now that you've inflated my ego, wanna come sit at my table?" he asked nodding his head to the hellfire table.

I shook my head.

"Not today. I'm just gonna nap here until the bell rings. You have a pop quiz in lit today btw" I mumbled closing my eyes.

"All the more reason to skip. C'mon Fluffy Sheep. You're coming with me." he said pulling me up and grabbed my bag.

The Pretty Boy and His Sheep || Eddie Munson ||Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant