"Would It Be So Bad?" 🐑

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"You peeled his back?!? That's fucking disgusting Wren!" Steve squawked as he examined the shirts on the rack.

I snorted at the look of utter disgust on his face as he did.

"It was very satisfying. And it helped stop him from using my kitchen utensils to scratch his back."  I shrugged.

"Remind me to not eat anything you cook." He scowled.

I rolled my eyes and scraped through the shirts on the rack in front of me. Steve had a date tonight and wanted help finding a new outfit. Apparently, this girl really had him hooked, and knowing Steve deserved some companionship I was quick to accept when he called and asked if I would help him find an outfit, and maybe make a Steve and Wrennie day out of it.

Much to Eddie's dismay, who had gotten over his sun poisoning fairly quickly. His skin never blistered, it just dried up and had begun peeling. Which was my favorite thing ever!

For the past two nights I've sat on his but while he laid on his belly and watched TV or read to me and I've peeled his back for him. It's satisfying for me and feels good to him. He even popped a boner last night as I did. Which I took care of as well. I got my mans back, and his front. I leave no stone unturned when it comes to my pretty boy 😉

He had tried to beg and pout for me to stay, but when I told him since it was Friday, and he had a gig tonight he could invite Corroded Coffin over to have a mini rehearsal. And boy was he quick to get excited and basically shove me out of the house.

Yes, I said house. We've been staying at my house since Wednesday. Luce had gone on vacation to Myrtle Beach with Rick for the next two weeks. Since she was going to be gone for so long, she asked that I stay at the house more so no one, would creep around it.

So, while we played house at Luce's, Wayne got the trailer to himself. Which he seemed to enjoy because he called Eddie to let him know he was proudly walking around the trailer in his underwear. Good on him I say.

So I was at Starcourt Mall with Steve. We were currently going through the polos at Sears. Every shirt I showed him, he'd turn his nose up at. While I wanted to get annoyed, I saw how nervous and stressed he actually seemed.

"I'll remember that the next time I fix Lasagna." I smirked.

His head snapped up with wide eyes, which he was quick to squint at me.

"Damn you and your amazing Lasagna." He grumbled.

I laughed and continued on looking through the racks.

"Tell me about this girl who has the magnificent Steve shaking in his Levi's." I chuckled.

He sighed and stepped away from the rack and leaned on the mirrored column beside him and ran a hand through his hair.

"Her names Tina." He started.

(AN: Yes this is Tina from Season 2 who threw the "Lets get sheet faced." Party. Played by Madelyn Cline who is the absolute most adorable being and the current love of my life. But instead of her being a snobby popular girl, she's a sweetie like Madi 😊 )

"Tell me more about this Tina you speak of. How did you meet?" I asked with soft smile.

"She graduated the same class as me. She actually threw the party that Nance dumped my ass at. She started coming into Family Video nearly every other day. She'd never rent anything, she would just read the backs of the movies and browse. I asked her each day if she needed help, and she declined saying she was just browsing. Finally, after a week of her coming in, she revealed that she wasn't coming in to look for a movie. Instead, she was avoiding her parents. She had gone to a university upstate but said it just didn't work for her and wasn't her scene. So, she's going to the community college to get her cosmetology license. Her parents gave her a really hard about her decision and have since been on her case about everything she does so she just avoids being home. I told her about my dad kicking me out after he realized I wasn't planning on going to school so I could eventually take over the family business, and that I was happy at Family Video. After that she started coming in even more, this time she'd come straight to the counter and would sit and talk with me about any and everything. Our first date was just milkshakes at Arnold's and then we went and took a walk in the park. Our second she came over to my apartment and we had Pizza and watched a movie. Logans Run, her favorite. We've had multiple small dates after that. She's brought me lunch after her classes. And I've surprised her at the college after her classes." He smiled dreamy down at his feet bashfully.

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