"Naked Cuddles"

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"Dustin shh. Everyone else is sleeping." I hissed as the wild haired boy tripped over the beer can tower Gareth had made last night.

His head shot up from the ground and glared at me.

"I wouldn't have tripped if Mike and Lucas hadn't pushed me." He whispered yelled.

Lucas and Mike were both giggling to themselves as Dustin stumbled to his feet.

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.

Last night the older hellfire members, excluding myself and Ed's got totally wasted. Knowing they'd be beyond hungover, and Eddie wouldn't be up to the hike because of his sunburn, I decided to take the boys on the hike and let them burn off some energy so maybe they would sleep for most of the drive and my Pretty Boy wouldn't murder them. Dustin left a spare walkie and a note on the picnic table telling where we were, if they woke up before we got back.

"Dustin, you lead since you're familiar with the trail. Mike, you're in charge of the snack bag, Lucas, you're in charge of the water cooler. And I'm in charge of sunscreen which means stand in line so I can smother you in t." I ordered.

They all groaned but followed my orders and let me apply sunscreen to their exposed skin, and then we were off.


"Up here is where all the cool rocks are! They wash up here from the lake and the sun and minerals in the soil give them their variety of colors." Dustin explained leading us to a small stream along the trail.

And he was right. It was a like an array of rainbow rocks.

"Let's stop here and have a snack break and we can collect a few stones." Lucas suggested.

"Sounds good to me!" Dustin grinned dropping his backpack down.

We all set down and rummaged through the snack bag. I found a pack of nutter butters (AN: My current obsession) and a water.

"Hey Wrennie, what do you plan to do after graduation?" Mike asked as he snacked on some Doritos.

"I dunno. Maybe community college." I shrugged.

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" Dustin asked softly.

"An art teacher. I want to work with kids." I smiled.

"You'd be the best teacher. You have a way of making me feel completely safe around you, only the best teachers can do that." Lucas mused.

"Aww Lucas, that melts my heart." I cooed wrapping an arm around him.

"It's true Wrennie. When you first arrived, you never teased or judged us for our hobbies, or looks. You just accepted us." Mike grinned.

"Yeah, you even told me I was lucky to have my front teeth missing because you missed sucking your juice box straw through the gap in your teeth, therefore any kid would be lucky to have you as a teacher.

I felt tears coming to my eyes a these sweet boys.

"Group hug now" I chuckle opening my arms and they wasted no time diving in.

"You boys and my Maxie girl have my heart. Always." I hummed softly.

"I thought Eddie had your heart?" Dustin chuckled.

"My heart belongs to multiple people here in Hawkins. You boys, Steve, Rob, Maxie, Luce, Paul and Marilyn, Hellfire, and of course Eddie. You all have loved me so fully; it overwhelms me at times. I am forever grateful for you, and I will always be a safe place whenever you may need it." I cooed squeezing the boys tightly.

The Pretty Boy and His Sheep || Eddie Munson ||Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt