"Good Going Eddie."

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Things were changing. Faster than I could process. Not that things were changing for the worst; they were just different. I never did good with different.

Spring break had passed 3 weeks ago, and with it so did the carefree nature I once had. School consisted of exam and college prep. After school consisted of me doing my homework, and outlining Eddie's for him while he worked. Which he appeared to love, but I could see the exhaustion wearing down on him. He no longer had down time. He was all go-go now. Most nights now he got home, showered, shoveled in whatever dinner I fixed for him and Wayne, and then he'd crash. While I was happy he was working and able to help Wayne with the bills, I couldn't help but feel an emptiness that had started to grow. Gone were the days where we had time to talk, and watch wheel fortune after dinner. In its place were lonely dinners, piles of homework from both mine and Eddies classes, and waiting for him to get home. Knowing I didn't have long before he crashed for the night I'd sit on the toilet and listen to him tell me about his day while he showered. Went it came to bedtime, I would cuddle up to him and enjoy his soft touches he placed along my body until he gave into the exhaustion. Speaking of exhaustion, sleep had evaded me the last couple of days.. So much in fact I had started to go for runs whenever I couldn't sleep, just like I did back at Gramma Rose's. But even that didn't bring me any closer to sleep. If anything, it only amped me up more. So, I had started organizing the trailer after my runs. The recipe books were lined up by size, the chips were placed in the cabinet by best taste, Eddies tapes were grouped by band and chronological order. Wayne had scolded me everyday this week when he got in and saw I was still awake. I think my brain was trying to distract itself from realizing I was becoming more alone again. And to top it off, my free time had really cleared up after losing my job.

Arcade Palace had been sold to Starcourt. According to Keith our old games couldn't compare to the modern ones at the mall. A few of our popular games, and classics were going to the mall, the rest were being shipped off to auction. My last shift was this past weekend. And amongst Eddie's crazy schedule, I hadn't found the time to tell him. And it wasn't like it was a big deal. Luce never expected me to pay rent or help out with bills. It was more or less just extra money in my pocket for fun and college. And my pretty boy was wound up so tight these days that I thought it I told him he would take it as me complaining and snap at me. Which he had been doing more and more these last few days. Only after work though. And I know it was only because of how wore down he was.

The only time I got to see the happy go lucky Eddie anymore was at school during lunchtime. But even then, I had to share him with the guys. Today was no different. Sitting at the lunch table I picked at the crusts of my sandwich as the guys spoke of their theories for the next campaign. Until I felt the familiar cool metal of Eddie's rings on my thigh. Glancing up at him I saw him staring down at me with a confused smile.

"Hey why aren't you eating?" he asked nudging my shoulder softly.

"Just not hungry." I mumbled with a shrug, and his eyes dropped in concern.

"You okay?" he asked squeezing my thigh gently.

"Yeah. I'm okay just a headache. I think I'm gonna head to chem early and get away from the noise." I smiled weakly, while standing from my chair grabbing my bag.

"Okay I'll come with you, just let me-" he started to say while packing up his things when Gareth spoke up.

"Dude no, you can't leave, we hardly see you anymore." He chuckled throwing a napkin at him.

"Uhhh" he said glancing up at me with a torn expression.

I sent him a smile and patted his shoulder.

"He's right. Hang with them." I soothed.

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