"I Wanna Hold Your Hand"

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Before I begin, I want to dedicate this chapter to one of my readers. . Their comments, votes, and constant support always bring a smile to my face. Just when I think no one likes the story, their comment appears and I'm ready to keep on! 

So Tulip_97, aka thunder buddy, this ones for you :)


Monday came around quicker than I would have liked. This past weekend with Eddie was one for the books. I think he managed more smiles and laughs out of me this weekend, than anyone else has my whole time here in Hawkins. Sadly, this morning he called me around 7:15 and said he had to skip school today. Wayne's truck wouldn't start this morning at the plant, so he was driving up to let his uncle drive his van home to get some sleep, while he stayed there to fix it and hopefully drive it home.

So, with that news I was riding my bike to school. I probably could have called Steve to come get me, but I knew it would put Robin and I arriving to school late and I didn't want to do that to her. Luckily it was a semi sunny morning, and there was only a slight chill in the air.

Pedaling my way to the school I enjoyed the scenery around me. As I was, I heard an engine roaring behind me. I peeked over my shoulder and saw a familiar blue Camaro making its way closer to me. Billy. Great. Sighing, I merged my bike onto the unmarked strip of asphalt to get out of his way. Hearing the engine rev behind, I felt my heart jumped in my chest. Shit. Shit. Shitty, shit. I peak again behind me only to see Billy flipping me off and then the car swerved off the road beside me. I jerked the handlebars to avoid getting hit only to send myself flying off and over the bike and onto the rough gravel His horn blew as he kept speeding by.

My hands slapped and slid across the rough pavement as I did my best to catch myself. The handlebar dug painfully into my stomach as I landed awkwardly. I could feel the pedal digging into my denim covered thigh. I laid there a moment to gather my bearings before slowly standing up and as I did, a truck was pulling over. The door flung open and Gareth jumped out and ran over to me putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Holy Shit, Wren! Are you okay? I saw the whole thing." He exclaimed.

"I'm okay. Definitely wouldn't recommend asphalt for a slip n' slide" I mumbled staring down at my scraped palms.

"Fucking psychopath man." He growled running hand through his hair looking ahead where Billy took off with a glare. He shook his head and turned back to me. "C'mon I'll give you a ride to school and maybe the nurse can wrap your hands up" he mumbled gently pressing his hand to my back and leading my to his truck.

"What about my bike." I mumbled as he opened the door for me.

"I'll go grab it, Go ahead and buckle." He said with a smile.

Once I was fully in he shut the door and jogged over to my bike. He rolled it to the bed of his truck and effortlessly lifted it in. He came back and jumped in and took off.

"Thanks for stopping. I'm sorry you're gonna be late now" I chuckled softly.

"Eh it's cool. You're in Hellfire. We look after each other." He reassured with a shrug. "Also, Eddie would stomp my ass if I didn't, and Marsha Daniels likes to stare at my ass during gym so I can't have him ruining my best feature. " smirked.

"You do have a nice ass. Would be a crying shame if Munson got his hands on it." I said with a nod.

"Gasp. Lady Fluffy Sheep thinks I have a nice ass?" he declared dramatically.

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