"Would it Wren?"

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The weekend had come and gone. After Saturdays spat with Billy, I didn't have any energy in me to do anything. So, my Sunday was spent snuggled Eddie's bed. The rainy dreary day made the atmosphere in his room that much cozier. We watched movies and ate ham sandwiches with salt and vinegar chips smushed inside. "Chef Eddie's" specialty. Had a few make out sessions. And when Eddie couldn't stop fidgeting while I was trying to take a nap, I let him draw tattoos on my back with a sharpie to keep him occupied as I slept.

Now it was Monday and I was once again refusing to leave his bed. This time it having nothing to do with being tired, but more so not wanting to face Billy today.

"Wren get up or I swear to god I will wreak havoc on your ass." Eddie growled tugging at my ankles trying to pull me out of bed, but I was holding onto the headboard.

"No. I told you; I'm skipping today." I grumbled into my pillow.

"And I said no. You're going to school and not letting Billy win. Now let go." He grumbled back tugging me again.

"Okay." I said letting go of the headboard sending him flying back and while I somehow managed to stay on the bed.

I rolled over onto my back and watched him curse and grumble to himself as he stumbled his way back to his feet. I chuckled at his wild curls sticking up everywhere. He shot me an unamused glare and stalked forward. He crawled up onto the bed and plopped himself down on top of me. He buried his head into my neck and sighed. My arms instantly went around him and rubbed his back.

"Fluffy Sheep, we have a test in Mrs. O'Donnell's and you promised if I did good you would play me a song on guitar, and you know I get test anxiety. So, if you're not there I'll definitely fail." He whined into my neck.

"Oh, so you only want me to go so you can pass a test, not so Billy doesn't win?" I chuckled.

He pulled his head from my neck and gazed down at me.

"It's both. I want you to show Billy he isn't going to break you down." He mumbled pecking my lips. "And I also I want to see you play my guitar without a shirt like promised." He grinned

I stroked his cheek gently letting myself get lost in my thoughts. I couldn't handle hearing Billy call me by the name my dad used when I was little. Nor could I handle being alone with him for an hour, when that hour could have been spent with my pretty boy. It's not fair. Billy didn't even receive a harsh punishment for running me over, yet he acting like I ended his basketball career. Hawkins was supposed to be an escape from people taunting me with my father. Now I'm back at square one. The tears stinging my eyes and Eddie gently stroking my cheek pulled me out of my spiraling mind.

"Hey, hey, what's going on in that head of yours?" Eddie asked staring down at me concerned.

I sniffled and pulled down to me once again so I could hide in his neck.

"It's not fair." I mumbled.

"What's not fair fluffy sheep?" he asked running his hands up my sides.

"I didn't do anything to Billy." I whimpered.

"I know sweetheart. He's just one of those people that can't stand to have consequences for their actions. That's why you have to get up and show him he isn't winning." He mumbled pecking my temple.

"But what if letting him win, gets him off my back." I whispered pulling back from him.

"Then he moves on to the next person and makes their life hell, because no one stood up to him yet." He shrugged.

"But why do I have to be the one to stand up to him?"

"Because  you're one tough cookie Wren Judith. And if anyone can beat him at his game. It's you." He smiled down at me causing me to smile back. "So, I'll tell you one more time before I bruise that cute keister of yours, get up" he growled with a dimpled grin.

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