"All Hail Lady Fluffy Sheep!"

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Like normal I awoke before my alarm. It was nearing quarter to five when I rolled out of Luce's bed. As I was headed out of her room and note on her mirror caught my attention.

"Wren honey, I got called into work around 3. Didn't want to wake you. There's a large pot of coffee waiting for you in the kitchen! Remember, take back your power. Speak the truth and speak it with your balls. Tell your pretty boy I said Hello!  - Love Luce"

Luce always knows what to say to put a smile on my face. I'm lucky to have her.

Coffee first, and maybe some breakfast. I have a feeling I'm going to have a pretty boy visit early this morning.

Like always I found my early morning peaceful. I fixed myself a cup of coffee with extra creamer, just how I like it. While sipping on my coffee I turned on the small radio Luce had in the kitchen on as I started on breakfast. I decided on making bacon, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwiches for Eddie and me. I was flipping the bacon when the lyrics of a familiar song coming from the                                        radio caught my attention. ( Song attached above)

"I saw your eyes
And you made me smile
For a little while
I was falling in love

I saw your eyes
And you touched my mind
Although it took a while
I was falling in love."

Well if that just doesn't some up meeting Eddie I don't know what does.

"That was Space Age Love Song, by A Flock of Seagulls here on 106.6" the radio man cheered.

And now I know the name of my new favorite song. I vaguely remember hearing the song years ago, just never paid it much mind. Now that it literally reminds me of Eddie, it definitely has it's new place as my favorite.

The radio continued to play on in the background as I fixed up the breakfast sandwiches. I fixed my pretty boy two. He's a growing boy you know?

I had just finished assembling the last sandwich when I picked up on the sound of Dio coming down the road, and the familiar hum of his van.

Excitedly I darted to the front door and swung it open. He was pulling in as I did. I could see his smile through the windshield as he fumbled to quickly park his van. I stepped down onto the steps waiting for him. He busted out of the van clumsily, almost face planting as he did. His hair was a wild mess, telling me he literally rolled out of bed and came here. He managed to catch himself and proceed to stumble towards me with a wide grin. I opened my arms once he was close enough and he dove in them, lifting me off the ground and onto his torso. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders burying my face into his neck, taking in his scent that had become so comforting to me.

"Fluffy Sheep." He mumbled into my shoulder happily.

"Pretty Boy." I cooed back.

We stayed like for a minute more before his hands moved from around my waist to my thighs, hiking them up around his hips.

"Fluffy Sheep?" he asked softly.

"Hmm?" I hummed resting my head on his shoulder twirling a curl around my finger.

"Are you not wearing pants right now?" he asked lowly.

"Nope. Pants are optional in this house remember?" I chuckled.

"Well, we're not in the house, we're outside. And it's chilly and I'm pretty sure your ass, which belongs to me, is hanging out for everyone to see." He exclaimed stepping inside the house.

"Free show amirite?' I chuckled pulling away and slid down his body until I was planted back on the ground.

"Free show my ass." He growled popping my bottom as I walked back into the kitchen, which of course he followed behind me. "I will go knocking on every door demanding money for that show. Only I get to gaze upon your rump for free." He grumbled pulling out one of the dining chairs so he was facing me then slumping down onto it.

The Pretty Boy and His Sheep || Eddie Munson ||Where stories live. Discover now