"You've Been a Bad Girl Fluffy Sheep.

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My finger lightly dance across the hues of purple and blue that dotted his torso. Waking up I found I was the one laying nearly on top of him this time. The sun had just started to lighten the sky, and while I felt exhausted, I couldn't manage to fall back asleep. So instead, I took this time to take in the sight of Eddie's peaceful figure. He had one arm under his head. His jaw laxed open, small snores escaping every now and then. His curls wild on his pillow. His other arm was wrapped around me and tucked into the band of his boxers I was wearing, resting on my hip. His eye had surprisingly not bruised. However, the few cuts sprinkled across his cheek, nose, and eyebrow looked red and irritated. Now would be a good time to put more of that ointment on him. Ninja Wren activated. I scooched my way out of his grip and down the bed. Once off the bed I peaked at his alarm clock and saw it was almost 4am. I quickly tip toed to the living room where I left the ointment last night. With ointment in hand, I made my way back into his room. Being careful not to wake him, I kneeled down beside the bed. Squirting a little bit of the ointment on the tip of my index finger, then gently applied it to each cut. Finishing up I let myself gently stroke his soft cheeks, and again just admiring the pretty boy that is Eddie Munson.

Not wanting to risk waking him up, I grabbed the ointment, gave him a kiss on the head, and made my way out of his room closing the door behind me.

I tried to lay on the couch and watch tv. I tried going outside to smoke one of Eddie's pre-rolled joints. I really did try to find something to do where I wouldn't risk waking Eddie. But I couldn't handle fidgeting anymore. So, I cooked.

Now the small counter was filled up with stacks of blueberry pancakes, tater tot casserole, coffee, and cinnamon toast. And it was only 5:30. The post smoking munchies hit me, and I had two blueberry pancakes, a piece of cinnamon toast, and two servings of tater tot casserole.

With my belly full, the effects of the weed, and the low hum of the trailers heater, I was able to curl up on the couch and doze back off.

Tickles. I felt tickles on my cheek and kisses on my neck. I tried to lift my hand to brush away whatever it was, but my body felt heavy. I slowly blinked my eyes open, only to be met with a mass of curls in my face. He was kneeled beside the couch with his torso resting on mine. He was placing open mouth kisses in the crook of my neck.

"Eddie I told you to leave her alone. Who knows what time she was up to have been able to fix all this."

"Eddie?" I croaked tiredly.

"Yes Sweetheart?" he asked lifting his head out of my neck with a grin.

"Time is it?" I slurred letting my heavy eyes close again.

"8. What time were you up this morning?" he asked gently brushing my hair back.

"3 something. I managed to fall back asleep a little after 5." I mumbled.

"Why didn't you wake me up sweetheart?" he asked resting his hand on my cheek. His thumb gently brushing across it.

"You looked peaceful." I yawned twisting my body on its side so I was facing him.

"You wanna go lay in my room? We still have a couple hours before we need to get ready and leave. Wayne said I could use the van today so we don't have to wait for Gareth." He chuckled softly.

"Will you lay with me?" I asked blinking my eyes open to look at him.

"Of course, Fluffy Sheep."

"Back rub?" I mumbled

"Mhmm, I'll even pat your bottom. I know you like that." He cooed.

"M'kay." I mumbled sitting myself up.

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