"Make me forget Ed's."🐑

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MENTIONS OF Su!c!de. Please proceed with caution. 

I have many favorite things. As you have already come to know. Orange crush, skittles from Steve, early mornings, soft blankets, Eddie singing Beatles, butt rubs from Eddie, hugs from Eddies. So, a lot of my favorite things may deal with Eddie who cares? But my absolute favorite thing with Eddie is watching him do what he loves. Whether it's a gig, or Hellfire, I love watching him be 100% himself. He may act like the taunting he faces daily doesn't bother him, but I see it. He might not have walls up, but there is a fence. Not everyone gets to see the carefree Eddie that Hellfire and Corroded Coffin do. And I love being one of the few who gets to see him lose himself in his campaigns, which I currently had front seat to as they were wrapping up tonight's campaign.

"Do you sacrifice yourself for your pack or save yourself to continue on your journey to Filtskry Dustin the Daring?" Eddie mused.

"Sacrifice myself." He responded immediately.

"You sure? Your presence will cease to exist in this campaign." Eddie chided.

"I'm sure. My pack will carry on my name to Filtskry. And even if they didn't, and I am left behind and forgotten, I died a hero so the others could live." Dustin said with a smile.

"So be it. Dustin the Daring stands tall wielding his shield and spear bravely facing the beasts. With one deep breath he lets out a mighty battle cry and rushed forward. The beast not expecting it, doesn't move in enough time, and Dustin the Daring's spear plunges into the beats chest. It's final breath one filled with fire that encompasses Dustin the Daring, and when the flames died out, nothing remained but his shield. The remaining beasts fled as their leader lied motionless. The pack surround the charred shield and kneel. They bow their heads to their fallen hero paying their final respects and march on to Filtskry" Eddie chanted.

The room went quiet. My sniffle broke the silence. They all turned to me.

"Sorry. I'm not good with sad endings." I mumbled wiping away a tear or two.

"You're fine Fluffy Sheep." Eddie cooed over to me sending me a grin. He stood from his throne and clapped. "Well boys that concludes tonight's session. We'll meet next week and see how the remaining folk proceed with their journey." He announced with a smirk.

The boys had packed up and left shortly after, leaving Eddie and I to tidy up the room. As he packed up his dungeon master screen, and the character pieces, I picked up the snack wrappers, and drinks cans that were left. He went around and blew out the few candles he had lit, while I headed to the door with my bag. He was quick to follow me and shut off the lights and we headed out to his van.

After getting my normal buckled in kiss we left the school parking lot before the basketball crowd got out.

"So, your house or mine?" he asked moving his hand to grip my thigh.

"Yours." I said instantly.

"I will never understand why you prefer the trailer so much." He chuckled.

"Just do" I mumbled giving him a shrug while I played with his fingers in my lap.

In all honesty I knew exactly why I preferred the trailer. It felt like the home I once knew when my mom was alive. It didn't feel cold and empty like Luce's. At first I thought it was that it was because I was completely surrounded by all things Eddie when I was there. The truth of the matter was that small trailer was filled to the brim with love. The love hit you right once you walked in the door and wrapped around you like a blanket fresh out the dryer. From the mugs, and hats that lined the living room wall, to the cluttered shelves that lined the hall, all the way down to the absolute disaster that was Eddie's room, I loved every bit of that trailer. Eddie's trailer was like my own fortress. No one could get to me once I was safely inside the walls of the small trailer. I felt safe there. So anytime he gave me the choice to choose where we were going to stay, I always chose his trailer.

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