"Messy Boy"🐑

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AN: Smut will be marked by ~


Sleep had evaded me. While I had been able to fall asleep no problem, I was now lying awake next to a snoring pretty boy at nearly one in the morning according to Ed's alarm clock.

I don't know how long I had been staring at the bright neon numbers of the clock, but I had given up on any hope of sleeping coming back to me. With a sigh I began to curl away from Eddie's grip until I was just at the edge of the bed.

Right when I was about to slip off the bed he let out a groan and his hands shot out to my waist and pulled me back into him.

"Mm where you going?" he asked sleep heavily coating his voice.

"Just to the bathroom. Go back to sleep baby." I said softly turning my head to peck his cheek.

With a sleepy nod he removed his hands and let me up. I scooted off the bed and quietly tip toed to the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom I did my business and began washing my hands. Glancing up in the mirror I was met with pale cheeks, and dark worn out eyes.

Steve wasn't kidding when he said this town would suck the life out of you, if you let it. It was one of the first things he told me when we met. I took it as a joke, but after being here for almost a year, I was starting to realize how true the statement actually was.

With a sigh I shook my head before I could get lost in my own head. Splashing some water on my face to help snap me out of it.

Exiting the bathroom, I turned and headed for the kitchen. I figured Eddie had slipped back into dreamland and I didn't want to disturb him. My stomach decided at that moment to announce its anger over me skipping dinner as I did.

Rummaging around the fridge, I found the container of Mac N' Cheese Eddie had said Marilyn made for me. I grabbed it and fished out a fork from the dish strainer on the counter. Not wanting to wake Ed's or even Wayne since he had off, I hopped up on the small counter and began eating it cold.

I was only a few bites in when I heard the familiar heavy footsteps trudging towards the kitchen. I glanced up from the container just in time to see his messy curls pop around the corner. He came in, eyes squinting while scratching his shoulder.

"I thought you were going to the bathroom." He grumbled stepping in between my legs.

"My stomach had other ideas." I shrugged.

He looked down at the Mac N' Cheese in my hands then back at me. He took the fork from my hands and shoved some in his mouth then grimaced.

"Why are you eating it cold?" he asked confused.

"I didn't want to wake you or Wayne." I mumbled with a shrug.

"Wayne and I both sleep like the dead. Besides, Wayne went to Paul's house." He chuckled taking the container from my hands and slipped it into the microwave.

"When did he leave?" I asked confused.

"Little while after you fell asleep. He popped his head in and told me he called out for tomorrow and decided to go on a fishing trip with Paul. He also gave me permission to skip tomorrow and keep you home." He smirked as he grabbed a Garfield mug from the wall.

"Ed's we can't skip. You need to graduate and I'm fine. Spring break is literally next week." I scolded him softly.

"I have a C average in all my classes right now. The teachers are only doing reviews. We're skipping." He demanded while filling the mug with milk and chocolate syrup.

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