"You Deserved Better Pretty Boy." 🐑

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⚠️TW: Slight Smut⚠️

Waking up early in the mornings has always been one of my favorite things. The world was quiet and still. It was almost as if everything was on pause and there were no troubles to be had. Now waking up early in the morning in a pretty boys bed, with said pretty boy completely encompassing my body with his, definitely solidified itself as my new favorite.

The sun was barely up and peeking through his curtains. Allowing myself a few good minutes to just enjoy the peacefulness that was Eddie's room. I pushed his hair back from his face and admired the pretty boy who had completely taken over every thought I had. It was only when I felt my bladder was about to burst I began planning my escape. Every slight move I made he would hug me tighter. I had somehow managed to scoot myself down off the bed and out of his vice like grip.

Once I made it to the floor I glanced back at Eddie's sleeping figure. Small snores escaped his lips and his brows were furrowed. A soft giggle escaped my lips as he unconsciously hugged the pillow I was just on, tight to his chest.

Quietly tip toeing out of his room I quickly made my way into the bathroom and relieved myself. After washing my hands, the hankering for a cigarette hit me. I snuck back into Eddie's room and grabbed his pack of camels and his lighter from his dresser and made my way down the hall. As I did I saw a figure on the couch.

As I stepped into the living room they turned their head towards me. Worn out eyes, and tanned wrinkled skin met my gaze. This must be Eddie's uncle. He didn't seem annoyed or bothered that I was here. In fact, I'm pretty sure he had a small smirk on his face.

"Are you the girl Eddie boy is so smitten over that he rushes to be on time for school." He softly chuckled.

"I hope so. I'm Wren Howards." I replied softly sticking my hand out to him.

"I'm his Uncle Wayne. Feel free to call me that as well." He smirked raising his bushy brows reaching forward and gently shook my hand. "Does he call you Fluffy Sheep by any chance." He asked as he pulled his hand back.

"That's me." I smiled.

"Thought so. You look really familiar. I just can't put my finger on it.' He mumbled sipping his coffee as his eyes traced over my face.

"Um my parents grew up here, Shirley Baxter, and Ronald Howards" I mumbled softly.

He shook his head and shrugged.

"I don't know sounds familiar but just isn't ringing any bells. Might be because I've been up for the past 16 hours so my brain isn't exactly working with me. Anyways, I'm headed to bed so for a tired old mans sake, keep that boy quiet." He chuckled standing from the couch carrying his mug with and headed down the hall on the opposite end of the trailer.

"Yes sir." I grinned amused.

Making my way outside I made sure to shut the door quietly behind me. Plonking down onto the second concrete step, I retrieved a cigarette from the pack. Cupping one hand around it and lighting it with the other. Taking in a long drag and letting in every bit of nicotine I could, the nerves leftover from last night's attack instantly relaxed. As I pulled the cig away I glanced around the trailer park. The ground was covered in frost, the trees were lined with fog, and the air was just cold enough where I could faintly see my breath. I lifted my knees to my chest and rested my elbows on them. The only sounds that filled the park were mourning doves, and distant cars passing the park entrance.

It's times like these a sense of homesickness hits. The home I lost at 8 years old. The one where mom was alive, and she would sing "Once Upon a Dream" while doing any task. Closing my eyes, I could practically see her now. Her yellow dress swaying side to side with her as she stood at the kitchen sink. Her lips coated in deep red lipstick and her curls just perfect on her head. Softly humming the melody as she scrubbed the casserole dish from last night's supper. Every fiber of my being misses her. She was home. A home I will never get back. Unconsciously I began humming the tune now stuck in my head.

The Pretty Boy and His Sheep || Eddie Munson ||Where stories live. Discover now