"Such a pretty boy."

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<Chapter Five>

>Eddie's Pov<

"...I'll give you the notes during lunch tomorrow, save me a seat at Hellfire : P P.S. I only live two miles from you. Better be prepared to see me a lot"

The grin on my face grew as I read over Wren's note. I felt bad that she walked home. But I couldn't help but keep rereading where she wrote "your poor lady fluffy sheep." My Lady Fluffy Sheep. I glanced up at the time and saw I only had 20 minutes before school started. There was no way I was being late today and risking a lunch detention.

With curse, I jumped out of bed and began stripping out of yesterday's clothes and rummaging around my room until I found a clean set of boxers, pants, and another clean hellfire shirt. This I paired my usual outfit with a red and black flannel and my leather jacket. I slipped on my Reeboks and quickly grabbed my bag. I went straight to the bathroom and brushed my teeth with one hand and combed my hair with the other.

When I finished I dashed through the trailer making my way into the kitchen.

"What lit a fire under your ass this morning boy?" Wayne mumbled amused with a cig hanging out his mouth.

"Can't I be excited for my academics" I snapped fumbling through mail on the counter to find my keys.

"I don't know what drugs you snorted, smoked, or licked last night, but keep doing em'." Wayne chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. The only drug that's got me hooked is Wren.

Finally finding my keys I rushed out of the trailer sending Wayne a half assed bye and hopped in my van and took off for school.

I managed to pull into the parking lot with 7 minutes to spare. I fist pumped as I parked and grabbed my bag and made my way to the double doors of hell.

Right as I was about to open it my name was called.

"Hey Munson! Wait for me." Her familiar voice called out.

I turned around a with a grin growing on my face. She was running across the parking lot struggling to put her arm through the strap of her bag.

"Lady Fluffy Sheep a pleasure as always" I bowed and opened the door for her as she got closer.

"Same to you Pretty boy.' She smiled and stepped inside still struggling with the strap in her grip.

I followed behind and gently tugged the strap from her grip and then grabbed her handed and directed it through the open hole of the strap.

"Thank you! Did you get my note?" she asked with a soft grin my straightening her straps on her shoulders.

"I did. I'm sorry about falling asleep on you. I didn't mean for my fluffy sheep to walk home." I mused with a grin.

"Your fluffy sheep huh?" she smirked.

"That's how you put in your note." I smirked back at the blush that bloomed on her cheeks.

"Well now we're even and we can agree we both make great pillows. And like I said, I only live two miles from you." She explained. "Look I gotta run so I don't miss math. I was serious though! Save me a seat at Hellfire!" she called before running off down the hall.

I shook my head and chuckled at her small frame weaving through the students. Following her lead, I made my way to first period.

<Time Skip>

"Where is she?" I mumbled to myself. I was chewing my nails anxiously glancing all around the lunchroom looking for Wren.

"Dude, you're going to make your fingers bleed and we have a gig coming up. Chill out." Gareth chuckled nibbling on his carrot sticks.

The Pretty Boy and His Sheep || Eddie Munson ||Where stories live. Discover now