Buckle up Buttercup

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Life in Hawkins has been going well. Eddie and I have officially been together for 3 weeks. He had finally managed to meet Lucy last Tuesday. And they clicked instantly.


Eddie and I were watching TV. He originally came over just to get help with his chemistry homework. But it turned into him staying for dinner, then a make out session, and then some sexy time in the shower. And now we were seated in the recliner watching Wheel of Fortune. Him laying between my legs with his head propped between my boobs focusing on the show, while I braided small sections of his hair.

"Follow the Yellow Brick Road." Eddie exclaimed

"Follow the Mellow Crick Toad" the guy on TV answered.

"What a dumbass." he snorted in amusement.

"Follow the Yellow Brick Road." Another contestant replied.

"Good job Francis. Show the men how it's done." He cheered

"Eddie babe, they can't hear you." I chuckled playing with his hair.

"I told you Wheel of Fortune gets me hyped, you denied turning the channel, therefore you must deal with it." He explained.

I laughed at his nonsense and went back to braiding. The front door opened abruptly causing Eddie and I to both jump. Lucy came in with a bag on her shoulder. Her tired eyes met ours and her eyes widened when she saw Eddie. He tensed under her stare and fidgeted around.

"Holy shit kid. You look just like Eddie Van Halen. Maybe even a cuter version." She exclaimed dropping her bag on the table and rummaged around it until she pulled out a pack of Marlboro's.

"Right? My own little Rockstar. Luce, this is Eddie, my boyfriend. Eddie this is Luce, my god mom" I introduced them wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Boyfriend?" she asked as she lit one.

"Yep." I said popping my lips.

"Protection?" she asked squinting her eyes at us both.

"Um" Eddie stuttered.

"Nope raw. Feels better." I shrugged

Eddie choked on air while Luce just rolled her eyes.

"Fucking brat." She grumbled

Eddie stayed tense between my legs and she noticed as she plopped down on the couch.

"You can relax Rockstar, I don't give two shits what you do. As long as I don't have to see it, hear it, or eventually feed it." She laughed.

He relaxed and chuckled lightly.

"It's nice to meet you Lucy" he said shyly.

"You too kid. Now how you'd two meet" she asked propping her feet onto the coffee table.

"Bought weed from him when I first moved here."

"Wren!" Eddie exclaimed sitting up and turning to me with a glare.

"Eddie she doesn't care. Her boyfriend is literally called Reefer Rick." I snorted.

"Wait you're with Rick?" he asked turning back to Luce.

"Yep. Had him wrapped around my finger for two years." She chuckled.

"He's my supplier! How did he bag you?" he snorted amused.

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