Hellfire Camp Out Day 2

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<Chapter 27>

>Eddie's POV<

"I'm going for a record. Leave me alone!" Henderson grumbled as he began shoving his fifth hot dog in his mouth.

"You're gonna make yourself sick. And I have to share a tent with you. Therefore I will not leave you alone." Lucas griped.

I chuckled amused at my little sheep bickering. I sipped on my beer that Gareth had so graciously supplied us older Hellfire members.

We had spent the rest of the afternoon chilling at the campsite. We had played a few board games, and went on a little hike so we all knew where the communal bathrooms and showers were.

Now we were all spread out around the fire that Henderson and Robbie created as they were boy scouts. Wren had cooked a couple of packs of hotdogs on the small grill shelf we brought. Which were mostly eaten by Henderson and his will to set a record.

Wren was curled up in my lap in my jacket. I had one arm lazily wrapped around her keeping her in my lap. She yawned and relaxed more into me, but kept her heavy eyes open and watched as Robbie played his guitar again for us.

"Sleepy fluffy sheep?" I asked softly.

She glanced up at me with her adorable sleepy face and nodded. I grinned and leaned down and gently pecked her forehead. Dropping my empty bottle beside my chair I cradled her closer to my chest and stood from my lawn chair.

"Alright boys, Lady Fluffy Sheep and I are retiring for the night. Behave, and try not to set yourselves, or the entire woods on fire." I smirked.

"Try not to scar us all with the sounds of your mating habits." Jeff snickered.

"Shut up Jefferey!" I said smugly.

Turning, I headed towards are tent we have set up when we arrived. Wren had brought plenty of blankets to where it looked cozy and comfy.

"Wanna change into your pj's or you just gonna sleep in that?" I asked as I set her down on the pile of blankets

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"Wanna change into your pj's or you just gonna sleep in that?" I asked as I set her down on the pile of blankets.

Instead of responding she plopped back and tugged down her shorts and tossed them over to our bags. She then pulled her arms into her shirt and weirdly rummaged around the all of sudden tossed her bra in the same place.

"What kind of sorcery..." I said stunned.

She glanced over at me and chuckled tiredly.

"How did you do that?!?" I asked wide eyed.

"A magician never reveals her secrets." She mumbled crawling forward to her side of the tent and plopped down on her belly, giving me a lovely view of her perky behind.

"You can go hang with the boy's pretty boy. You don't have to stay with me." She said softly glancing back at me.

"And miss out on Fluffy sheep cuddles? Pfft no thank you." I scoffed slipping off clothes until I was just in my boxers.

The Pretty Boy and His Sheep || Eddie Munson ||Where stories live. Discover now