Chapter 3

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I stormed into the tower. Loki was talking to Stark. More like Stark was trying to threaten Loki. Neither man was budging on their opinion. Feeling the mate pull, Loki was distracted, looking where I was hiding.
"Dude! Here I am threatening you and you can't even look me in the face. We are the Avengers. We are Damn well going to avenge earth." Loki threw Tony out the window and I knew Tony would save himself.
"I know you are there little mortal." I sighed and stepped out of my hiding place. "Do you feel it too? This pull inside my gut?" I rolled my eyes and walked over to him.
"This," I punched him in the royal jewels, "is for Earth. This," I hit his head down, "is for Steve and Tony." He stood up, ready to kill me. Our faces were inches apart. "And this is what you feel." I closed the space between us and kissed him. I pulled away and saw Steve looking at me, hurt and shocked. He glared and jumped through the broken window and threw Loki out.
"Steve, it's not what it looks like," I said softly.
"Really? Then what was it? You felt the need to..." Steve got cut off by Nat in his ear. "I have to go. I'm going to finish this later."
I watched him leave. I heard something, something bad. I ran to the window and saw Tony carrying a nuke through the portal. I screamed as it shut and I didn't see Tony fall.

*avengers 3rd p.o.v.*
The Avengers stood there in shock. Tony had just sacrificed himself for them.
"Look!" Steve shouted, pointing to a falling Iron Man.
"He's not slowing down."
They watched helplessly as he plummeted to certain doom. Then, all of a sudden, he was gone.

*Aubri P.O.V*

I clutched Tony to my chest as I soared to the roof of a building. "It will be alright Tony. I'll protect you. Don't worry love. I've got you." I landed and ripped his mask off. He had blacked out and was quickly regaining conscience. I ran and hid from him, not wanting to upset him. Thor and Steve showed up and ran to Tony. Thor saw me and grabbed my arms and twisted them behind my back. Steve glared at me and started doing CPR. All of a sudden, I was thirsty. The kind of thirst that caused monsters. I bit my tongue and cleared my throught.
"Get her out of here. Now!" Steve commanded. Thor nodded and we flew off. We landed at the wrecked Stark tower. Loki looked at me and frowned.
"Brother, you should put her down. Her thoughts are strange, but it is not safe for you to hold her like that. She could kill you."
"Why brother? So your little pet can turn around and kill me like she almost killed Stark? I thought you were dead!" Thor had started yelling, but I tuned him out. I winced in pain and in thirst
I opened my mouth and almost bit Thor, but Loki stuck his hand in the way.
"See brother? Not safe. Ouch! That hurts like a bitch!" I was enjoying Loki's blood, but I stopped quickly. I made sure there was no venom in his bloodstream and sealed the wound. Loki passed out. From blood loss or shock, I couldn't tell.

"What did you do to him? Why is he dead Thor?" Tony had been revived and had chosen that moment to yell.
"He is not dead, just unconscious," Thor replied. "This monster has done this to him. She attempted to kill me and he saved me. She should be severely punished."
Thor grabbed his hammer. I looked at him with tear-filled eyes. He softened for just a moment.
"Wait. We need answers." Steve spoke up.
"Steve, about what you saw." I started.
"We will talk about that later. I don't want to hear what you have to say. And if you don't tell them, I will."
"Steve, it's not like you can just tell them and not get in trouble. You'll get yourself killed, me killed, and everyone who knows killed." I hissed at him.
"I'm sorry, but why are you guys making absolutely no sense? Jarvis, search Aubri. Steve, what's her last name?"
Tony interrupted.
"Not answering any of your dumb questions. I didn't show up to save you Stark." I growled menacingly.
"You know, that sounds like a monster thing to do." Tony put on an iron man gauntlet. He aimed at me. "Talk. Now."
I shook my head. "How does no sound Stark? Huh? Are you going to shoot me with your little laser pointer if I don't talk? Oh no, I'm so scared." I smirked. Then, Tony shot me.

When the dust settled, Steve relaxed.
"I forgot how much that would hurt. Son of a bitch!" I clutched my arm to my chest and hopped around in pain.
"What the hell are you?" Tony demanded.
"What doth thou meaneth? I knoweth noteth what thou meaneth." I sassed.
"Are you making fun of me mortal. You will regret it instantly!" Thor boomed and wielded his hammer.
"Stark, you might want to see this." Natasha said. She flipped Loki's arm over and revealed the cresent-shaped scar on his arm. Steve looked at me and adjusted his sleeve.
"What is that? Did she do that?" Stark looked at Loki's arm, then at me.
"Sir, Captain's heart rate is increasing and he has started to sweat. He appears to be adjusting his shirt a lot and I suspect that he is hiding something." JARVIS scared me half to death and I looked for the speaker to destroy it.
"Thanks J. So, Capsicle. What are you hiding?" Tony went and rolled up Steve's sleeves. Everyone gasped at all the scars on his arms. Steve unrolled his sleeves and crossed his arms.
"What happened Steve? Who or what did that to you?" Natasha asked. I looked down, feeling the guilt that plagued me every time I remembered the scars.
"That was America's discovery of Nonya." Steve looked at me while he said it.
"It was you, wasn't it? You did this to Steve and now you have done it to Loki. You are a monster. Thor should take you to Asgard and have you rot in jail." Tony spat in my face. Hulk came and punched me. I grabbed his fist and used vampiric strength to stop him. He shrunk back to Bruce and gripped his fist in pain.
"I believe the question is what the hell happened with Hulk here?" Tony yelled. I flinched at his voice. My senses had chosen that moment to heighten to their peak.
I sat there for an hour, not saying anything. Tony had shot me twice, and Nat tried to suffocate me. Tony threw his hands up in frustration.
"Well, I give up. How about shwarma?" I smiled. "Not for you." He said to me.
"Oh I know. You are just leaving me. Here. Alone. With a bad guy. Unsupervised." Loki looked at me. Steve glared at him and he looked away.
"I will be taking Loki back to Asgard. You, Lady Aubri will go to Hulk's room where the Avengers shall decide what to do with you." He grabbed my face. "Try anything, and Mjölnir will find your face." He dropped me and Steve grabbed my arm.
"To the cell. Now." He kerked me along and I complied. The Avengers trickled out of the room, till only Steve and I were left.
"What is going on. I'm about ready to kill you myself. I get you back to see you making out with Loki. Tell me, did I miss my chance? I didn't get to tell you you I loved you before I left and that has haunted me all those years. Please tell me I'm not too late." He was close to tears.
"Oh, Steve. It's never too late with me." I leaned over and connected our lips. He held the back of my neck and pulled me closer. I pulled away after a minute. He looked at me and left the room. I walked over to the small futon and lied down. I stared at the ceiling and listened.

Steve's P.O.V

I shut the door to my room and stood against the wall, panting. I touched my lips and thought about what just happened. I then thought about the last time I saw Aubri.

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