Chapter 21

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I woke up to an empty bed. I stretched and set off to find a friend. No one was in the kitchen, or the big table room, or the room with couches. I walked over to the computer and started typing.
"No Miss Cullen. They are all on the lower levels of the Tower. Would you like me to bring you to them?" Jarvis answered my typed question. I nodded and followed a red dot to a big metal contraption. I froze. There was no way I was getting in there. The red dot seemed to notice this and went to a door that automatically opened. I half ran, half fell, down four flights of stairs. I bolted through another door and saw another guy who wasn't there last night. He had a darker skin tone than the rest of my friends. There was another guy and a girl behind him. They had the same skin tone. I immediately ran to Natasha and rubbed against her legs.
"Is that?" The first man asked.
"Yeah, Sam. That's Aubri. They used the wiper they used on Buck. She doesn't remember anything." Steve said. I perked up at my name and the darker lady noticed. She carefully walked over to me and held out her hand. She smelled nice, so I booped her finger and climbed carefully onto her shoulder. She giggled and the two men laughed at me for being silly. The door swung open and I nearly fell. Another woman walked in and she didn't look too pleased. A man with a metal arm was following her, grumbling about how he didn't want to.
"Look Okoye! She likes me!" My new friend giggled.
"Yes she does, Shuri." Okoye agreed. I decided I liked her as well. The man with a metal arm kept his distance from me. I looked at him in confusion and Shuri petted me some more. I carefully got out of her arms and walked over to Clint. He blushed and Loki laughed.
"You do realize she is a cat? She doesn't care if you get changed!" He said laughing. Clint looked sad, so I batted at Loki's foot. I expertly climbed Clint's leg onto his shoulder.
"Do not worry. You are very handsome." I reassured him in cat. To this, Loki laughed even louder. I glared at the raven-haired god and huffed in annoyance.
"What did she say?" Clint asked.
"That she is hungry." Loki lied. I hissed at him.
"Translate it correctly," I growled.
"Fine. She said that you are handsome." Loki giggled. Tony laughed as well. All of a sudden, the hampster dance song started playing through Jarvis's speakers. I sat up straight on Clint's shoulders and looked pleased.
"Turn it off Jarvis! TURN IT OFF!" Tony yelled.
"I'm sorry sir. Miss Cullen has hacked me so that when you are mean to her or whomever she is with, this song and cotton-eyed-joe will play. I, unfortunately, can't turn it off." He answered. I jumped off Clint's shoulders and wove myself between Nat's legs. She picked me up and brought me to the kitchen. She poured me a bowl of milk and set it in front of me. I licked it and it tasted delicious! After I finished it all, the rest of my friends walked in. I slinked over to the man with a metal arm, "Bucky." Called Loki, and pouted on his metal fingers. He jerked his hand away and almost hit me. I arched my back and hissed at him. He glared at me.
"Fucking cat. Scared me." He grumbled. I looked at him morosely and sat by Clint. He pet me and snuck me pieces of sausage and eggs.
"Clint! Stop feeding the Cat!" Tony scolded. I glared at him and jumped down. A loud alarm started blaring, and soon, everyone was dressed fancy. I climbed Clint, but he pushed me off. I glared at him and sat by Nat. She smiled at me and picked me up gently.
"You get to stay with Peter. We have to go on a mission. We should be back soon. Be a good girl." She cooed. I frowned and ran into Tony's room. I sat on his pillow and coughed up a hairball. I went into Clint's room and messed up his sheets. I went into Natasha's room and picked it up because she was nice. I then messed up every other room in some way, and I "played" in the lab. It was kinda fun. I stopped in the living room when I saw Peter and three other girls. I walked over to one and sniffed her. She had a darker skin tone as well. She seemed interesting, so I wove myself between her and her book with strange lines in it. She huffed. 
"Where is Aubri? And when did they get a cat? It's annoying." She said. 
"That is Aubri." A pale girl said. I looked at her but decided she was too close to Peter. I grabbed her shoelace and attempted to pull her to safety.
"How?" The dark girl asked.
"Well, it was probably Loki." She said.
"Okay, miss know it all." The pale girl next to her said. I frowned.
"Sadie, Elise, MJ, this is Aubri. Aubri, this is Sadie, Elise, and MJ." He said, pointing to each person respectively. They waved at me. I glared at Peter and meowed. 
"Miss Cullen is hungry. She demands food." Jarvis spoke. I smiled and preened myself. Sadie picked me up and brought me to the kitchen.
"Now, what would you like?" She asked me. I ran out to Peter and sat by her. 
"This one!" I meowed. She didn't understand.
"Why are you by Peter?" She asked me.
"He smells nice. I want to eat his hand." I explained. She still didn't understand.
"AUBRI! WHY DO YOU WANT TO EAT ME?" Peter cried dramatically. I glared at him and tried to eat his finger. He pushed me down and I fell with a huff. I ran into the kitchen and found the leftover pizza. Sadie warmed some up for me and I ate it all. I snuggled in with Elise, to protect her from Peter, and took a nice nap. While I was sleeping, the Avengers came home.

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