Chapter 28

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"Aubri! Wake up!" Loki begged me.
"What?" I asked, disgruntled.
"You passed out at the mall after shopping with your friends! Are you all right?" Tony asked me.
"Really? I don't remember much about the shopping trip except that Liz found a dress for me." I said slowly.
"Yeah, and some douchbag drugged you," Tony stated with a pout.
"Oh, wow! Is MJ alright?" I asked.
"Yeah. I'm right here." She said, poking her head out from behind Thor.
"OK. That's good." I said. I stretched my arms above my head and cracked my back. "I don't remember this, and now I am hungry."
"Of course you are," Loki said with a small smile. Clint brought me pancakes, and they were gone almost instantly.
"Thanks, Clint," I said. Then I realized something. "I have school today."
"Yes, but you won't be going," Tony said forcefully. I shrugged and attempted to shoo everyone out of my room.
"Come on guys! I have to change!" I giggled. They all left after that statement, but Thor remained. "Get out you big oaf!" I giggled while pushing on his huge figure.
"Maybe. I just wanted to apologize for ever hurting you. You have done nothing but prove yourself worthy of everyone here and I commend you for it. I may have come off as witchy and rude, but I wish to let you know that I am not used to feeling affection for the opposite gender. I guess you could say that I was scared of loving you. Which I do." He said quietly. I kissed his forehead gently.
"And I love you as well," I responded.

"Lady Aubri! Loki has stabbed me!" Thor yelled while running away from his brother.
"Loki, stop stabbing your brother," I said with a growl. I gave Thor a potion from Asgard that was brewed for this purpose and threw a dagger at the trickster in the corner of the room.
"But you took advantage of a lady Thor. A lady you aren't even courting!" Loki hissed menacingly.
"Just like you haven't tried to do the same thing Loki. I instigated it. I'm a big girl. I can make my own choices." I hissed back. "And if you go around telling everyone, I will personally burn all of your books." Loki shut up after that. Tony walked into the room saying something, but I ignored it. It wasn't until he snapped his fingers in front of me that I realized that he was talking to me.
"Hey, I said that we needed you on a mission. Now suit up!" He said loudly.

"These monsters are weak against ice!" Tony yelled. "I dunno what to do about it!"
"Brother! You could beat them!" Thor yelled. Everyone but me looked confused. "You know? Your..." He was interrupted by Loki attempting to stab him. Loki missed, he made his point.
"Come on Loki! If you have something that works, do it!" Cap yelled at us. Loki rolled his eyes and allowed his Jotun form to show. It almost immediately got colder. I shimmered with magic and turned blue as well. Everyone looked at us, shocked. Loki looked away in shame.
"Loki, you aren't a monster. Let's finish this so we can go back to normal." I said carefully. He nodded and we both gathered beams of ice magic. We blasted the monsters and left them for SHIELD to pick up. Loki was trying hard not to touch anyone, so I grabbed his hand reassuringly. He smiled carefully at me as we walked to taco bell. After we had eaten, we headed back to the tower, still blue.
"Hey, Smurfette! Do you plan on turning not creepy anytime soon?" Tony asked. I proceeded to throw him out the window. He was saved by his armor, of course, and he walked in sputtering about how he was joking.
"Well don't piss off a vampire then," I stated, turning around and walking straight into Liz.
"Hi..." She said sheepishly.
"Liz," I said in surprise. "Why are you here?" I asked quickly.
"She is here with me. I had business with Mr. Stark." A man said stepping around the corner. My spidey sense went off and I glared at him. Loki noticed my distress and put his hand on my shoulder.
"Why are you here Aubri?" Liz asked. I inwardly cursed because I couldn't just knock her out because there were too many witnesses.
"She is here because she got the Stark internship." Tony lied quickly.
"Oh, and why does it look like you were thrown out the window?" Liz's dad asked innocently.
"Because I was feeling homicidal today." Loki glared. Liz's dad shrank back in fear, all confidence gone.
"I get to help with odd jobs around the tower and with the Avengers. In fact, I had something to show you, Mr. Odinson, in the lab." I said, grabbing Thor and leading him out. Loki followed us both, desperately trying to get away. Bucky was lurking in the hall.
"You're lurking again." I teased.
"Old habits die hard." He said with a smirk. I giggled quietly.
"Of course they do. Come with us to the lab to be anti-social."
"You do realize that if she knew the truth, she would tell everyone, correct?" Loki asked me.
"I would love to say no, but I can't lie to myself like that," I replied.
"I do not understand why you choose to be friends with her. She almost saw you looking like a Jotun." Loki said grumpily.
"And I almost saw you naked once. Does that mean I shouldn't be your friend?" I asked back snarkily.
"Could you not talk like that with us in the room?" Bucky asked while Thor pretended to gag.
"Oh please. You both have seen me naked before. So don't even start." I laughed.
"Hey, kindergarten doesn't count because we got into a fight and our clothes were disgusting!" Bucky complained.
"Yeah, well, you were making a big deal out of it. So if you are uncomfortable, you get to deal with it yourself," I stated. 

"Yeah, he was almost threatening me, but he wasn't in the same sense. I don't know what to think about him," Tony said grumpily. 
"He made my spidey sense go off!" I added helpfully. 
"Yeah, well, that goes off randomly." He said with a glare.
"OH SH!T!" Thor yelled.

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