Chapter 15

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I sat there, numb. I cradled Loki's head to my chest and sobbed. Thor tried to comfort me, but putting your hand on a sobbing person's head doesn't do much good. I eventually felt Thor untangle Loki's body from my arms and bring me back to Asgard. I didn't feel anything once I was there and when I got back to earth. I hardly remember Thor bringing me back to the tower and Tony trying to comfort me. I would sit in my room, staring at the wall, drink from Steve, stare at the wall, try to sleep but stare at the ceiling, pass out from exhaustion, eat something, puke it up, and start the cycle all over again. I do remember when I had to go back to school though.

"Aubri! You are back! What took so long?" Peter asked me in an excited whisper. I pushed the sunglasses I was wearing up my nose and didn't respond. "How long have you been back?"
"Just shut up Peter!" I yelled. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at us. Peter looked hurt, but walked silently to chemistry with me.
"Miss Cullen. You cannot wear sunglasses in class. Please remove them immediately."
"And if I don't?" I challenged.
"Then you will get a detention. Now, remove your sunglasses!" Miss Phillips yelled. I took them off and Peter gasped quietly.
"What is wrong, Aubri? Your irises have red in them!" He whispered. I ignored him and zoned out during class. Flash tried to push me into the lockers, but I turned around and punched him in the face.
"Miss Cullen! What are you doing!" Mrs. Miranda yelled. She pulled Flash and I apart and drug us to the office.
"Mr. Jackson! This is an injustice! I was walking along, minding my own business when, BOOM! I got punched in the face!" Flash said dramatically.
"You deserved it! You called Peter Penis and you tried to shove me in my locker!" I argued.
"Who peed in your cheerios? You have been gone so long you forgot what being nice was?" Flash taunted.
"Someone very close to me just fucking died, so, I am not going to be happy!" I yelled. The room was silent. "I'm done. Jarvis, call Tony." I walked out and heard the principal yelling for me to come back.
"What's up, babe?" Tony asked as he picked up the phone.
"Can you or happy or anyone come to pick me up please?" I asked him.
"Yeah, why?" He asked worriedly.
"I punched a kid in the face and got in trouble. I also walked out of getting chewed out, so I might be in a lot of trouble."
"Okay. Um, would you be okay with Bruce picking you up?"
"Fine. I don't care. I just want out of here." I said.
"Sounds good. He should be there in around ten minutes." Tony said.
"Sounds good. I love you." I whispered.
"Honey, I'm with Pepper." He told me.
"I know." Peter flopped down next to me.
"Mr. Stark? Hi, this is Peter! Could whoever is picking up Aubri pick me up as well? I beat the kid Aubri punched bloody with a chemistry book. Knowledge is power!" He joked.
"Is that Parker? Hey dude!" Tony said.
"So, is that okay Mr. Stark?"  Peter asked.
"I guess. HEY BRUCE! YOU ARE GETTING PETER ALSO!" Tony yelled. "Okay Aubri, I have a meeting soon, so please don't get into any more trouble."

"So, are you talking again?" Bruce asked me in the car. I looked out the window silently. "Okay then. How are you doing Peter?"
"Good. School has been good. I've been doing well in chemistry and band."
"I need to call Steve," I said to no one in particular.
"You know what? No. You are talking to me and Peter about this. It's not okay for you to shut yourself out like this. You need to talk and let your feelings out."
"Yeah yeah whatever." I said, calling Steve.
"I'm done. You are going to go live with Bucky. I'll call him up and you get to go live with him." Steve said as soon as he answered his phone.
"I can't do that. I have school. But how's your mission going?"
"Not to hot. Wanda blew up a building to protect others. There were some casualties."
"Oh no! How is Pietro doing?"
"He's been okay. He misses you..." Steve cut out. I heard a gleeful laugh though.
"Hello Miss Aubri. How are you today? I am currently running from Mr. Rodgers with his phone because he wasn't letting me talk to you."
"Hey Pietro. Life's been tough." I said as I walked into the tower with Peter and Bruce.
"Yeah, so has mine." He answered quietly. "My parents died four years ago today, and now Wanda is beating herself up about not being able to save everyone. I sometimes just miss my parents and old Wanda. I also miss you a lot. How are you holding up?" He asked me quietly.
"Worse than I should. I've been shutting everyone out and not taking care of myself. It's just, I should have done more! I literally watched as it happened and did nothing but watch! It looked like I didn't care! He sacrificed himself for me! What else am I supposed to do? It should have been me who died, not Loki! He literally became a good guy to die! This is different than Bucky. Bucky didn't actually die, but he just fell off a train. He also died in a war because he was protecting Steve. Loki died protecting me! I'm supposed to be able to take care of myself, but I can't. I can't when people around me are dying or when I'm being raped by a sadistic vampire! Tell, me. Why should I keep on loving when everyone else dies?" I cried. Peter, Bruce, and Tony looked at me in shock.
"You were raped, Aubri?" Pietro asked me quietly.
"I'm sorry, I have to go."
"I love you, so much Aubri." Pietro said.
"I love you too." I answered. Peter watched and his heart shattered into a million pieces. He turned and walked away.
"Hey, kid! Where are you going?" Bruce asked.
"Home. Aunt May will be worried."
"No, please stay Peter!" I begged. He glared at me and shook his head.

"They want us to sign these accords?"
"Yeah, we are dangerous and out of control!"
"What about me? I'm not an Avenger."
"You should sign it anyways."

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