Chapter 6

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"Oh, so now I can't talk to my family? I thought I was free." I glared at the man in front of me. Tony clenched his jaw in anger.
"You will obey my rules in my house! Do you understand me?" He spat at me.
"Yes, of course, lord Stark." I drawled sarcastically. He clenched his fists in anger. His thoughts were violent and all over the board, but one thing was clear.
He was going to hit me.
I swung around, knocking my phone off the bed. The screen shattered and the call disconnected. Tony at this point had started to swing to hit me. I grabbed his fist and broke his hand with a sickening crunch. Bones were sticking out of his hand and he was bleeding.
"Don't ever even think about touching me again. Ever." I spat. I turned on my heel and walked away. Steve was outside the door with Thor next to him. 
"Woah. What happened?" Steve asked me.
"She fucking broke my fucking hand! Bullshit that she changed!" Tony screamed. I pushed past Thor and walked down the hallway. I was losing focus on my breathing and my chest was tightening. Tears were forming in my eyes and I couldn't see straight. I bumped into Bruce who stopped and looked at me. He realized what was happening because he had seen it happen to Tony and Steve.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. I shook my head and tried to figure out where I was. "Breathe. In. Out. You are alright. In. Out. Breathe. You are safe." He said, rubbing my back soothingly. Slowly, the tightness in my chest was relieved. As I came back to my senses and started thinking reasonably, I realized who was talking to me. 
"I'm so sorry Dr. Banner. I didn't mean to bother you. You probably have better things to do than babysit me. I'll be off now," I said quietly.
"Wait! What happened that you had an anxiety attack?" He asked me. 
"That motherfucker tried to hit her! I nearly threw him out the window! That is never okay!" Steve said, storming down the hallway. "Hey, Bruce. Would you kill me if I threw him out the window now, Aubri? I plan on it with or without your permission. So, is it okay?"
"No, Steve. Violence is not the answer. I also feel like breaking his hand was punishment enough, though." I said with a smirk. 
"So, no throwing him out the window?" Steve asked.
"No," I said. 
"Too late," Thor said, pointing to Hulk. He had Tony by the throat and was dangling him out the window.
"Woah, Woah, Woah! Big guy! What did I do to you? Please don't kill me. Jarvis, can you bring me some armor please?" Tony asked, struggling against Hulk's strength. 
"Of course sir. After you apologize to Miss Cullen." The A.I. responded. 
"What the fuck! I didn't do anything to her! She broke my hand!" He yelled. 
"Hulk, could you put him down please?" I asked him sweetly. He grunted and threw Tony on the floor. He slowly shrunk back to Bruce. 
"I'm sorry Tony. I don't know what happened. I will be in my room," He said walking away.  I watched him leave and sighed. 
"Let me see your hand."
"Hell no!" Tony exclaimed, clutching his hand to his chest. 
"It's bleeding. Now I want to see your hand." I stated.
"I'll take care of it myself," Tony said, crossing his arms. 
"Goddammit, Tony! Let her see your hand!" Steve yelled. 
"Why are you taking her side? I thought you were my friend Steve!" Tony whined. I walked over to him in this time of distraction and grabbed his arm. After a close inspection of his hand, I deduced what I needed. 
"Steve, get me a first aid kit and a bowl and matches. I need to stop the bleeding and reset the hand. Also, do you have any morphine?" I asked him.
"I have no idea. I can get you the other stuff though." Steve said and left the room. 
"Hey JARVIS. Do you have morphine in the tower? If not, could you get me some? I need it to reset Tony's hand." 
"Of course Miss Cullen. It will be in the medical closet next to the lab. Would you like me to alert Mr. Rodgers so he may pick it up?"
"Yes, please. Thank you," I said. 
"You are very welcome Miss Cullen," The A.I. responded. 

After I fixed Tony's hand and burned the bloody rags, I finally relaxed. I sat at the edge of my bed and contemplated what I wanted to do. 
"JARVIS, where is a good hunting area near here?" 
"There are none within your parameters. I am also programmed to not answer you for now. I am technically telling you the rules, so it doesn't count." He answered. I groaned in frustration and pulled at my hair. Carlisle's gift didn't do me any good when I didn't hunt. I stood up and walked to the kitchen. There was some raw hamburger in the fridge. I pulled it out and decided it would have to do. I put it in the microwave to warm it up some, because who likes cold blood? I was getting ready to eat/drink it when Tony walked in. 
"JARVIS alerted me of suspicious activity going on in your room. He then said you were in the kitchen. Is that raw hamburger?" He asked, finally realizing what I was doing. 
"Maybe? Am I not allowed to cook?" I asked. It could have looked like I was cooking. If you didn't know how to cook. Or if I didn't know how to cook. My eyes flicked to his bandages. I could sense the blood underneath it and it smelled wonderful. I looked away and forced myself to think about my yummy hamburger. Note that I was being sarcastic. 
"Well, I was forced to get you a new phone by my traitor A.I. I'm also sorry for trying to hit you. It was wrong on my part and I didn't realize what it would do to you mentally. But may I ask, why did it give you an anxiety attack? Did your parents abuse you?" Tony asked, handing me a phone. 
"I don't want to talk about it. Thanks anyway. Do you know where Steve is by chance?" I asked him. He glared at me. 
"Why do you want to see Steve? What does he have that I don't?" Tony asked, getting defensive. 
"Nothing. I just wanted to talk to him. He is the nicest and the most understanding of you all. Other than maybe Natasha. Is that okay?" I sassed.
"Why are you two arguing about me and Natasha?" Steve asked walking in. 
"She needs to talk to you, even though whatever she asks of you, she could ask of me!" Tony whined. I rolled my eyes. Steve looked at the hamburger sitting on the counter. He looked at me.

"Ya know Tony, the world doesn't revolve around you," Steve said. 
"I know that! I don't have a high enough gravitational pull to make it! Pepper tells me this all the time! But what do you have that I don't?" Tony grumped. 
"Blood," I whispered to myself.
"What was that? I don't believe I heard you correctly. Blood? Is that what you said? You should know I have blood because you literally put bandages on my hand because of it!" Tony yelled. 
"Not like that Tony! You need to learn when the time is to pay attention and when it is time to butt out! Like now, for instance. Aubri can be by herself and not commit murder! But you have to follow her around because you feel like you need to in your gut! Well, that isn't because she is going to hurt someone, but because you are her soulmate! Think I didn't realize? I have seen it happen twice to her before! TWICE! So, before you are quick to assume, I would check your facts. You are pushing her away like Pepper before you even give her a chance. I know for a fact that I would love nothing more than for that to happen, but you know what? I sure as hell hope it doesn't happen. Why? For Aubri!" Steve yelled. I flattened my ears against my head in hopes of making the yelling quieter. 
"Da fuck? How do you know this? And what do you mean? And..." Tony started.
"Stop. Both of you. I don't have the time or the patience for this. Tony, if you want to follow and watch, I don't care." I growled. Grabbing Steve's arm, I walked down the hallway to the elevator. I pushed the button to Steve's floor and Tony ran on just before the elevator doors shut. Steve looked at me warily but didn't say anything. I strode out of the elevator and threw open Steve's door. 
"You made it sound like you two would be fucking each other. The only reason I'm here is to stop you. Steve, you can do so much better than her." Tony said, looking at the said man.
"Oh, shut it Stark. We all know you want to get into my pants." I said. I then shut the door with an ominous thud. 

"Rule one, no screaming, crying, or throwing up. Rule two, what happens in this room stays in this room. Rule three, you cannot make judgments on my character because of this. Steve, I am sorry." I said. Steve was ready and rolled his shirt up his arm. I held it to my lips and bit down.
"Shut the fuck up Tony. It's fine." Steve said. "God, that still hurts." I took a few more gulps before I let go and licked the wound to seal it shut. Once I was satisfied with my work, I reassuringly kissed his arm. 
"There, all better!" I said to Steve. He smiled. "Now, Tony. You broke two rules. One was no screaming, and two was no judgments. You broke both of them. Remember, tell anyone, and you are probably going to die." Tony looked ready to puke. 
"See Tony? I am fine." Steve said, standing up and stretching. "Are you sure you got enough? I don't feel sick or woozy from blood loss." 
"It will be enough for now. Do you need anything? Food, water, candy?" I asked him. 
"I'm good. I'll leave you with Stark. Have fun." He said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes.
"Be careful and eat something. I still took about a pint!" I yelled after him. It wasn't until I heard Tony gulp that I remembered he was there. "Oops, sorry about that. Forgot you were here. Now, about what you saw..." 

"OOOOOOOOO! TONY WAS MAKING OUT WITH AUBRI! NAT! YOU OWE ME TWENTY BUCKS!" Clint yelled, bursting into the room. Tony still looked disgusted, but I was pissed. 
"I'm sorry, but who asked for your opinion? I don't recall arranging hunger games, so Katniss, you are in the wrong movie. Sorry. The set you are looking for is on the Pacific ocean and Atlantic ocean intersection.  Now go, before you lose an arm." I growled. He ran away laughing, not realizing I was serious. 
"FOOD IS READY! NOW STOP MAKING OUT!" Clint yelled back. 
"We will finish this later," I said, standing up. Tony followed me out to the dining area where Steve was setting plates and glasses on a huge table. He took some lasagna out of the oven and put it on pot holders so he didn't burn something. Clint was sitting eagerly at his spot. The other avengers slowly trickled into their spots. My heart swelled when I realized Steve had set a spot for me next to him and Natasha. 
"Clint! Do not eat before I say you can!" Steve barked at the man. He frowned and stole a piece of salad. We had all settled in and were ready when we were startled by a knock. 

"Is Aubri Cullen here? It's urgent." 

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