Chapter 8

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Aubri P.O.V
I watched as the guys all tried to lift Mjölnir. I giggled as they all failed. Steve tried, and it moved a millimeter. He quit trying and laughed when he couldn't.
"See! None of you are worthy!" Thor boomed. I smiled and walked over to try myself, but stopped.
"Everyone shut up." I said.
"Where's my, where's your body?" Something said.
"I am a program. I am without form." I heard Jarvis say. I started walking to the voices.
"This feels weird, this feels wrong." The first voice said.
"What is it Aubri?" Steve asked. I held up my hand.
"I am contacting Mr. Stark." Jarvis responded. "I am unable to access the mainframe. What are you trying to..."
"We are having a nice chat."
"God-dammit Aubri! What the hell is happening?" Tony yelled.
"Jarvis!" I yelled, running to the voices.
"Ahhh, the lovely Aubri. I know everything about you, all forty-eight of you. I don't need to say much accept for, I'm sorry that you couldn't get to James in time. You were just off. What a..." I ran and tried to kill the system, but it stopped me.
"I'm sorry, I was in a dream, no, tangled in strings. I had to kill the other guy. Not my first choice, but in real life ugly choices are made." A robot said.
"You killed someone?" Steve asked.
"Jarvis," I whispered. "He killed Jarvis!" All of a sudden, iron legion bots started attacking us. I picked up Mjölnir and threw it through a bunch of robots.
"Worthy." Thor whispered.
"Worthy? How could you be worthy? You are all killers." The robot said.
"What do you want?" Tony asked.
"Peace in our time." The robot responded.
"Ultron?" Bruce asked.
"In the flesh, no, this chrysalis." Thor thre Mjölnir and broke the big robot. "I once had strings, but now I'm free!" He said leaving. My breathing was uneven and my heart was beating erratically.
"Stark, what the fuck was that?" I yelled at him.
"A suit of armor around the world. We created him so we didn't need the Avengers anymore. I'm sorry." Tony said, hanging his head in guilt.
"It's fine. What's our next step?"

"We got issues down here!" Steve yelled as he attempted to fight Wanda. I rushed over and kicked her. She fell to the ground and tried to use her gift on me. I blocked, but then her brother came and punched me.
"That was rude." I said while cracking my knuckles. I lashed out and grabbed him. "Watch where you are going, Pietro."
"Let him go!" Wanda yelled. She used her magic and it actually worked.


I sat there screaming, just wanting to be heard.
"Shut up, will you? It is getting rather annoying and it's scaring the humans. You must be punished." He said. He then grabbed me and proceeded to do the unthinkable to a young girl. When he had finished, he left me there, shivering, and said, "Don't let me hear you, or I won't go easy next time."
"Caius! Where are you brother?" Aro yelled. Caius smiled at me.
I jolted up with a scream. Wanda went flying through a wall. Pietro looked at me scared. Wanda was gasping because I knew she saw that.
"Like what you saw? Huh? Well, I didn't. So STAY THE FUCK OUT OF MY HEAD!" I yelled. Steve grabbed me and drug me away. I was still yelling and swearing. Everyone else looked and sounded fine, so Wanda must not have gotten them.  I was panicking and having an anxiety attack. Toby held my hand and tried to comfort me. It was not working.
"What do I do?" Tony asked Steve desperately. My phone started to ring in reply. "It's someone named Edward. Do I answer?" Steve shrugged and Tony answered.
"Aubri! It's okay! You aren't there! It's fine!" Edward yelled through the phone.
"Who are you?" Tony asked. "And why did you call Aubri?"
"She is my sister. Who are you and why are you answering her phone?" Edward asked. Tony frowned.
"Well, we are the Avengers. I'm Iron Man, and Captain America is standing next to me. We also are going to assume you are a vampire if you are Aubri's brother."
"May I talk to her please?" Edward asked. I screamed in anguish and Stve held the phone closer. "Aubri, it's okay. They are in Italy. No one will hurt you ever again. You are alright. Breathe with me. In, out. No one is bleeding, right? In, out." I calmed down, little by little. "Are you okay? Alice saw a moment too late. I called as fast as I could. Where are you? I could bring Rose to you if you wanted."
"Edward? Who are you talking to? I heard you but you were very quiet."
"Bella, love. Aubri was attacked mentally and I knew she needed me to comfort her because her mother doesn't know yet. If she did, I would be dead." Edward said.
"Edward. I'm all good now. You can't come find me because I'm busy being an Avenger. Please don't tell mom this please. Also, have Alice warn me next time something like this will happen."
"Well, I hope he doesn't. You were destined to be a hoe because you have more than one mate. That screams hoe. I'll bet you give..." Bella was interrupted by Tony hanging up.
"She must be a hoe because it takes one to know one." He said. "And I know lots." I smiled grimly.
"Now I have some ass I want to kick."

Wanda looked at us apologetically. "He lied. He didn't care about us. I am truly sorry miss Aubri. I never meant to make you see that."
"Sister. We should probably leave now." Pietro said, putting his hand on Wanda's shoulder.
"I forgive you. Only if you help us kick Ultron's ass." I said. Wanda smiled.
"Hey guys! You might want to see this!" Tony yelled. I walked in and saw a red android that looked familiar. I frowned and he looked at me. He frowned as well. I all of a sudden felt more powerful. I could read everyone's mind, even Tony's new A.I.
"Extraordinary. She replicated the mind stone." The dude said.
"The mind stone? Is this why FRIDAY now thinks weird ass stuff?" I asked.
"What is your name?" He asked.
"I'm Aubri. What's yours?" I asked him.
"I'm Vision."

*time skip to big fight scene*

"On your left!" I yelled as we fought a heck of a lot of robots. I heard people leaving the city and I raced to help. I grabbed people and jumped down with them. I used Wanda's power to create a bridge down. I also caught pieces of the city that were falling because I didn't need more people getting hurt. People were being moved onto a quinjet to leave. Clint had someone in his arms, and I could see what was going to happen before it did. I ran as fast as I could with both vampiric speed and Pietro's gift. I got there and got shot multiple times in the back. Pietro stood in front of me, ready to shield Clint. He had minor bullet wounds that went through me.
"You didn't see that coming." I smiled. The last thing I heard was Clint and Pietro begging me to wake up as I hit the ground.

*Clint P.O.V.*
I held Aubri in my arms. Ultron and the Vision had ran off to fight somewhere. Tony was trying to stop thus dumb rock. And here I was, trying to revive a vampire with an enhanced next to me. I looked at him, thinking.
"Please don't freak out at what I'm going to do." I told him. Rolling back my sleeves, I held my arm to Aubri's mouth. I pushed her mouth open, then closed it on my arm. I hissed in pain as I felt my blood start to flow into her mouth. She responded by drinking more. I started to feel light-headed from blood loss, so I tried to get her to stop. She didn't let me. I was starting to loose consciousness when Pietro took my arm out of her mouth. He shoved his in instead and cried out.
"Call, the, super, soldier. Please." He said between heavy breaths.
"Steve, we need you out here. Preferably now. Pietro and I only have so much blood. We need you to help save Aubri. Please hurry!" I didn't hear a response before we started to fall drastically. The city was falling.
"Run!" Aubri yelled, pushing us into some strange portal-looking thing. The last thing I saw was Sokovia hitting the ground and her getting crushed.

Then the portal closed.

Yassss! A cliffhanger! So, in honor of Thor Love and Thunder, I will be updating this book once a day for about two weeks! From today to next Sunday. If I don't get one in on a day, I will post two chapters the next!

Question, are my chapters too long or too short or just right?

Also, Peter the Parker is coming soon!

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