Chapter 27

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Here it is... Face Reveal. I know it isn't a picture of my face, but I drew it using my photo. HANDS ARE SO FREAKING HARD TO DRAW!!!!!!! LIKE LEGIT! WHO THOUGHT OF HANDS BEING SO HARD TO DRAW!??! And because I'm nice... a chapter for you, my dear readers.

Aubri's P.O.V.

I returned to school a few weeks later. They were happy to welcome me back, after a large grant from Tony. I quickly got caught up with the curriculum and was welcomed back onto the decathlon team. I made a friend with the new student, Liz. She started to hang out with all of us.
"Hey, girl!" She called out to me at lunch. "You know, pizza isn't very good for your figure." She told me. I frowned and ate it anyways.
"Hi, Liz," Ned said quietly, with a lovesick look on his face.
"Hi, Peter." She said to him. He looked at her, confused, and went back to talking to MJ.
"So, are you all coming to my party?" She asked everyone. A chorus of "yeah" responded.
"Peter, want to come over tonight for dinner? Dad is making lasagna." I said with a giggle. Everyone but Liz knew about me living with the Avengers.
"Can I come too? I would love to hang out with your aunt while she's in town again." MJ asked.
"Maybe. I'll have to ask because nearly everyone is visiting this weekend and they decided to show up early this morning. That was annoying." I said carefully.
"Did you have a mishap again?" Peter asked me quietly. I whapped him on the back of his head.
"Stop teasing me! I can't always help it!" I whined. He smiled and stole my apple.
"So, Aubri and MJ. Will you two girls go shopping with me for dresses for my party?" Liz asked loudly. I looked at MJ, who shrugged.
"Of course! I can buy!" I said excitedly.
"WOW! Thanks!" Liz cheered.

The rest of my day after lunch was uneventful. Flash was a jerk, like always, but I really didn't care. I was busy relishing in the fact that I had met someone who blocks other people's gifts, and I turned off the mind reading instantly. Decathalon practice was easy and we were getting ready for nationals in Washinton D.C. To sum it up, life was going good.

"This dress looks great on me!" Liz said excitedly, spinning in front of the mirror.
"It sure does! What do you think of this one?" I asked, holding up a form-fitting dress.
"Hmm, I don't know. That would probably make you look fat. You should watch what you eat better. Otherwise, all of the food you eat goes straight to your hips." She said matter-of-factly.
"Oh, ok," I said quietly. MJ looked at me, confused.
"I think it would look great in it Aubri! Try it on!" She urged.
"No, it's okay," I whispered. MJ glared at Liz and pulled me away.
"She is being toxic! You would look great in that dress! You forget that you don't get fat! You are a freaking VAMPIRE! YOU PHYSICALLY CAN NOT GET FAT!" She whisper yelled.
"How do you know? I can get bloated. What's the difference?" I asked.
"Aubri, stop. You are beautiful. Don't ever stop believing that." She told me.
"That sounds suspiciously like something Sadie would say." I accused.
"She might have told me to tell you that. Not the vampire part, but you know. Everything else. I said statistics." She said. I frowned.
"But why would Liz be toxic? What did I do to her?" I asked.
"Because she is jealous! Duh!" She nearly yelled.
"Is everything alright? You took a long time, and I found a dress for Aubri!" Liz said with a smile. She showed me a very unflattering dress and urged me to put it on. She insisted I buy it and wear it to her party. I agreed and we left. I rest someone following us, and so I subconsciously started walking faster.
"Woah, Aubri! Slow down!" Liz said, grabbing me. My armhairs stood on end, and I turned to where I sensed something. I activated my gifts, and immediately knew where he was.
"Let's get out of here!" I whispered to them. We started walking away like nothing was wrong. I trailed behind and slowly lost them. I led the men away and when they grabbed me, I was alone.
"Well, well, well. Look what the mouse trap caught." A masked man said, trying to knock me out. I flopped over, and waited three seconds before using Wanda's gift. The men were blasted off of their feet in an instant. I jumped up, rolled up my sleeves, and started fighting.
"Who. Do. You. All. Work. For?" I asked between punches. I beat them all up, until I felt a stick in my neck.
"Hello there. I need you to get to the Avengers." A man said with a smirk.
"And who the wheel are you?" I asked sleepily.
"Ah ah ah! Tony Stark's daughter should never say those things! Don't worry, you get to go home with your friends. When they find you." He said with a sinister smile.

Dearest readers. Thank you so much for this milestone. I wouldn't be here without you! Sorry for the long wait.
P.S. Lizzy, if you are reading this, I promise it isn't you! (Please don't kill me!)

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