Chaper 5

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"Follow me, Miss Cullen. I know you aren't an agent, but we need your, special, tracking skills." Nick Fury said opening my cell.
"If I do well, do I get freed?" I asked him.
"Maybe. I'm supposed to be dead, so you must keep this a secret." He quickly walked me through a secret door and into the parking lot.
"Who is it?" I asked.
"His name is the Winter Soldier. We must find him because he is trying to kill the Avengers." I cringed.
"OK. When was he last seen? And where was it?" I asked looking at him. "Also, you drive too slow. Let me drive."
"No. I don't trust you enough for that. Also, you will get debriefed by your partners."
"Who are they?" I asked as we pulled into a parking lot.

"Fury? How are you alive?" Steve asked.
"That is none of your business Captain. You have a mission to find the Winter Soldier and I brought a valuable asset." Fury said revealing me behind him.

"This chick? Didn't she work with Loki?" Natasha groaned.
"I refuse." Captain said. I ignored him when I smelled something I never thought I'd smell again.
"Shut up. Someone is near." I said, crouching in a defensive position. No one was touching my mate. I snapped my head in the direction of quiet footsteps. "Everybody down!" I yelled. A bullet came flying towards me. I dodged and grabbed one of Natasha's guns. I retaliated and started chasing him. He ran at a super soldier speed. I caught up to him and grabbed his arm. He grunted and punched me with a metal arm. Steve had caught up to us and threw his shield.

"Watch out Steve! You almost hit me!" I scolded.
"Sorry! Not my fault you are fighting him and not giving me a clear shot!" He retaliated. I looked into the thoughts of my attacker.
*My mission is Captain America and his team. No survivors.* I pulled out of his mind. There was no doubt he was brainwashed. I grabbed his metal arm.
"Big mistake." He said with a growl. I froze at the voice.
"Bucky?" I whispered. He looked at me, confused. 

"Who the hell is Bucky?" He asked me. I was still frozen when he got on his motorcycle and drove away. I fell to my knees in shock and pain. 
"What the hell happened Aubri? You were supposed to catch him!" Steve yelled. I flinched at his voice. He crouched beside me. "Is something wrong? Are you hurt? Do you need anything?" 
"I'm fine. I just need a minute," I whispered. My eyes flashed gold and I noticed something was off. I held out my arm and it was glowing. The glow was faint enough for the regular humans not to notice, but I knew Steve could see it. I held my finger to my lips to let him know not to say anything. I hadn't gotten to talk to Carlisle about my conditions, so I didn't need anyone to know yet. 

"What happened? I told you to get him! Does your freedom mean nothing?!" Nick yelled at me. 
"Sorry. I am not completely perfect at tracking. I could hook you up with a guy, but I don't have a phone, freedom, or access to the outside world," I snarked. Nat looked at me. 
"She could come with us. She could stay in the Tower where we could keep an eye on her and train her better. We could also grant her access to anything she needs to find Winter Soldier. Please?" She asked Fury. He looked at me, then at her. 
"Fine. But! Only if you take full responsibility. Anything goes wrong, it's your job on the line," He said to both of us. She nodded once and led me to a car. 
"Let's go. Do you mind sitting in the back?" She asked me. 
"It's fine. Do I need handcuffs or something?" I asked with a smirk.
"Oh cut the bull crap. We all know you break them Aubri," Steve said, getting in the back with me. 
"I need a babysitter?" I asked him. 
"No. I don't want to sit by Nat anymore. She draws the gunfire." He said, smiling. I nodded and looked out the window. The trip was around four hours, so I settled into the window and fell asleep. 

"Oh, you have a metal arm? Me too! No, that's a lie. Owch! That hurt!" A boy in red said as he swung around on what looked like spider webs. I looked down and saw myself fighting with everyone. I seemed to be trying to stop the fight. An android and a red-clad girl were fighting and I didn't recognize them. There was also a black-suited person who looked like a cat. I saw the small boy get hit and I screamed and I didn't even know him. My dream person noticed this and emitted gold particle waves from her body. 
"The fighting stops now!" She yelled. The android shot her through the face with a laser from his forehead. I fell to the ground and Tony ran up to me. 
"Oh my god! Aubri! I'm so sorry! He wasn't supposed to do that! Where did you go? Please be ok!" He whispered to me. 
"I love you." 

I jerked awake, disoriented. Steve was shaking me, trying to wake me up. I didn't realize what was going on and I started having an anxiety attack. He realized this and grabbed my hands.
"Breathe Aubri. In. Out. You are safe. You don't have to worry. It's alright. Breathe with me. In. Out. See? You are just fine." He said. I followed his breathing and calmed down. "We are here."

"But Tony! She is no longer brainwashed!" Natasha whined to the billionaire. 
"My tower, my rules. I say no!" He said stubbornly with his arms crossed. 
"I'll tell her I guess," Nat said. "Hey, Aubri! He said yes! Come on in." I smiled at her reaction. 
"Are you sure? Tin can over here looks like he swallowed a lemon." 
"My name is Iron Man, Mr. Stark, or Sir to you," Tony growled. 
"Okay, Mr. Stark," I said with as much sarcasm as I could. 
"Let me show you your room!" Natasha said, dragging me away. "I got your old phone, which, by the way, you have a lot of messages and missed calls. A LOT!" I grabbed it and saw notifications from Edward, Alice, Mom, Dad, Bella, Unknown, Carlisle, Esme, and Jasper. There were calls, texts, facetimes missed, and even Snapchats. I groaned in frustration. "I will leave you to it then! Have fun. Steve is your neighbor, so when he wakes you up at an ungodly hour, it is all Tony's fault." She said and left. 

I opened my phone and cleared the notifications. I then opened the facetime app and called mom. 

"Aubri! Are you alright? We were so worried! Everyone! It's Aubri!" She yelled. There was a commotion and Dad grabbed the phone.
"Where were you? You disappeared for over a year! We couldn't find you!" He scolded. I frowned. 
"I got taken to S.H.I.E.L.D. They thought I was working with Loki in the attack on New York. Also, I found out I have seven mates! Carlisle, has that ever happened before?" 
"It is rare, but now and then a vampire gets more than one." He answered. 
"Who are you talking to Aunt Rose?" A little girl asked. 
"Your Aunt Aubri. The one everyone told you about. She is just like you sweety." Mom said, lifting her up. I gasped.
"She is just like me?" I asked with tears in my eyes. 
"Yes. She is Edward and Bella's." Mom told me. 
"Tell them congratulations." I said excitedly. Tony walked into my room without knocking.
"Who are these people?" He asked angrily.
"Aubri, are you at your apartment?" Dad asked.
"Maaaybe?" I said slyly.
"Then why is Tony Stark in the background?" He asked me.
"She is currently in custody of the Avengers for treason and the aid of Loki's attack on earth. Who are you people and what do you have to do with Aubri?" He crossed his arms.
"Umm, Aubri wouldn't invade earth. She's lived here her entire life." Carlisle said.
"Did you know she was an enhanced?" Tony asked them with a scowl.
"What? Enhanced? What does that mean?" Mom said.
"It means I have powers. They haven't figured out the secret except Steve. He doesn't count." I said in minonese. (From despicable me.)
"Da fuck did you just say?" Tony asked.
"I explained what an enhanced was. Is that so bad Mr. Stark?" I snarkily.

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