Chapter 23

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Aubri's P.O.V

Amidst the chaos, I somehow turned back into a cat. Tony looked at me but scooped me up instead. He ran out the door, swearing. I looked at him and nearly killed him when he ran into the metal contraption. He held me close and I heard Steve arguing with someone. I squirmed out of Tony's arms and ran to help him.
"Sir, I understand you are upset, but please don't..." Steve said. There was a big man and a really pretty woman.
"DO NOT TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" The big man yelled. He almost stepped on me as he paced around and I yowled to get Steve's attention. He paled at me in cat form.
"LOKI!" He yelled. "WE HAVE A SITUATION!" Loki teleported to us in an instant.
"What happened?" He asked me in cat.
"I got scared and this happened! I didn't try!" I explained. Loki picked me up and helped me calm down.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" The big man yelled. "AND WHY IS IT MORE IMPORTANT THAN MY DAUGHTER?" Steve rolled his eyes.
"That is your daughter." He said calmly. I glared at him as Tony walked in.
"There you are. I'm sorry. I forgot you wouldn't like the elevator. Hello sir. I'm Tony Stark. Would you care to explain why you are so angry with us?" He said in his best diplomatic voice.
"My idiotic husband of mine found out this morning that our daughter has been with you for at least three days. We haven't seen, or heard, from her in the last three months! So when he found out that you guys had her and didn't reach out to him, he got mad. I apologize for overreacting. May we see our daughter now?" The pretty lady asked. Loki set me on the ground, transformed into a cat, and walked over to me.
"Now, I need you to activate your power. I know it's somewhere inside of you. The shift in magic you felt when I turned into a cat? I need you to replicate that same shift when I turn human. Please. Otherwise, your parents will probably kill us all." I looked confused at him. He rolled his eyes and transformed back into a human. I transformed back with him. Steve looked relieved and the big guy was surprised. I walked over to Tony and held his hand. Clint came downstairs and I beckoned him over as well. Tony glared at him, but I ignored it.
"Now, someone please explain what is happening," I demanded. "And food would be nice."

After we ordered some tacos and had gotten all settled into the living room, the pretty woman started talking.
"We are your parents, Aubri. We found you when you were a baby and raised you as our own. Your family has been worried sick. You have a sister named Alice, and two brothers, Edward and Jasper. Your grandparents are named Carlisle and Esme. We are all vampires. We drink animal blood to survive. But you are different. You are half-vampire and half-human. You can eat food, sleep, and do other human things. But you also can use vampire skills and you have a copycat ability and you can replicate other people's abilities. I know this sounds like a lot, but you need to believe us." She said carefully. I chewed on the thought, literally.
"So that's why when Tony cut his hand I wanted to lick the blood. And probably why I wanted to eat Peter." I said thoughtfully. Mom looked at me in surprise.
"Wait, what?" Dad asked, loudly. I flinched at the noise and my tail puffed up. He looked at me apologetically. Clint stroked my hair for a minute to calm me down. After that, I didn't fully relax.
"I think the best option is to let Aubri remember on her own. That worked best with Bucky." Steve said softly. I yawned and nodded, snuggling closer to Clint. He scooped me up and brought me to my room. There was a sleeping Lokitty in my bed and I smiled.
"Goodnight Lokitty." I whispered as I fell into a deap sleep.

A/N: Hey guys! We have come a long way from the beginning! We have almost 1000 reads! I just want to thank everyone for being super supportive. MysticCreator TheShortGal200 Ilovetoreadandwrite I want to thank you people most because your comments, chats, and stories make my day just a little bit better. Go read their stories and drop them a follow! I want to thank everyone and say that when we get to 1000 reads, I will do any requests in chapters and anything you ask. (Excluding Smut that would just be bad) So, tell your friends and get your requests ready!

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