Chapter 26

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"So, can you get pregnant?" Wanda asked me thoughtfully. 
"I don't know. I've never had problems with this. My period shows up, disappears for a long time, and is very irregular. Even when I was married, I never had issues with this. My grandpa, Carlisle, always thought there would be either a venomous protective bubble around the egg, or there would be too much venom and the baby would die." I said, chewing on popcorn. "Now, when I do get my period, it is the worst thing ever. It is anyone's horror story times five! I get awful cramps, I bloat, I get migraines, I puke, and I am tired! I absolutely hate it!" I complained.
"Don't worry Aubri. We will help you through this." Nat reassured me. Loki walked into the living room and lay down on the couch. 
"Hey," He greeted, opening a book. He ignored us while he read until I flopped on top of him. He looked up in surprise and I smiled at him. My tail swished lazily, and I was ready to fall asleep. 
"Mr. Loki!" Peter yelled, running into the room. "Where are you?" He asked. I glared at him and put my head back on Loki's chest. 
"There you are. The team wanted to talk to you about your magic restrictions. That apparently is required for you to stay on Earth." 
"Hullo Peter." I told him.
"Hi Aubri. Do you like me yet?" He asked.
"I don't know? What are you?" I asked back. He smiled.
"I am spooder man." He said, striking a heroic pose. I laughed at his silly antics.
"Well, what is Spooder man?" I asked.
"He was tragically bitten by a radioactive spider and is now developing powers. He has this super awesome girlfriend who worries for him all the time named Aubri. His man in the chair is named Ned and his other best friend is MJ. They are all best friends and Spooder man misses his girlfriend." He told me quietly.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know. But I'm not ready for all of this right now. I have everything coming back to me and on top of it all, my freaking period had to show up! But, I found your hoodie. It is mine now." I said with a giggle.
"No! Not my hoodie!" Peter gasped dramatically.
"Wait, you get monthly bleeds?" Loki asked Mr.
"No. I get 'hi I'm here now. By for fifty years to show up again' bleeds." I said sarcastically.
"How old are you?" Peter asked me.
"That's for me to know, and you to never find out. Mr. Parker." I said sarcastically.
"Darn." He whispered. His phone went off and he rushed to answer it.
"What do you mean you're coming to the tower? I don't know if she is ready for that! No! Don't bring them too! Wait, you are inside, aren't you?" He said to the person on the other end.
"Yep. And this is Clara, Sadie, and Elise." MJ announced dramatically.

"So, how do I know you?" I asked Clara for the millionth time.
"We lived in Volterra together. We escaped together. We lost touch, but Thor brought us back together." She said with a smile.
"Wow, I must have been badass to break out a queen!" I said proudly.
"Hell yeah you were! You were using everyone's gifts and blasting holes everywhere and Caius just watched us leave. He didn't even go back to you when you went back to the Cullens." She said, throwing popcorn at me. I caught it in my mouth and chewed happily.

I spent the rest of the night with my friends, and had a peaceful sleep surrounded by love.

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