Chapter 30

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"Loki, love, you have to let me in!" I begged to the shut door. I heard muffled crying on the other side. I tried to break the door, but magic stopped me. "If you don't let me in, I will use your magic. Now, let me in." I reached up to knock again when the door swung open with magic. I walked in carefully and saw Loki sitting on his bed with his back turned to me. Something was off, however. I walked over carefully and sat next to him. He looked away, and I realized why. 

Loki was a girl. And a very hot girl at that.

"Loki, love, are you afraid of me?" I asked her. 
"Yes, I mean, no. I mean, I don't know." She whispered. 
"Oh, honey. It's okay." I whispered sadly, wrapping my arm around her. 
"But, you aren't repulsed by my female form?" She asked me. "Or the fact that you are now male?" I looked down, and sure enough, I was a guy. I could still feel my female emotions, but I also had some new strange thoughts in my head.
"Why should I be? You are still my soulmate, and my gift is really hard to control." I reassured her, grabbing her hand. "Now, breakfast!" I cheered, pulling her with me. We ran into the dining room, where everyone was silenced immediately. Loki dropped my hand and looked at her feet.
"I thought this stopped. You stopped for a long time. Why did you start again?" Odin demanded.
"Odin, love, maybe you shouldn't do this at breakfast," Frigga whispered. 
"I do not care! How dare HE show HIS face at breakfast when HE isn't right!" Odin grumped.
"Oh, and what about her soulmate? Is he wrong too?" Frigga asked her husband.
"Yeah, okay! I DON'T GIVE A CRAP!" I yelled back with confidence I didn't know I had.
"What did you say?" Odin asked, standing up.
"I said that I don't care! You hurt her feelings, and frankly, I don't like it! I feel like you need to be nicer to everyone, especially your daughter!" I replied, crossing my arms.
"Oh, well, everyone look. This WOMAN here wishes to make an example of HERSELF!" Odin yelled, brandishing his staff at me. I smirked at him. 
"Well, I'd like to see you try!" I yelled back. All of the nobles gasped and I heard Sif snicker. Odin blasted his staff toward me, and I dodged. I ran at him and managed to land a punch. The crowd gasped, and Loki teleported next to me. She placed a hand on my arm and I realized what I had just done. Guards grabbed me and started to drag me to the dungeons. I didn't fight, but the Aether, which I forgot I had, lashed out and blasted them away. I grimaced and walked myself to the dungeons. When I was out of Loki's magic range, I transformed back into a girl. I then noticed immediately something was wrong. I doubled over, screaming in pain. Guards came running as fast as they could. 
"What's going on here?" One asked. The room shimmered with orange magic, and Frigga showed up. She knelt next to me and placed her glowing hands on my stomach.
"It's just as I feared. Quickly now! Bring her to the medical wing, NOW!" She commanded.
"What's happening?" I asked dizzily. 
"Nothing. You are safe now." Frigga reassured me. "Move! Please! We have a hurt person! I SAID MOVE!" Frigga yelled to people as we walked past. Odin started following us.
"What happened to HER?" He demanded.
"She will lose her baby if I don't do anything soon," Frigga yelled at Odin. He looked shocked and stomped off to find Thor. 
"Baby? I can't have a baby. IT'LL DIE! PLEASE! HELP IT!" I cried deliriously. 
"I'm so sorry honey. I have to put you to sleep. Please do not be upset." Frigga said, using her magic on my head. I felt my eyes slip shut and I fell into the world known as unconsciousness. 


"THOR!" Odin boomed, not giving a damn about Aubri or what she needed. Thor appeared by his side almost immediately. He shrunk away from Odin's glare.
"Yes, Father?" He asked. Odin's frown deepened.
"YOUR prostitute is pregnant. Most likely of your doing. I am so ashamed of you. You should know better than to get a lady pregnant. Especially not a non-Asgardian," Odin scolded. 
"WAIT! SHE'S PREGNANT?!" Thor yelled, immediately frightened. 
"Yes, you baffoon. How could you taint your name?" Odin asked angrily. 
"Father, stop. You have dealt enough damage for today!" Thor yelled while walking off to find his sister. She was in her room, crying while clutching her pillow. 
"What do you want?" Loki asked angrily.
"Your soulmate needs you. We must go now, sister." Thor said quietly.
"What's wrong with him?" She asked.
"She's pregnant. With my child." Thor whispered. Loki immediately returned to his male form and ran out the door. Thor followed his brother to the hospital wing and stood sullenly in the doorway. Frigga was using almost all of her magic to save the baby, only because she knew how important it was to Aubri.
"How can I help, Mother?" Loki asked, his hands glowing green. 
"Do you know any basic internal healing spells?" Frigga asked.
"Kinda. I used to do them to Thor." Loki answered. Together, Frigga and Loki healed Aubri and the baby and managed to get them in stable condition. Loki's for shimmered from Jotun to Asgardian, and Thor drug him out of the room. 
"But, but, Aubri." Loki protested weakly.
"We don't need her to turn blue right now. What if it causes more issues?" Thor reassured. 
"She will be fine. I prescribe strict bed rest. Also, I believe it is because she turned male," Frigga said, looking at the two boys. Loki paled and fell against the wall.
"It's my fault! I nearly killed her." He whispered, shocked. 
"No, brother. It's not your fault. We didn't know, and you don't feel comfortable as a male when you feel feminine. If anything, it is Father's fault." Thor said, reassuring his brother. 
"What is my fault?" Odin asked, glaring at the entire group.

*Aubri's P.O.V.*

I slowly opened my eyes to the boys talking in the hallway. I groaned and felt the need to puke. A maid held up a bucket, and I emptied my stomach into it. The boys came rushing in, followed closely by their mother. When I was done, I fell back against the pillows. 
"Hi," I said weakly. Loki stayed against the wall. "You are a boy again," I noted sadly.
"I am, only because it feels right, however." He reassured me. Thor looked out the door and walked out to talk to someone. He returned with his father moments later. 
"Aubri, you are not allowed to talk to my sons ever again." Odin boomed. 
"Well, that is too bad," Frigga argued. "She needs to be with them. As their soulmate, taking her away will cause the boys to go through tremendous emotional damage. This will damper their ability to make rational decisions and you will no longer have a suitable heir. Are you sure you wish to make that choice?" Odin frowned, contemplating the decision. 
"No." He said defeatedly. 
"That's what I thought. Now, I would request that Aubri returns to her home so she can be as relaxed as possible. She needs to have bed rest, and I wish to speak with her family. I want to know how long her term will be and what to expect." Frigga said, reverting back to Dr. Frigga.
"But won't the Bifrost be bad for the baby?" Loki asked.
"I do not believe so. It is a short amount of time, and I traveled by Bifrost all the time while pregnant with you two." She said thoughtfully. 
"So, the baby survived?" I asked.
"Yes. Your babies survived." Frigga answered with a smile. 
"Babies?" Thor asked with a smile on his face.
"Yes. You are having twins!" Frigga announced. I smiled at her and leaned my head back against my pillows. Loki moved towards my bedside and held my hand.
"Five more minutes?" I asked sleepily. Loki nodded and sang me an Asgardian lullaby. 


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