Chapter 10

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Aubri P.O.V.
"What are you?" Peter whispered in my ear.
"A girl?" I asked in a confused voice.
"Then who are you, really this time?" He whispered angrily.
"I am Aubri Cullen. Why do you keep interrogating me?" I asked him in frustration.
"Parker, Cullen! Will you two help me set up the soccer field for ultimate football today?" I nodded and walked outside. I moved stuff and noticed that my arms seemed to be rippling with light. I frowned and finished moving the soccer net. Peter was looking at me with a confused frown on his face as well.
"Is something wrong? You are frowning enough to make sadness look happy. Would you knock it off with the weirdo staring at me?" I asked, crossing my arms.
"Did you notice that you are glowing?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes. This kid was just proving that he wasn't normal.
"Ummm, no? Are you okay? Do you need to get your eyes checked?"
"I know what I see." He said as the rest of the class joined us.

"Yo, what did you do to Peter?" Michell Jones asked me in the locker room after P.E. "He looked at you like you killed Tony Stark, his idol." 
"I didn't do anything to him. Maybe he was just jealous that I am better at football than him," I joked, flipping my hair over my shoulder. MJ laughed and let the subject drop. I walked to lunch where I saw my new friends sitting together at a table in the back corner. 
"Hey ladies! How are you girls doing?" I greeted them while sitting down. The school pizza was edible after I wiped it with a napkin to get the grease off. "Is this even legal? Forks was poor as shit, but they had better food than this!"
"Yeah, we don't know. We don't eat, remember?" Elise said. 
"What's it like? Eating, I mean?" Sadie asked me excitedly.
"It's interesting. It's like hunting animals, where different foods have more flavor and taste finer. I would consider sweet food to carnivores, salty food to omnivores, and vegetables to herbivores. Absolutely no flavor! It is green! Mold is green, but people don't go telling teenagers to eat mold!" The two girls laughed at my thoughts. 
"Do you have a gift? Most of the Cullens had gifts so we just wanted to know," Sadie told me with a shrug. I nodded and chewed my food in my mouth.
"I'm a copycat. It's very rare and the Volturi wanted me to work with them. I can take other people's gifts and make them my own. Some gifts will fade if I don't use them, and other gifts will never fade. So, you know how I lived with a mind reader? I lived with him for my whole life, so I am stuck as a mind reader forever. I also can't necessarily turn it off. I can activate another gift, but I still hear voices in my head. I can have as many gifts activated as I want, but I do get tired because I am half-human. If a gift can be controlled, like Aro's mind-reading ability, I can turn it off or deny it. Other ones I can only replicate when they are activated," I explained quietly. "Like Parker. He has something, but he also seems to have a shield of sorts. Or he has a lot of experience with people digging through his mind and hides what is going on with him."
"I KNEW IT!" Elise shouted, jumping up! "SORRY, EVERYONE! I knew there was something off about him. He used to be a scrawny nerd with glasses. Now he is super strong and muscular with perfect eyesight! Explain that Sadie!" 
"I told you, it's probably a gift that developed with puberty. Otherwise, he is just a weirdo or your nose is broken," Sadie explained to her sister. 
"So, are you guys biological sisters or just in a coven together?" I asked them.
"We actually have no idea! We don't remember our human lives at all, so we just assume we are sisters to make other's lives easier," Elise told me. 
"That sounds like Alice. She doesn't remember anything either, but she was in a mental asylum," I said to them. "I'm sure you will find your past someday." The bell rang. "See you two later." 

I wasn't all too surprised to see Peter in my next class. It was advanced math and he seemed very nerdy. He was sitting at a cluster of desks with a larger boy and MJ. She waved me over and I sat by them. Peter glared at me when his arm hairs stood on end again. Ned noticed and passed a note to Peter. He passed a note back and Ned glared at me. 
"You should join the Decathalon team! We have practice tonight after school and all of us are in it. I think you would do great!" MJ told me excitedly.
"MJ, we already have a full team," Peter told her.
"You mean to tell me that you want Flash on the team?" MJ asked him incredulously. 
"Yes, I mean, no, but I'm sure Aubri is very busy being mysterious and suspicious," Ned told us. 
"Ned, you weren't supposed to say that!" Peter whisper-yelled at his friend. I rolled my eyes at the pair. They fought like Steve and Bucky used to. 
"Okay, class. Today we will be learning about ellipses. Now, I know what you all are thinking. 'Why would we learn about English in math Ms. Phillips?' Well, the answer to that is...?" She looked at us. I had my hand up and so did Peter. Everyone else was confused. "Aubri?"
"An ellipse is the mathematical term for an oval. The definition is a plane curve around two focal points. So, yes, while an ellipse is used in English, it is also a mathematical term. Otherwise, we wouldn't have been able to make football stadiums in oval shapes." Peter glared at me after I was right. His thoughts screamed jealousy. I smirked at him and he crossed his arms with a huff. 
"Very good. Did you learn this in your old school?" Ms. Phillips asked me with a smile.
"Yes. I was in the advanced placement there as well," I replied. Peter glared at me out of the side of his eye. The rest of the period went on like this. My next period was literature, and I was in class with Elise. Flash was also in that class to make my life miserable. The rest of the day went by well, with me being in Ned's class twice more and Peter's once. 

I walked into the theatre, which was set up for the decathalon practice. I smiled at the bells and the familiarity of the setup. I was on the quiz bowl team in Forks, which was the smaller version of this. Flash was sitting in his chair, leaning back, so I knocked him over. 
"Oops, sorry. I didn't see you there." I giggled. He grumbled under his breath about how he was going to get payback someday. Peter and Ned walked in, whispering together about some after-school activity involving legoes. I rolled my eyes at their childishness. Peter glared at me as he sat down next to me. As practice went on, it was becoming crystal clear that I was good at what I was doing. I quickly replaced Flash on the team and he became first alternate. After practice, Mr. Harrington welcomed me to the team, and I walked off. I felt someone following me, so I started to speed up. I turned, but I didn't see anyone. I pulled out my phone and called Tony.
"Hey, miss me already?" He greeted.
"Not the time Tony. I think I'm being followed, but I can't tell who they are," I said quietly.
"Calm down, babe. Take three rights and a left. If they are still following you, bring them to a dark alleyway and kick their ass!" He told me. I took a deep breath and turned right. I walked a block and turned right again. I walked two blocks and turned right again. After another block, I turned left onto the main street in town. It was bustling with people, but I still felt like I was being followed. I ran through the crowd of people and into a dark alleyway. I pulled out a can of pepper spray that Tony made me carry and put on a special braclet Tony made for me. It had an Iron Man gauntlet inside of it to use in emergencies. I heard a swooshing sound and a boy in a red hoodie with blue pants and a spider spray painted on the front; landed in front of me. He looked at me in confusion. 
"What! It's normally happening by now! Why isn't it working! WORK! Heh, heh, sorry." He said shyly. "Okay, is it working now? Well, I guess I have to do without. YES! I KNOW IT HAPPENED! YOU SAW IT! Now, may I interrogate? Okay." He turned to me. "I am spider-man! Who are you and why do you glow? Too much? Okay, what should I have said Mr. Man in the Chair? Oh, actually that makes a lot of sense. Welp, it's too late for that." 
"I'm going to interrupt you there. Who are you talking to, and why are you accusing me of glowing?" I asked, crossing my arms. I took a deep breath through my nose, and smelled Peter. I raised an eyebrow at him. He smiled behind his mask. Then, both of our arm's hair stood on end. He immediately shot webs at me that stuck me to the wall. A man with a gun came running in the alleyway. 
"Uhh, sir? I don't like guns. If you could put your gun down, that would be great!" Spider-man said loudly. The guy only chose to aim the gun at him instead. "Your choice." Spider-man said, shooting the gun with a web and disarming the man. He looked surprised, but then went to fight Spider-man with his fists. More guys started to crawl down the fire escape, and one was aiming to shoot Spider-man. 
"Look out!" I yelled. The guy shot, but Spider-man moved out of the way. For the most part. His arm had a nice sized cut on it and it was bleeding a lot. I froze. I knew it had to be Peter, because my blood singer had just started bleeding. 

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