Chapter 11

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Aubri P.O.V.

Spider-man, or should I say, Peter, had just gotten shot in the arm and was bleeding. I decided that there was no choice but to help him. I broke through the webbing and activated my bracelet. I blasted the guy who shot Peter and punched another guy in the face. My phone started ringing, and I saw Tony's face pop up. I answered it and held it against my shoulder while I fought.
"Yeah, now is not a good time Tony. I'm kinda busy kicking some ass here."
"Wait, you were being followed! By who? It sounds like there is more than one person there. Are you okay? Do I need to come out there to help? Was that just a gunshot? Jarvis, what is happening?" Tony asked, panicking.
"Breathe, Tony. You are fine. I'm fine. I'm kicking ass and looking great while I'm doing it," I reassured him. I chose the wrong time to say that because Spider-man tried to web me up again.
"Now you have stolen Mr. Stark's technology! I have so many questions for you! Who are you talking to? Your boss? Well, not anymore!" He said, taking my phone.
"Aubri! Aubri, who is that? ANSWER ME! AUBRI!" Tony yelled as Peter hung up. He glared at me with blood trickling down his arm. It was distracting me and I found it hard to look at his face.
"Who were you on the phone with?" He asked me.
"You aren't going to remember today," I said, knocking him out. I knew I hit him hard enough to make him forget today because it worked on Steve. I brought him home and took off his spider-man suit. I then figured out who he was talking to, Ned, and knocked him out too. I then deleted the video of us and went to the tower.

"ARE YOU OKAY???!!!" Tony yelled as soon as I walked in.
"Yes, but I'm only here for one thing," I said.
"If you ask for Steve, I'm screaming!" Tony said.
"I know he isn't here. He texted me that he had a super secret mission with Nat. I needed to bring my bracelet back. I took care of the problem. I am fine. Everyone is fine. I no longer have to worry about crazy stalkers. I promise Tony," I told him. He engulfed me in a hug.
"I know. It doesn't stop me from worrying," He responded.
"I love you, Tony," I whispered.
"I love you too."

The next day at school, I was ready. I had hunted the night before, so Peter's sixth sense wouldn't go off, and I convinced Sadie and Elise that I was fine. They helped me get some makeup on my exposed skin so I didn't glow. I walked into science with confidence. Peter, on the other hand, was late. He ran into the classroom saying he overslept and that he was so sorry. The teacher rolled her eyes like this was a regular thing.
"Hey, I'm Aubri. I moved here yesterday, but you were preoccupied with something else so I didn't get to introduce myself. What's your name?" I asked holding out my hand to shake.
"I'm Peter. I'm sorry for yesterday. I don't remember much at all, so I must have been very preoccupied. I promise I'm normally a nice person," He rambled. I giggled and turned to pay attention to the teacher. Peter took out a paper and was scribbling notes on it, and I watched out of the corner of my eye. I couldn't see what he was writing, and he had blocked me from his mind again.
"Whatcha doing?" I whispered.
"Taking notes," He whispered back.
"Doesn't look like notes to me," I said.
"Ms. Cullen. Mr. Parker. Is there something you would like to share with the class?" The teacher asked us.
"No miss. Peter was just showing me something I missed in the notes. I'm sorry for being a disturbance," I said.

My next few periods went by in a flash. Lunch was uneventful because Sadie and Elise were gone today. I sat with Peter, Ned, and MJ; who was very confused that Peter was talking to me; and listened to their weird conversations. They talked about Spider-man and how cool he was. I also found out in seventh-hour history that I sit next to Flash. He skipped yesterday to skip, but I was right behind Peter.
"Today, we will be learning about the history of Volterra. This ancient city is famous for St. Marcus day in March. They have a rich history and worship many different gods and goddesses." I froze. Volterra was the one thing I didn't plan on learning about in history. Who even did that? I hadn't learned about it in any of my last history classes. The teacher talked about geography and other useless stuff. "Next, we are talking about their religion. They were polytheistic, meaning they worshiped many gods. Their main three gods were... Does anyone know?" She looked around. I had started to panic. If anyone mentioned their names, I would probably scream. "Fine. Their names were Aro, Marcus, and Caius." She said, pulling up the picture that Carlisle has in his study. I gripped the desk so hard, I worried it might break. "These gods were said to be benevolent and protectors of this city. Marcus was famous for hunting vampires out of the city many years ago."
"Miss! I need to go to the bathroom!" I said, jumping up. Not waiting for an answer, I ran out of the classroom. I couldn't breathe and I ran into a lot of lockers. I heard someone follow me. I tripped over my own two feet and collapsed onto the floor.
"Oh my god! Aubri, are you okay?" Peter asked, kneeling next to me. He helped me sit up, and immediately knew I was having a panic attack. "Breathe Aubri. Please. You have to breathe."
"E E Edward. P p p please," I stuttered. Peter looked confused. 
"I don't know who that is. You have to tell me their number."
"M my phone is in m my l lo locker," I stuttered again, gasping for breath. 
"I'll be right back. Will you be okay?" I shook my head violently. I was hyperventilating and I could feel myself start to black out.  "Not happening. Breathe Aubri. In, out, in, out." I refused to breathe correctly.
"Help! I need help!" I heard Peter yell as I passed out. 

Peter's P.O.V.

"Help! Please!" I yelled. Teachers started to come into the hallway to help me. "She had a panic attack and passed out. I don't know what to do. She asked me to call someone. Could you call her parents?" 
"Peter, honey, you need to calm down. You are starting to have your own anxiety attack. We will call her guardians. She is okay. We really just need to bring her to the nurse and if she thinks it's bad enough, we will bring her to the hospital. She will be okay. If you want to, you can grab her stuff and bring it to the office." Miss Phillips said. I frowned, but I did it anyway. I grabbed her phone and saw that it was ringing. 
"Hello?" I answered. (Yes, I am a snoopy person!)
"Who are you? Where is Aubri?" A girl answered.
"She just had a panic attack. She is on her way to the nurse. She blacked out. Who are you?" I asked. This lady was sounding worried. 
"Crap. I was too late. Is your name Peter?" She asked me.
"Ummm, I can't tell you?" I said confused.
"Okay, Peter, you need to go and follow Aubri and make sure they don't send her to the hospital. Please." She asked me desperately.
"Why? If she needs to go to the hospital, they should take her." I reasoned. 
"She cannot go to the hospital, you hear me? Even if you have to Spider-man her out of there." She urged. I nearly dropped the phone when she said that.
"How do you know about him?" I asked.
"You aren't the only one with gifts. Go get her, you don't have much time!" She hung up the phone. I growled in frustration. This lady was seriously creeping me out, but I figured that for Aubri's sake, I would Spider-man her out of there. I walked over to my locker and grabbed my outfit. I changed quickly and webbed my way out of there. I went to the nurse's office and knocked. She looked at me in alarm.
"Hey, umm, I'm here for her." I said, pointing.
"I can't just release her to you!" The nurse exclaimed.
"I will take her to the hospital in half the time it takes an ambulance. I promise, I am here to help. I also know lots of doctors and nurses, so I could take her to them to prevent any issues that could come with waiting for a doctor. Please?" I almost begged. 
"I guess. Please don't tell the school board about this!" She told me. I grabbed Aubri, bridal style, and webbed my way out of there. I brought her straight home. Aunt May found out last week about my nightly Spider-man adventures, so she wouldn't get mad if I brought Aubri to her. I landed on my appartment's roof, webbed Aubri to my back, and climbed into my window. "AUNT MAY!" I yelled, hoping she was home.
"Peter? What are you doing home so early? Was there an emer..." She walked in and saw me with Aubri. "What is this?" 
"She passed out after a panic attack. I went to get her stuff and some lady was calling her. I answered because I thought it was her mom and she told me not to let her go to the hospital. After she asked if I was Peter, and I tried to reason with her. She then told me my secret and that I should Spider-man Aubri out of the school. I didn't know what to do! I couldn't tell if this is a dangerous situation or not, so I panicked! I took her here because you know what you're doing and I am just Peter! Not Dr. Peter. Peter Peter. Sometimes Spider-man! Oh shit! NED!" I started to panic. Aunt May grabbed my hand and calmed me down.
"I can look into this and Aubri could probably stay if she needed to. Do you know why she panicked?"
"No. We were in history learning about a city called Volterra..." I was interrupted by Aubri throwing a book at me. 
"Never, EVER, mention that place or those people around me." She said with a glare. 

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