Chapter 4

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Past 3rd P.O.V
"Class, this is Aubri Hale. Is there anything you want to tell the class about yourself?" The teacher stood with a blond little girl with pigtails. She squeezed her eyes together as if to think about what to say.
"I wanna go home." She whispered.
"Well, sweetie, you get to go at the end of the day. Why don't you sit by Steve and James? Will you two boys raise your hands?"
"Bucky, I think she means you," Steve whispered to his best friend.
"My name ain't James." The eight-year-old pouted.
The two boys were arguing as the small girl sat down. She looked at them timidly.
"Please stop," Aubri said quietly. The boys ignored her. She huffed in frustration. She touched Steve and Bucky's hands.
*STOP!* She yelled mentally.
"What was that?" Steve whispered.
"Teacher! The new girl did something and yelled without yelling! I don't know how, but make her stop!" Bucky yelled.
"James! Inside voice, please. Aubri, did you yell in class?" The teacher was used to Bucky's antics. The blonde shook her head no.
"I will figure out what happened and you will be sorry!" Bucky whispered.
"Try me," Aubri whispered menacingly.

"Hey, Aubri! Catch up!" Steve called back to his friend.
"I'm coming Steve! How are you going so fast? Shouldn't you be unable to breathe?" She giggled. Bucky growled and ran behind Steve and tagged him.
"You're it!" The fourth grader laughed. Steve gasped and fell. Aubri stopped suddenly. Steve grabbed his arm and whimpered. His hand was already drenched in his blood.
"I'm going to go get band-aids!" Bucky exclaimed and ran down the street. Aubri looked at Steve and lunged. She drank until Steve was almost dry. She stopped and realized what she had done.
"Mommy! Grandpa! Anyone!" She screamed desperately. Rosalie was there in an instant. "It was an accident! He tripped and fell and there was blood and, I'm sorry mommy!" Aubri sobbed. Carlisle showed up as well at that moment.
"Let's get him to the hospital for blood. You were very brave to stop. I think he will be fine." Carlisle scooped him up and put him in his car. Bucky came back then with band-aids and gauze.
"What are they doing with Steve?" He asked. "Where are you going with my friend?"
"I'm taking him to the hospital for stitches. He has a big cut and lost a lot of blood. Aubri, will you stay with Bucky for a while so I can bring Steve? Rose, stay with your daughter."

The rain dampened my mood.
"But it was an accident! You didn't mean it Aubri!" Steve was crying as I said goodbye.
"It has nothing to do with that. It's my family. We stayed too long here and now we must leave. Goodbye Steve. Tell Bucky I miss him." I climbed into the car and sobbed into Edward. He rubbed my back soothingly.

"Lighten up Aubri! You are graduating!" Dad smiled holding his diploma.
"Yay. I don't care." I pulled up my hood and ignored him.

"You can help in all sorts of ways! Help the war efforts! Enlist today!" I frowned.
"Mom! Can I be a nurse in the war? I have Carslisle's self-control to help me."
"I guess. Just don't get yourself killed."

I walked through New Jersey.
"Excuse me miss, what is your name?" I turned and saw my long-lost best friend Bucky. I felt a mate pull and frowned.
"My name is Aubri, sir."
"No need to call me sir. I'm just Bucky from Brooklyn."
"Well, Buck, I'm from Brooklyn too." I could tell he had forgotten me.
"Isn't that fun! I would like to introduce you to my best friend. His name is Steve. He has small problems with friends, so maybe we could all hang out? I got tickets to Stark Expo." I smiled.
"Sounds wonderful!" He led me to Steve.
"Hi! I'm Aubri! Bucky here has told me all about you!" I felt another mate pull. Steve looked at me closely.
"Have we met before? You are awfully familiar."
I sighed defeatedly. "I'm disappointed in you two. Especially you Steve. How do you not recognize your best friend?" Steve's eyes lit up in excitement and a little fear.
"Aubri? You look amazing!" Bucky laughed.
"Hey Steve. You haven't changed a bit," I said quietly.
"Where were you all these years? We thought you fell off the face of the earth!" Bucly was not reading the atmosphere at all.
"I kinda did. Someone hired Grandpa for a big job at a hospital. I got into some legal trouble. No, I didn't acctuly do it. Someone framed me for the murder of their son. It was not fun! I then chose to be a nurse for the war effort. What are you doing here Steve?" I looked at him with his skinny muscles and overall smallness.
"Signing up for the war." He rubbed the back of his neck.
"For the fifth time. He lies on his enlistment papers!" Bucky whispered.
"Ya know, it's illegal to lie on your enlistment papers Steve. What if they catch you?" I scolded.
"Or worse, accept you!" Bucky was furious.
"What else can I do? Collect tin with my little red wagon?"
"Anything would be better than that!" I exclaimed. "Steve, you would get yourself killed!"

"Aubri, they are going to give me a serum to make me some sort of super soldier. Would you be there for me please? If something goes wrong, you could kill me." Steve had just been given the offer of a lifetime.
"Steve, that's not how it works. You don't even know what happened back then." I rolled my eyes.
"Then explain." He tapped his foot impatiently.
"Fine. It'll sound stupid. I'm a half vampire hybrid." I said.
"No, tell me the truth."
"Hybrid. I was found and raised by a Coven of vampires."
"Wow, so, did it taste good?" He giggled.
"I just told you I was a vampire and the first thing you ask is if you tasted good? Yes you did, but that isn't the point." I smiled. This was why Steve was my best friend.

"Captain America is now on tour!" I smiled. They let me stay with Steve.
"Aubri, you haven't eaten anything. What's wrong?" Steve asked me while he ate.
"Nothing. I just need to hunt soon." Steve was super understanding of my situation.
"There are no places to hunt nearby." He worried.
"I run fast."
"Stay. Use me."
"No!" I whipped around.
"Why not? I trust you."
"I don't trust myself. So no!"
"OK. Fine. Be that way." He took out a small knife. He gave himself a small cut and let it trickle down his arm. I looked at him.
"I hate you."
"I love you too." He smiled because he knew he won.
"This will hurt." I bit his arm and drank some blood.

"Are you okay?" Steve asked me.
"I should have been there! I should have followed him! Steve, I nearly killed you! I almost lost you and Bucky in the same day! I can't do this anymore!" I sobbed into Steve's chest.
"I feel like now is a bad time to tell you I'm going too." I turned to look at him. "I will be fine Aubri. I'll get revenge for Buck."
"Don't go! Please!" I grabbed him.
"I need to. It's my job."

"Goodbye Steve. I love you." I wore black to display how I felt.
"I'll see you when I win Aubri. This isn't goodbye." He kissed my forehead. He then waved to everyone and got on the plane.

"Captain Steve Rodgers sacrificed himself to save America!" I turned to Edward and cried.

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