Chapter 14

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"Clara? You are okay?" I asked her.
"Aubri? You escaped?" She asked incredulously.
"Yeah, how did you escape?" 
"He threw me out. I'm so sorry for what he did to you! If only I had found out sooner."
"It's not your fault he's a sadistic psychopath. Why are you here though?"
"I was working in London when I fell through some invisible portal and Jane found me. She got us out of there using the Aether."
"What is the Aether?" I asked.
"It spoke to me while I was missing. It is an Infinity Stone with unlimited power. It possesses a body and uses their energy to survive, usually killing the host. I knew not to touch it, but Jane did. Now, the big dude over there wants to take her to Asgard to get her healed. He asked Jane's assistant to call you for whatever reason, and now you are here," She explained.
"Okay, I still don't see why I am needed," I said.
"Because I figured you could help us with Malekith. He wants the Aether, so he wants Jane. I need you to protect her at all costs." Thor said.
"Hey, Thor. I don't think you realized this, but I am not protecting your girlfriend. You can find someone else to protect her..." I froze at something stabbing my back. I turned and Jane had some red stuff flowing from her body. I started to back away when it drifted towards me. Thor watched in amazement as the Aether took over my body instead of Jane's, as he had hoped.
"Aubri! What is happening? Sir, will you please help her?" Clara asked, catching me as I fell.
"Wonderful. Now the Aether has chosen you. Jane, you are now safe. You must stay here while I take Aubri to Asgard to get rid of the Aether," Thor boomed. "HEIMDAL! OPEN THE GATE!" I cringed as the Bifrost encased us in its rainbow whatever it is. When I opened my eyes, I was in Asgard. Heimdall welcomed us and eyed me warily. I glared at him and he flinched away. 

The castle was pure chaos. People were running around screaming and I somehow turned invisible. 
"THOR! WHERE IS THE AETHER?" A guy under a spell said. He looked like an elf, but he was also depressing.
"I honestly don't know?" Thor said, looking for me.
"We will destroy you and your family," Algrim started as Lady Frigga found me. She pulled me along and brought me into her room. 
"We should be safe here." She said. "I am Frigga, Thor's mother."
"Thank you so much, but is Thor okay? Wait, am I supposed to bow, kneel, grovel, crap, I look like an asshole! I should stop now." I said, bowing at her feet.
"Don't worry. Thor will be fine, and you don't need to bow." I heard footsteps.
"Get behind me, your majesty," I said. I crouched into a defensive position. I felt Thor use his powers and my arms crackled with electricity. I smiled as the door burst open. Algrim and a few others walked in. I blasted them with lightning and they flew backward. Thor flew in the window and looked at the scene in confusion. "Get your mother out of here!" I yelled. He took Frigga, jumped out the window, and brought her to the Bifrost. After they left, I looked at Algrim and kicked him. He and his men retreated and I watched them leave. 

"THOR!" Odin boomed. 

"What did I do? I protected the queen! Please, listen to me!" I yelled as guards dragged me away. The Aether snapped inside of me and the guards went flying. "Oops," I whispered. I tried to walk away when the Tesseract was used to put me in a cell. 
"I am terribly sorry for this. But it must be done. You are a danger to society for helping Loki and bringing the Dark Elves to our land." Odin said grimly. I rolled my eyes as he walked away. I pressed my hand against the glass. It didn't give any leave. I huffed in annoyance and flopped on the bed.
"There still isn't any escaping from here, quim." I heard Loki say. 
"I kinda figured that out," I said back.
"Why are you not freaking out this time?" He asked.
"Because I'm here to rescue both of you," Thor said. 
"That's why," I said. 
"Loki, tell me where the portals to get out of here are, and I will free you." 
"No,"  Loki said.

Ten minutes later, we were speeding along in a ship to some secret portal. Loki had taken some convincing, but he agreed in the end. He now sported a black eye, however, because he impersonated Steve. Loki now glared at me from across the boat. I watched him as we went through the portal.
"Here we are, Svartalfheim," Thor announced. 
"Wonderful..." Loki started.
"But why are we here?" I asked.
"I was going to talk. Now, what is our plan of battle?" Loki asked Thor after he glared at me.
"We should trick them. Loki, you could use your magic!" Thor said with a gleeful smile. 
"What if I don't want to?" Loki asked. I walked away from the two arguing so I could look around. After a while, Loki came and sat by me.
"I'm sorry. For what I said and did to you and Earth." He whispered.
"I know," I whispered back.
"I don't know why I did it! It's just that there was this guy in my head, and he was telling me to..." I shut Loki up by kissing him. He pulled away quickly and looked at me in confusion. 
"I know why you did what you did. Loki, I read minds." I said.
"I know you do, but I can't read yours. I don't feel like this is fair." He complained.
"I do. You are a god, I am a half-vampire, that sounds about fair." I joked.
"So, that's what you are. I had my own suspicions, but no actual truth. Is that why you bit me in New York?" He asked me, tracing his scar.
"Yeah, there was just so much blood around and I nearly killed you," I whispered.
"I think you saved me. When you bit me, something happened to the voices in my head. They just, up and left. Now I find myself tracing my scar all the time and finding comfort in it. I asked Frigga about it, and she said that you must have been my soulmate. Is that true?" He asked me.
"Yes. Yes, we are." I said. Loki smiled and kissed me, for real this time. We pulled away to Thor clearing his throat. He was jealous, but he didn't know why.
"They are here." 


I sat there, looking at Kurse. Thor and Loki were trying to fight him. He was quickly starting to get the upper hand. Loki tried to stab him with his sword, but it did no damage. Kurse picked Loki up and stabbed him with his own sword. I screamed and tried to stop him, but Loki detonated the imploding bomb. Kurse imploded and Loki dropped. I ran to him and inspected his wounds.
"I'm sorry." He gasped.
"No, please don't die!" I cried.
"I only hope that the gates of vallhalla welcome me." He said.
"Please, don't go." I whispered.
"I love you, Aubri." Loki said as he breathed his last breath.

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