Chapter 13

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Aubri's P.O.V
"We found Bucky."
I dropped my phone. Peter looked at me with concern. I heard Steve's muffled voice from my phone but I paid him no mind.
"Are you okay?" Peter asked.
"No. No I'm not. May, did dad leave yet?" I yelled. Tony ran back into the room.
"Honey, what's wrong?" He asked.
"Buck. Bucky! It's my fault! It's my fault Tony! I killed him!" I cried, burying my face into his chest.
"Who is Bucky, love?" He asked me soothingly.
"James. Bucky. Bucky Barnes. My best friend. The Winter Soldier... Oh my god! I knew! How did I forget! I saw him the day I showed up at the Tower! I forgot to tell anyone! Oh, Tony! I'm such a bad person!"
"Uh, why are you calling your dad by his first name?" Peter asked.
"He's not my dad." I answered.
"Oh, I'm sorry Aubri. I forgot your parents were dead."
"Do you want me to take you home?" Tony asked.
"N no. I want to stay with Peter, and May, and forget about everything. I want to have my old life back from before you got kidnapped and I just want to go back in time and save him!" I screamed. I wretched myself out of Tony's arms and jumped out the window. I ran down the street until I was at the river. I sat down and cried for everything I lost. All of my bottled up feelings of loss, regret, jealousy, hurt, disappointment, and anger came tumbling out. I cried because I lost Bucky, because I couldn't make Edward happy, and because I just ruined everything I had going for me with Tony and Peter. When I finally stopped crying, it was dark. I saw Peter and Tony looking for me, so I decided to go to the one place they wouldn't look, The Smithsonian.

The Captain America exhibit was interesting, to say the least. I walked through and saw a picture of Steve, Bucky and I in black and white. I smiled at the memory. I walked along, reveling in memories, until I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw Bucky. He looked at me for a second, confused. I grabbed him into a hug.
"I'm so sorry!" I cried.
"Who are you?" He asked confused. I pulled him over to the picture of us.
"This is you, this is Steve, and this is me. We were best friends. We are soulmates. I am Aubri." His face lit up in recognition.
"My name ain't James." He said cockily.
"No it ain't sergeant." I replied with a smirk. Steve walked in. He hugged me as well.
"I'm sorry. I didn't realize what would happen. Also, why is Tony searching for you?" He asked me.
"Ummm, I might have run away from him when I found out in front of Spider-man. Maybe not the best idea."
"Um, who is Spider-man?" Bucky asked.
"A friend from my school. That I have to go to tomorrow. Also, Tony made an internship but didn't tell me about it! I personally think it's kinda rude."
"Who is Tony?" Bucky asked.
"Howard's son." I replied.
"Stark? The same Stark they made me..."
"Shh. It's okay Buck. You didn't know." Steve said. I looked at him.
"Bucky was brainwashed, and Hydra forced him to kill Howard and Maria. He didn't mean it! Please, don't make him feel worse than he already does." Steve explained.
"It's fine. My hands aren't necessarily the cleanest either. You can't change the fact that we are soulmates." I said, hugging Bucky again. His long dark hair tickled my cheek and I giggled. Steve smiled at his best friend and his soulmate. He wrapped his arms around both of us and smiled.

*time skip. 3rd P.O.V*

"What the fuck is that?"
"Is it from Thor?"
"I don't know?"
"Well, Jane, you need to check this out."
"Sometimes they don't come back."
"Jane, no!"
"Who are you?"
"I am Clara."
"What is this Clara?"
"I don't know."
"What is that?"
"Don't touch it. It has the Aether in it."
"Why can't I touch..."

Aubri P.O.V
I woke up with a start. The news was playing in the tower. Eric Selvig had just been arrested for something dumb in London. Peter was staring at me through the window.
"You do realize that the front door is open, right?" I asked him as I let him in.
"Yeah, but Mr. Stark scares me. I thought you said he would forget me." Peter accused.
"He did forget you. The Spider-man part at least. I had Jarvis disable the cameras around my room so Tony would stop spying on me. He just thinks you are a random kid who happens to be at my school. You cannot keep showing up here!" I giggled.
"Well, I can't ever actually talk to you. You just don't seem to understand that seven hours isn't enough time with you." He said.
"Well, Parker. Are you a fart? Because you blew me away!" I said laughing. He joined in quickly and soon, we were drying our tears from laughing so hard. He looked at me and snorted. I threw a pencil at him and he caught it. Then, my phone rang.
"Hello, this is Aubri." I said.
"Umm, Aubri? This is Darcy Lewis and I work for Jane Foster. Um, Thor just told me to call you, and gave me your number that you wrote for him. He needs you here in London, ASAP!" A woman said. "OH, and he said come alone." She then hung up.
"Who was that?" Peter asked me.
"Some lady. She said I needed to go to London. Could you get me an excuse for teachers?"
"Wait, so you are just dropping everything to go to London?" Peter asked. I nodded and texted Tony my news. He tried calling and I told him I would be a minute. I texted Steve the same thing, and he said to have fun and try to find Bucky. I smiled at the kindness and giggled at the jealousy on Peter's face.
"Oh, baby. Are you jealous that I have eight other soulmates other than you? I spend the most time with you. I do love you lots." I declared, kissing his nose. He blushed.
"You missed." He said, kissing me for real. I smiled and pulled away.
"I need to go Peter. I had a vision about this. I think it's important." I said, kissing him quickly. "First, though. My helicopter boyfriend. I'll be back soon, I hope." I ran down the stairs.
"Why are you going to London? Am I not good enough anymore? Please tell me it's for a good reason!"
"Tony, I'm going to London because Thor summons me. Please, it's important. I had a vision about this." I begged. He contemplated a bit.
"I guess, if you promise to call when you can and make sure you bring my gauntlet. And stay safe." He said.
"Thank you so much! You won't regret this babe!" I said kissing him. Bruce walked down the hall, probably to go to the lab, and groaned when he saw us.
"Get a room. Not everyone needs to see you two making out in the hallway." He said, walking past.
"Hey, Bruce?" I called out.
"What?" He asked, stopping.
"Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. I'm going to London." I said.
"Okay. Jarvis, lock the Lab."
"No! Not my baby!!!" Tony cried.
"Bye boys!" I yelled. I drove to the airport, got on a plane, and drove to the address Darcy sent me. When I arrived, Thor was waiting for me.
"Hello, Aubri. We are going to Asgard. I also found this lovely lady who seems to be like you." He said, revealing someone I never would have thought to have seen again.

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