Chapter 16

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"Please, Aubri. Sign the Sokovia Accords. I don't want to have to disown you or anything because you are a public enemy." Tony begged.
"I'm not an Avenger. Why do I have to sign?" I asked. 
"Because you are with us all the time. People will start recognizing you soon, and you could get into trouble."
"But she is her own free will! Why does someone who isn't a superhero have to sign a contract that takes away all freedom and liberty? I don't see how that is fair to anyone, especially her." Steve argued. Tony and Steve started arguing, and I slipped out. I crawled through my window and settled on the ground. I watched Peter swing around the building. I waved, but he kept going. He had been ignoring me ever since he walked out on me. Everyone noticed, including Clara. I've been seeing her since I found her, and she joined Elise and Sadie's coven. She was doing well on their diet and was fitting in with the humans. 

"Lady Aubri? Are you okay?" Thor asked me as he walked by.
"Yep, never better." I squeaked. 
"Okay, you just looked sad. How have you been holding up?" 
"Absolute shit. I miss him every day, and I never actually saw him. Now, there is always this huge-ass hole in my heart where he was and I feel empty. People keep telling me to get over it, but I just can't! It's all my fault and I should have stopped it!" Thor nodded in understanding.
"I'm also guessing that Bruce's disappearance has been stressing you out as well?" He asked.
"Yeah, I can't help but feel like I should be able to do more, but he has just disappeared," I said. 
"It will get better, Lady Aubri. I know it." Thor said, hugging me.
"Thanks, Thor. I feel a little bit better now." 
"I am sorry to say, but I am going to Asgard for a while to make some more arrangements around Loki. I will be back as soon as I can." 
"Okay. Say hello to Frigga for me." I said. 
"I will. Please stay out of trouble." He told me as he ruffled my hair. He grabbed Mjölnir and flew off. 

*Time Skip to the Signing*

"With this, I will be the first to sign." King T'Chaka said. All of a sudden, my arm hairs stood on end. 
"Everybody down!" I yelled as a bomb went off. As the smoke cleared, it was discovered that King T'Chaka died. Tony was trying to get security footage, and I saw it through his thoughts. 
"Good my ass. Look!" He said, projecting his findings. There, on the screen, was Bucky detonating a bomb. Steve ran off, presumably to find him. I followed closely. 
"It couldn't have been him, right?" He asked me. 
"I don't know. I don't smell him here, but I could be wrong." 
"Bucky is in Romania. We have to get there before everyone else can." Steve said.
"Hey, Sam! Beautiful day today, isn't it?" I said loudly.
"Yep, totally. How ya doing Aubri?" Sam said through Steve's earpiece. 
"Just dandy. Bucky apparently blew up a building from Romania."

"What the actual fuck?" I said as we chased Bucky down the road. 
"I have no idea. This cat person is trying to kill Bucky and now he is running from everyone." Steve said. I rolled my eyes and started running at vampiric speed. I jumped on the back of Bucky's motorcycle. He looked back at me in shock.
"Hey, Buck. Mind if I catch a ride?" I asked. He smiled and went back to driving. I kicked the man chasing us and he went flying backward. I smiled in satisfaction, until I heard police officers. I was put in handcuffs and they brought Bucky into a special car. They had Steve and Sam as well as T'Challa. I sat in a police car with him and he glared at me the entire time.
"Who are you? Why are you not familiar?" He asked me.
"Well, I'm technically not an avenger, so I don't know why I'm being arrested," I said loudly. When we got to the jail, Tony grabbed me immediately. 
"Are you alright? Did you get hurt? No? Well then, WHY DID YOU FUCKING DO THAT?!" He yelled.
"Because Bucky is innocent," I said bluntly. 
"No, he's not! We have video proof of this!" He yelled as the power flickered out. 
"Bucky." I ran to where he was. A man was talking to him in Russian and Bucky was fighting being brainwashed. I tried to call out to him, but the brainwashing was complete. Bucky looked at me with cold eyes and attacked. The man who brainwashed him watched in amusement. Bucky punched me with his metal arm and ran down the stairs. 
"Tony, don't shoot!" I yelled, but he didn't listen. Bucky went flying and Zeno ran past. I watched him escape and Bucky ran to a helicopter. Steve grabbed it as it was flying away and tried to stop it. Bucky then crashed the helicopter and they fell into the water below. I fled and followed Tony at a distance. 

*another time skip to the big fight.*
I sat at a great vantage point to watch this conflict below me. The Avengers had split up, with Tony, Peter, Natasha, T'Challa, Rodey, and Vision on one side and Clint, Steve, Bucky, Wanda, Sam, Scott, and Pietro on the other. They were talking about why the other side should back down. I jumped down and walked between them. 
"Boys, boys. Why do we have to fight? The accords aren't the way to go. They limit everyone, and I cannot have us being controlled like circus monkeys. So, please, stop with the fighting."
"Who is this chick? She is fucking hot!" Scott whispered to Steve. He reeled around when Peter webbed him across the face.
"At least talk about her respectfully. She is a lady, and you shouldn't talk about her like that." He said, crossing his arms. 
"Steve, please, just give up!" Tony begged.
"No." Then, chaos ensued. Peter webbed Steve's hands and stole his shield. Scott grew and punched Peter and stole the shield back. I glared at everyone in mild annoyance. I heard a crash and saw Peter go through a window and start fighting Bucky.
"Oh, cool! You have a metal arm? Me too! No, that was a lie! AHHHHH!" He screamed as Sam tackled him. Vision was blasting people and Rodey was shooting at us. I felt Peter get hurt and I screamed. Vision shot me in my head and I blacked out. 
"No, Aubri! YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO DO THAT!" Tony yelled at Vision. 
"Many apologies, but she was in great distress." He replied. Tony glared at him, called a private jet, got on, and started following Steve and Bucky.

I woke up to faint muffled voices.
"I figured that you could defeat each other from the inside." 
"HE KILLED MY PARENTS!" Tony screamed. I looked and saw security footage of Bucky killing Howard and Maria. Tony fought the two super soldiers in a blind rage and ripped off Bucky's metal arm. 
"Tony, TONY! STOP!" I screamed, but he didn't listen to me and threw me into a wall, immobilizing me. I couldn't help but watch as Steve and Tony nearly killed each other. 
"You know, that shield doesn't belong to you," Tony said bitterly. Steve dropped the shield and left without a backward glance. I heard the sound of emergency vehicles, but cold arms grabbed me and drug me away. 

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