Chapter 22

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"AUBRI!" Tony yelled, waking me from my nap. I looked at him smugly. "What did you do to my lab?!"
"She didn't just mess with your lab! She didn't even break anything!" Bruce yelled, his veins turning green. My hair stood up and I ran away, frightened. He looked at me and calmed down, but Thor picked me up. I sat in his large hands as he walked to his room. He got there and smiled to himself.
"You sure do get into lots of trouble little Aubri. Let's clean this up." He said with a small laugh. I sat on his bed as he cleaned his room. I fell asleep pretty quickly.

Destruction was everywhere. A large purple raisin was standing at the center of it all.
"I am inevitable." He said, snapping his fingers. Nothing happened and he looked confused.
"Looking for these? Well, here's this for Aubri. I am Iron Man." Tony said and snapped his fingers. The purple raisin and his army disappeared. I screamed and ran up to Tony as he lay there dying. "Aubri? You didn't disappear? Fun. Did we win? It hurts. I'm sorry and I do love you."
"We did win Tony. I love you too. I'm sorry too." I said as I bit him. He screamed in agony and I sobbed into Steve's arms. Something was off though. I was a human like Steve!

I jolted away and fell out of bed. Something was different though. I looked around and saw hands instead of paws. I did the obvious thing to do.

I screamed.

Everyone came running in as fast as they could. Loki stopped short and laughed. I glared at him and everyone else as they ran in.

"Loki, you should do your Lokitty thing. She is distraught." Steve stated.
"No shit Sherlock." Metal arm dude said. "Did everyone forget to tell me something important? Like why this fucking person looks like Aubri? Steve, what fucking happened?"
"Oh, no Cap. Elsa said a no-no word." Tony teased.
"Elsa?" I asked aloud, startling myself. The man in question looked at me. I slowly walked/fell over to Tony. He helped me stand and kissed the top of my head. Clint, who was on the far side of the room, looked jealous. I blushed and looked away.
"Now, I can ask this! What are all the voices inside of my head?" I asked everyone.
"Ummm, we can talk about that later. Why do you have a tail and cat ears?" Clint asked. I reached up and felt my head, and sure enough! There were two fluffy cat ears there. My tail swished in agitation and I finally noticed it. Loki was trying not to laugh at the metal arm dude's confused face. Steve grabbed him and walked out of the room. I could still hear what they were saying, however. Did I understand what they were saying? Absolutely not. But, hey! It's fine. When they returned, the metal man was sad. I crawled over to him and used Steve to stand up. I also saw people in movies to this to sad people, so I did it as well. I gave him a big hug, well, I fell into his arms I guess. He looked surprised but still helped me stay upright. 

*Time skip because I don't want to say everything that happened again!* 

"How did you get back your memories?" I asked Bucky quietly.
"I saw Steve, and you. You both kinda knocked some sense into me." He said. I nodded and went back to fiddling with my hands. 
"Tell me, did I kill anyone?" I asked everyone. They all looked uncomfortable. "Great." I got up and walked to my room. I heard everyone filter into their own rooms slowly, and I heard Tony down in the lab. I carefully climbed into the vents and crawled to Clint's room. There was an opening above his bed, so I jumped on it. I landed silently and he was in his bathroom. He walked out without a shirt on and jumped back in surprise at me in his bed. He blushed and I did as well. My tail flicked and nearly hit me in the face. I swatted it out of the way and looked back at Clint. He pulled a hoodie over his head and sighed. 
"About what happened while you were a cat..." He started. 
"I still don't get the big deal. It's not like you were naked or anything. Also, Tony has been undressed with a lot of women, so a cat isn't a big deal." I stated, blushing madly. 
"Yeah, well, it can't happen again. Just like you can't just sneak into other people's rooms because they might not be wearing pants like me. It's just a common courtesy thing." He explained thoughtfully. I nodded in understanding. 
"You are very handsome though," I whispered shyly. He blushed and looked away for a minute, but I gently turned his head to look at me. 
"I really want to kiss you." He whispered.
"So why don't you?" I whispered back. 

So he did.

He kissed me softly, tentatively, before he actually started kissing me. I wove my fingers into his hair and held him closer to me. After a while, he pulled away, panting. I looked at him and his tussled hair and sighed contentedly. He smiled at me and kissed me softly again. 
"I do remember Tony chewing all of us out and saying that we couldn't go kissing you until you got your memories back, but I feel like this was a mutual agreement of rule-breaking." He said with a smirk. 
"He never said that to me, so, no one should get in trouble," I argued, teasingly brushing my lips against his. He went in for another real kiss when Loki walked into the room. Clint pulled away quickly and jumped about five feet in the air. Loki glared at him and looked disappointed in me.
"I was here to collect Aubri, but you look busy. Try not to be too loud." He said with a glare. I looked at him confused, and Clint threw a flowerpot at him. It went straight through him and Clint growled in frustration. The fake Loki disappeared and I heard a loud yell and crashing from the lab. 
"Shit. Welp, get back to your room. I'll figure out how to survive Tony." Clint giggled and helped me back into the vent. I pulled him up with me and we ran to Nat's room, where the assassin was waiting. She smiled and opened her door for us. But, behind the door, was Tony Stark.

"How am I supposed to believe that she snuck into your room, had a conversation about something that happened when she was a cat, and somehow started making out? And she initiated all of this? Clint! We literally had just gotten done talking about this! You are taking advantage of a girl with no memories! How is that fair to anyone here?" Tony yelled. 
"Clint did nothing wrong! I asked him to kiss me! I snuck into his room. I called him handsome. You know, maybe if you weren't so jealous of him, maybe you would be able to understand that!" I yelled in frustration. Everyone in the room looked uncomfortable in this situation. "I'm done with this bull crap. I'm going to bed. GOOD NIGHT!" 
I flopped into bed with a huff. Tony yelled at Clint some more, and then he went to the lab. I rolled over and tried to sleep. Nothing was working. I hopped into the vents, crawled over to Clint's exit, only to find it boarded off. I didn't want to hit him, so I kept going along. Tony's room was empty, but it smelled like him, so I climbed into his bed. I fell asleep shortly after that. 

Destruction was everywhere. A large purple raisin was standing at the center of it all.
"I am inevitable." He said, snapping his fingers. Nothing happened and he looked confused.
"Looking for these? Well, here's this for Aubri. I am Iron Man." Tony said and snapped his fingers. The purple raisin and his army disappeared. I screamed and ran up to Tony as he lay there dying. "Aubri? You didn't disappear? Fun. Did we win? It hurts. I'm sorry and I do love you."
"We did win Tony. I love you too. I'm sorry too." I said as I bit him. He screamed in agony and I sobbed into Steve's arms. 
"SHH. It's okay Aubri. He will be fine." Steve whispered. 
"But didn't she blip? I thought she blipped!?" Clint questioned.
"Apparently not." 
"MR. STARK!" Peter screamed. He looked at me. "What did you do to him?! Why is he like this?!"
"I saved him, I hope. Please, Alice, be right for once."

I woke up in an empty room. I stumbled out the door and tried to find anyone else to help me. I walked into the lab by chance and saw Tony. I ran to him and nearly crushed him in a hug. He was surprised by the sudden contact, but relaxed when he realized that it was me. 
"What's up, sweetheart?" He asked me. 
"It was awful. You almost died and the weird Peter kid was there and..." Tony cut me off. 
"It was just a dream. You are safe with me. Want to help in the lab? That you destroyed?" He joked. I smiled and started cleaning some things up. I stopped when I heard a yelp and some swearing. I ran over to find Tony on the ground bleeding from a cut on his hand. I felt like I really really wanted to lick the blood, but I didn't. I had to make sure Tony was okay. I grabbed a band-aid, then a roll of gauze because it was way too small. I patched up his hand and looked at it.
"I really wanted to drink the blood. Is that normal?" I questioned him. He sighed and shook his head. I looked at him in confusion when Bruce came running in.
"Is everyone alright? Jarvis alerted me to blood in the lab with Aubri nearby. Is everything okay?" He rambled. I looked confused. Then, there was a bang downstairs and a loud, booming voice yelled, 

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