Chapter 19

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Aubri's P.O.V
I walked down the halls of the castle, musing over what I learned. I stopped in the library and saw Aro and Marcus's mates. I nodded in greetings and sat down with my book.
"Are our husbands fighting over you again?" Dydiam asked sarcastically.
"I do not know. What have I done to upset you today?" I asked her worriedly.
"You are always causing trouble." Sculpia replied. I rolled my eyes at her.
"My love. How are you doing today?" Marcus asked, hugging Dydiam tightly. 
"I am well. How are you today?" She asked her mate. 
"It is a mess. Caius is going to reveal us over someone who isn't his..." He trailed off noticing me.
"Wow, how wonderful. You doubt my love for Caius. I don't even know why I try." I say, stalking off to my room. I met Aro before I was a few feet down the hall, though.
"Ahh, Aubri. You look beautiful today. We haven't made any progress on what you asked. We haven't seen anything like it." He greeted. 
"Sculpia is in there. I apparently pissed her off, so good luck." I wished my elder. He nodded his thanks and stode into the library. I saw Caius and smiled. He held my hand and walked with me to my room. "Loki is alive." I whispered. He looked at me in shock.
"Oh, no. Are you okay?" He asked me.
"I think so. It was just surprising to me. I thought he was dead. I watched him die! Now I'm not sure about anything!" I vented. He eyed me warily. 
"Love, I think he is in your head. We need to wipe you again. I know you hate it, but I'm sorry." He said, motioning to Jane and Alec. Together, they knocked me out and brought me to the dreaded machine.

Loki's P.O.V.

"Are you sure she is here? You said she wasn't last time." I told the Man of Iron. He just sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "That's reassuring." I mumbled.
"Have hope, brother. Tony has placed a tracker on her, so we know where she is!" Thor said.
"Yeah, hope died a long time ago. I don't wish to be broken again." I whispered. 
"Still, be ready with your spell. There will be a crap ton of vampires here, so be on guard. Loki, could you teleport everyone?" The captain asked me.
"I do not know. To the quinjet? Maybe. To the tower? Probably not. But I would try." I said. The captain nodded and went back to his map. I looked over his shoulder. "What about this castle? If I was a vampire king, I would live in a castle. My best bet is that she is here." I said, pointing. 
"Welcome to Volterra." Natasha spoke from the cockpit. 

I walked into the castle, and stopped. It was completely empty. I held up my hand and felt around with my magic. I walked over to a door with an "Employee's Only" sign and opened it. "We must jump." I declared. It is at the bottom of this fall. I fell like we must hurry. I have located where Aubri is, and she is attached to some sort of machine." I whispered to the group. They nodded in understanding and we all jumped down. We were met by a mortal at a desk.
"How may I help you?" She asked in Italian.
"We are looking for Aubri Cullen. Where is she?" I asked her, also in Italian. 
"I am terribly sorry. I don't know what you are talking about. Heidi! Would you help a group to the main hall please?" She yelled. 
"That is fine. We will find her ourselves." I stated, turning around.
"No, you won't." A woman, I assume Heidi, said. 
"Yes I will." And I disappeared. I vanished everyone and they followed me to where I could feel her residing. A man flanked by a boy and a girl were surrounding Aubri, who was hooked up to a machine. The Captain gasped at the machine and gripped his shield tighter. I unvanished the others, and started to sneak around the machine. 
"Give us Aubri back." Captain said loudly.
"Never. She is happy here. With me." The man stated. 
"I hate to tell you this, but no she isn't." Natasha said. The girl flipped a switch, and the machine turned on. The captain yelled nonsense. I decided that now was the time, and I activated the spell. Aubri transformed into a beautiful black cat, I transformed back into a human, and teleported everyone back to the quinjet. Natasha started driving us away as soon as she sat down. I held the sleeping cat in my arms, stroking her softly.
"She won't remember us when she wakes up. That was the memory wiper they used on Bucky." He said. 
"You must be lying! It can't be true!" I whisper-yelled. The cat in my arms woke up, and looked at me. She immediately started purring and wrapped herself around my neck like a scarf. I smiled and looked into her mind.
"This man is nice and warm. He gives me good feelings. I don't know how I feel about all of the strangers, though."
"Aubri, Love. Do you remember me?" I asked. 

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