Chapter 29

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"OH SH!T!" Thor yelled, standing straight up. He swore in what I assumed to be Asgardian, and Loki smirked at him. Loki's smirk quickly grew to a frown, however. Loki summoned a dagger and threw it at his brother. 
"You Skítkarl! How could you not think of that!?" Loki screeched.
"What is going on here?" Tony asked.
"I don't ever think of it as a problem! You know, since we have so many issues with it!" Thor said defensively while actively trying to avoid Loki's daggers. I read their minds and rolled my eyes.
"That isn't a problem!" I scolded the two. Loki glared at his brother who had a knife in his side. 
"But..." Thor started.
"No. It is fine! I also just got done with mine two weeks..." I trailed off. "We should probably have this conversation elsewhere." The two Asgardians stood up and led me to their private sitting room. I sat down and sighed.
"I am so sorry lady Aubri! I don't ever worry about my gifts because Asgardians have fertility issues! I don't know why I didn't think of you when we did that!" Thor apologized profusely. 
"Thor, it's not your fault. I should have thought of it as well. I never worry because it never is regular, and I was with a vampire most of the time." I explained. 
"What are we going to do?" Loki asked quietly. "It could ruin many relationships and you are still in school." I shrugged and buried my face in my hands.
"I don't know either! The others are already probably freaking out and us spending time up here will only fuel their worry." Thor said reasonably. I felt a disturbance at the window and saw two ravens on the sill.
"Huginn and Muninn? Why are they here?" Loki questioned.
"I don't know. Father must have sent them." Thor answered. I grabbed a letter off of one of their legs. Thor whistled, impressed. 
"Do they not let everyone do that?" I asked the pair.
"Ha! If you were anyone else, you would be dead!" Loki said with a laugh. I read the note and frowned. Odin wanted me to go to Asgard immediately. 
"What does Father want?" Thor asked.
"I have to go to Asgard, right away," I said. 
"Oh, wonderful!" Thor said happily.
"No, not wonderful! I have to get excused from school and everything first!" I scolded the oaf.
"I will convince Stark to call the school. Father is very impatient." Loki said, teleporting away. 
"We shall go to the Bifrost gate while we wait!" Thor said, clapping his hands together. He led me to the Rosen bridge and we waited for Loki.
"Mr. Stark said that he would do it if he got an explanation from you, Aubri," the mentioned god said as he teleported to us. I nodded and looked to Thor, who raised his hammer.
"Heimdall! Open the gate!" He yelled to the sky. Loki grabbed me as we were washed in rainbow light. I looked around and saw open space everywhere. Loki gripped me tighter and buried his face into my shoulder. I held him in an embrace, and we landed not long after. Heimdall greeted us with a nod and he smirked at me. I raised an eyebrow and looked at Loki who had magicked his battle armor on, causing me to do the same.
"As beautiful as you are with my style, you cannot show up looking like the exiled prince," Loki told me, taking my horned circlet and vanishing it. I used his magic to change back into my regular clothes. Thor was already walking out, presumably to find a horse, or two, or three.

The ride to the kingdom was beautiful. We rode at a slow pace so the princes could greet people. It was more of Thor greeting people and Loki trying to not get recognized. I held his hand reassuringly to let him know I was with him. When we arrived at the palace, I immediately knew where Thor got his volume levels from.
"I DO NOT CARE! SHE IS AN ABOMINATION TO THIS KINGDOM AND I NEVER WANT HER NEAR MY SON AGAIN!" Odin roared, presumably at Frigga. Thor walked into the room like he owned the place, and Loki followed timidly behind, pulling me along. I immediately curtsied for the royal couple. Thor and Loki followed suit, kneeling before their parents.
"Father, we received your message and arrived as quickly as we could," Thor said in Allspeak. 
"Well, I do not like receiving news from Heimdall that my sons are sleeping around with the same whore. I am very disappointed in you Thor. I thought you had that Jane lady." Odin said.
"Well, I do not appreciate you talking about me like that with me in the room. AND, I AM NOT A WHORE!" I yelled at the king. He looked at me in surprise. "I am going to tell you this once, I do not take disrespect from anyone and I am not afraid to prove that I can be more powerful than you. I do not appreciate you discriminating against me because of my race. I don't discriminate against your children because of their background. So, don't be talking smack about me or your sons!" I yelled. Odin's expression was unreadable for a brief moment. 

Then, he started laughing.

I attempted to lunge at Odin, ready to rip his throat out. Thor grabbed me, threw me over his shoulder, and walked me out of the room. 
"I will murder you! I DO NOT CARE!" I screamed at the king as Thor drug me away. 
"You can do much damage for such a small frame, little lady." He said with a laugh.
"Come on! LET ME AT HIM!" I screamed, kicking my feet. 
"Not a chance." He told me, throwing me over his other shoulder. I huffed and gave up trying to escape. After a hot minute, he set me down. "Are you done?" He asked me. 
"I guess. It just hurts, ya know? Being called a whore for something you can't control." I said, putting my head in my hands. 
"I know, but he is the lord of all the realms," he said gently. We both looked up at footsteps.
"I hope that I am not interrupting something." Lady Frigga said. Thor smiled at his mother.
"Nope! I was just taking Lady Aubri away to cool her head." The oaf said, patting my head.
"No, you were saving your own skin," I grumbled. 
"I apologize for my husband's outburst. He just cares very deeply for Thor." She said.
"Yep. I'm going to find Loki." I said, walking away. 
"Why?" Thor asked.
"Because he needs to know that someone in this god-forsaken place loves him!" I said sharply. "Because it is getting very obvious who the favorite is." 
"I will bring you to his room," Frigga said quietly. 
"I don't want, or need your help!" I hissed. I felt around with magic and found him in his room. I teleported and landed on top of him. We both laughed at my mistake until I realized what he was wearing. "They inhibited your magic," I said sadly. 
"It's alright. It doesn't get rid of all of it," Loki said while hugging me. Someone knocked on the door, startling us apart.
"Loki, did your love find you alright?" Frigga asked. 
"MOTHER!" Loki said happily. He threw open the door and hugged her tightly. "I missed you so, mother!" I smiled to myself. 
"Your Kærasta here caused quite an outburst," Frigga said, noticing me.
"What did she say?" Loki asked, looking at me. 
"Nothing that wasn't mostly truthful. Except for, Loki is my favorite." She directed at me. 
"I apologize. I am just confused, upset, and disoriented. I don't always have a firm grip on my emotions." I explained. 
"No need to apologize. Your interactions with my sons are all the proof I need to know that you love both of them." She said happily. "Now, which consort suite would you like to sleep in?" 

I chose to alternate between the two princes. I chose Loki's for that night. 

Little did I know what was going to happen to me, or him.

Or her.

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