Chapter 7

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"Is Aubri Cullen here? It's urgent."
Aubri's P.O.V

I stared in shock at my father in the doorway. Steve recognized him immediately and stood up. Clint, who had opened the door, was suddenly shy.
"What are you doing here, dad? What's wrong?" I asked him. If he had shown up here, something must have happened at home. I looked to the door when I saw mom walk in as well.
"I would need to speak with you privately about that. Is that the same Steve from..." Mom stomped on his foot to shut him up. 
"Yes, that is Steve from Grandma's stories, Dad. Now leave. I can try to meet up with you sometime soon, but can't you see I am busy?" I didn't need all of this while everyone was here. 
'Alice saw you. It wasn't good. You had something wrong with you, and your eyes changed colors, and you died in one future and were somehow different in another. Also, she saw you changing people in one. Like, into vampires. You aren't venomous, are you?' Mom thought to me. I shook my head no. Mom nodded and grabbed dad's arm, and they left. 
"Umm, sir. There is a hot pink corvette in your garage." JARVIS announced. 
"What the heck? Nat, is that you?" Tony asked.
"Mom, you son of a gun," I whispered. "It's mine!" I exclaimed. I then ran down to the garage. "C'mon Jarvis! Please, please, please let me in! My baby is in there!" Tony came walking down the stairs. He smirked at me.
"Let us in, J," He declared. The door unlocked, and I ran at a human pace to my baby. Everything was how I left it. I checked the radio, and Midnight Memories was still in the CD player. I smiled at how mom left me a cooler with what I assumed to be blood. Tony whistled, impressed. "How could you afford this? Are your parents well off? They looked young, so I am guessing they are whatever you are. Also, are you a vampire?" He asked me. 
"Wow! I am impressed. It usually takes a few weeks for people to figure it out, but no. I am a half-human, half-vampire hybrid. My parents are full vampires. If you didn't figure this out, I was Steve's best friend growing up. Only, I wasn't frozen in ice," I replied. 
"Well, then. I guess I was a bit too harsh on you. Were you a stalker or just interested in my tower? Also, did you work with Loki? Also, is what Steve said earlier true? Also..." I cut him off by kissing him. He reacted by pulling away quickly.
"Yes. It is true. You are my soulmate," I whispered. Tony smiled like the imprinted wolves and kissed me again. 


"So, that is my story," I told the team my story, leaving out individual details like how I was their soulmate. Natasha had a best friend soulmate with me.
"I have a question!" Clint yelled.
"Yes, Clint?" I asked.
"How does blood taste? Also, will you ever drink my blood? Also, will you become an Avenger?" He rambled.
"Shut up, Clint! You don't need to overwhelm her with all of your stupid questions! She can do her thing at her own pace. We also need Nick's permission for her to be an Avenger," Tony told the man. 
"But this is so exciting! I have never met a vampire before!" Clint exclaimed excitedly. 
"Well, you probably have. Did you even think of the idea that I was a vampire when you met me?" I asked him.
"Well, no. But I did think you were a cool enhanced!" Clint said.
"Sir, Fury is calling you now," Jarvis said. Tony groaned in frustration.
"Put him up. It might be about Aubri." 

"Well, it wasn't about you, but we got a mission. Want to come with?" Steve asked me.
"I guess. Did Fury say I could come?" I asked him.
"No, but Tony gave him bull crap about how he didn't trust you alone in the Tower, so Fury agreed so we could watch you," He said. Tony came in and bumped fists with Steve. 
"I didn't expect that to work! Aubri, you get to come with us to find Loki's Septer! It may be dangerous!" He bounced around excitedly. I rolled my eyes at him. 

I ran around, taking bullets for my friends. I also shot a few people, broke a few necks, and was very distracting. I heard something near Clint and ran over. I collided with a boy who was shocked that he had run into something. I looked into his eyes and felt the mate pull. He ran away, but I chased him. He ran past Clint, and Clint's arrow almost hit me. He stopped suddenly and said, "You didn't see that coming." He then proceeded to run away. I watched but soon noticed that Clint was hurt. 
"Hawkeye is down. I'm requesting backup," I said into my earpiece. "I'm also going after Tony. He went into the building alone, and I will follow." I walked in and felt a powerful aura. I heard Tony talking to Jarvis, so I followed his voice. I saw a girl walking in the back corner with red energy surrounding her hand. I copied her power and used it on her. She gasped and tried to fight back. I didn't let her, and Tony noticed us. 
"Grab the scepter and run!" I yelled. He nodded and got into his suit. After he flew off, I released the girl and helped her up. She tried to attack me, but I blocked her power.  "Go to your brother," I told her quietly. Her eyes widened in fear, and she ran to find him.  I walked out to where everyone was standing, and I knew. 

Something was beginning.

BOOOOOOM!!!!!! CLIFFHANGER!!! A/N: This book is officially my baby. I love it so much! ALSO!!! ALMOST 200 READS!!!!! EXCITING!!! I LOVE YOU ALL! VOTE FOLLOW AND SHARE WITH FRIENDS!! TYSM!!!!

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