Chapter 17

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*Aubri P.O.V Past*
"Edward, why does the Volturi want me? Have I done something wrong?" I asked him. He frowned and shook his head.
"They probably want to for testing or something. You are the first of your kind and your powers should help you prove your worth. Please be careful about the whole Steve-Bucky thing. You don't want them to know about that."
"Okay. I will."

"Brother, what is this abomination before us?" Caius sneered from his throne.
"The Cullens found her and raised her to be of age to control her thirst. She appears to be a half-human half-vampire. We mustn't fear because the Cullens would never give us something dangerous like a family member." Aro soothed. I smiled shyly at him.
"I don't know how to address you, but a good day to you all. I am Aubri Cullen and I mean you no harm. I just wish to live in peace with the rest of my Coven. I promise, I can control my thirst, and I don't glow. I don't want to break any laws at all!" I said sweetly. Aro held out his hand. Understanding what he meant, I placed mine in his.
"How wonderful! All that she says is true! Come, let us find Clara! She would love to have another female friend around with Jane being gone so often!" He said. I looked at the girl who showed up at the mention of her name.
"My lord. My lord. My love. What do you need me for?" She asked. Caius smiled at her, but something was off.
"We have found you a friend for now. We would like to do some testing to ensure nothing bad will happen to you. We would also like to investigate your ability further. We really hope you love it here." Aro said.
"We really do," Caius said with a smirk.

*present time p.o.v.*

"But she ran away last time! I believe death is the punishment! She took a queen!"
"And you replaced her just as quickly. She shall not be put to death, her gift is much too powerful. And she is a liability. I swear you will not harm one hair on her head."
I slowly woke up and was gaining awareness. I looked around and saw that I was in the throne room in Volterra.
"Aaah. Aubri Aubri. The one who dared try and run away. We did nothing to hurt you and you ran away with a queen. Give me one reason why I don't kill you now." Caius sneered.
"Because rape is still illegal for vampires." I thought to him using the power of the mind stone.
"How, how did you do that?" He asked in shock. I smirked.
"Do what?" Aro asked. Marcus was watching me with more interest than usual.
"She has found her true mate." He declared. I looked at him in shock.
"How?" I asked.
"All ten of them." He said.
"Ten! Why I always knew you were a slut!" Caius exclaimed in shock.
"She is not, brother. You should know that of all people." Aro scolded his inferior.
"Why am I here?" I asked them. Aro looked uncomfortable.
"I requested you be killed for revealing our secret," Bella said, stepping into the light.


"Why me?" I asked.
"Because you threaten my relationship with Edward. Why not you? Also, Caius promised me safety for Renesme. I will do anything for my daughter." She told me with a smirk.
"Does Edward know?" I asked her.
"Of course not. He always worries about you. It's always Aubri this and Aubri that. I'm so sick of hearing about you. We have the solution to all problems. We borrowed it from Hydra..."

*Tony P.O.V*
I glared at the letter from cap in my hand. It said nothing about Aubri or her whereabouts. "Friday, try again!" I yelled at the A.I.
"Once again, sir, it doesn't work. Her phone is dead, has no service, or broken. I can't connect with her." She responded. I groaned in frustration.
"Call Cap." I said quietly. My work phone started ringing. "Hello?"
"This is Sentator Ross. Do you know where Captain America is?" Stern said.
"Yeah, I'm going to have to put you on hold now." I said with a smirk.
"Captain is on the line sir." Friday said.
"Hey, where is Aubri?" I asked him.
"She's not with you? I thought she was with you! She didn't follow me after we fought at the base."
"She was there? I don't remem..." I gasped in horror. "I left her there after I blasted her into a wall! But wait, they didn't find anyone else. Who took Aubri?"
"Thor?" Steve asked.
"No. He's in Asgard."
"Her family?"
"They asked me where she was. I doubt they'd ask me if she was with them."
"No Mr. Rodgers. I'm here with Mr. Stark." The kid said.
"Well, where else could she be?" Peter gasped in realization.
"I know where she is!" He exclaimed, typing something into my computer. "Mr. Stark, could you buy tickets to Volterra?"

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